The Velveteen Rabbit By Margery Williams Bianco

Margery Williams Bianco î 7 free read

Some children's books should be read by adults. This is one of them. It examines the transforming power of love. Kindle Edition Beautiful and deeply touching. At Meredith's wedding last year, her brother and sister read a passage from this book, including the below - an inspired choice.

Real isn't how you are made, said the Skin Horse. It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.

Does it hurt? asked the Rabbit.

Sometimes, said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. When you are Real you don't mind being hurt.

Does it happen all at once, like being wound up, he asked, or bit by bit?

It doesn't happen all at once, said the Skin Horse. You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.
Kindle Edition Perfection.

One Christmas morning, little Boy receives many presents, and among them a Velveteen Rabbit. At first he isn’t noticed, but with time Rabbit finds a place in little Boy’s heart. Rabbit snuggles with him at night, and plays with him during the day. But Rabbit knows he is not Real, he's wearing out, and one fateful day little Boy becomes ill.

I. LOVED. THIS. WITH. ALL. MY. HEART! I’m dying to go to a store, get a stuffed rabbit and huge it and love it until it becomes real. This is what perfection tastes like, a kind of book I so rarely find. This children’s book is regarded in many lists as one of the best ever written, and very rightfully so. Highly enjoyable as a child for its simplicity, and as an adult for its meaning. Utterly endearing and touching to no end, with an unforgettable lesson on love, and life.

I’ve been wanting to read this ever since I watched that episode in Friends where Chandler gifts this book to Kathy; and it took me nothing less than twenty years to get to it but the day finally arrived. Best day ever.

[1922] [40p] [Children’s] [EXTREMELY Recommendable] [“When you are loved, then you become Real.” “Does it hurt?” asked the Rabbit. “Sometimes.” said Skin Horse, for he was always truthful.] [“Once you are loved you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”]
[It's public domain. You can find it free HERE.]


Una mañana de Navidad, pequeño Nene recibe muchos regalos, y entre ellos un Conejo de felpa. Al principio no es notado, pero con el tiempo Conejo halla un lugar en el corazón de pequeño Nene. Conejo se acurruca con él en las noches, y juega con él durante el día. Pero Conejo sabe que no es Real, se está gastando, y un fatídico día pequeño Nene se enferma.

AME. ESTO. CON. TODO. MI. CORAZON! Muero por ir a una tienda, tomar un conejo de felpa y abrazarlo y amarlo hasta que se vuelva real. Este es el sabor de la perfección, un tipo de libro que rara vez encuentro. Este libro para niños es considerado en muchas listas como uno de los mejores jamás escritos, y con justicia. Altamente disfrutatle para un niño por su simplicidad, y para un adulto por su significado. Terriblemente entrañable y conmovedor hasta el infinito, y con una inolvidable lección sobre el amor, y la vida.

He querido leerlo desde que vi ese episodio de Friends donde Chandler le regala este libro a Kathy; y me tomó nada menos que veinte años para leerlo pero el día finalmente llegó. El mejor día jamás.

[1922] [40p] [Niños] [EXTREMADAMENTE Recomendable] [“Cuando eres amado, entonces te vuelves Real.” “¿Pero duele?” preguntó el Conejo. “A veces.” dijo Caballo, porque siempre decía la verdad.] [“Cuando eres amado no puedes ser feo, excepto para aquellas personas que no entienden.”]
[Es de dominio público. Lo pueden encontrar gratis ACA.]
----------------------------------------------- Kindle Edition At what age does a child learn what is real? How long does the blurring between fantasy and reality persist, for a young child? And when harsh reality kicks in with a vengeance, isn’t a little bit of magic lost forever?

The loss of childhood innocence is always poignant. Adults sometimes continue to live in our imaginations and dreams through stories, so we may manage to hang on to a little bit of this magic through our adulthood.

The Velveteen Rabbit (or How Toys Become Real), is a much-loved classic book from 1922. The story speaks to children, especially the shy introverts or dreamers, who love the magic of it all. For adults, it may lift us back into the dreamy world of childhood, when anything is possible, and nothing is set in stone. It deals both with what is “real”, and also explores the world of the imagination, and possibilities beyond the literal truth. In some ways, it encourages the child to think about the bigger questions of life and the universe. And, as with all good fantasy, it poses the question, “What if?”

The author Margery Williams Bianco drew from her own experience to write The Velveteen Rabbit. She had been born in London, but her father died when she was seven years old, and the family went to America to live just two years later. She actually became a professional writer at 19, but she only started writing for children much later, when her own children had grown up.

After her early emigration to the United States, Margery lived in a rural Pennsylvania farming community. At nineteen she returned to London, to try to sell some of her work. Some of it was published, but none was very successful. While visiting her publisher, Margery Williams met Francesco Bianco, an Italian living in London, who was employed as the manager of one of the book departments. The two were married, and had two children.

Margery Williams Bianco had strong memories of her own early childhood, and of her father, a deeply loving and caring parent, who had encouraged both her and her older sister to read and use their imaginations. She recalled the way her father described characters from various books to capture her imagination, and tempt her with their amazing worlds within. Her strong desire to read soon developed into a need to write for herself, and she now realised these were both instilled in her at an early age by her father.

Margery Williams Bianco found that all the memories of the toys which had been such an important part of her life surged to the fore. At the age of 41, she wrote her first children’s novel The Velveteen Rabbit, realising that children’s lives are enriched by toys whose personalities they have created while playing with them.

The story tells of a stuffed rabbit, splendidly sewn from velveteen. A small boy finds him in his Christmas stocking and is enchanted with his new present, playing with nothing else for about two hours. But then the velveteen rabbit is forgotten, and put away to live in the toy cupboard, or abandoned on the nursery floor. The velveteen rabbit is quite shy though, and doesn’t really mind.

But because the rabbit is made of velveteen, some of the other toys snub him. They are modern and mechanical, and they think a toy rabbit made of velveteen is very old-fashioned. Even Timothy, a jointed wooden lion, looks down on him. However, there is a wise old toy in the nursery, a Skin Horse, who is kind to him. The velveteen rabbit is curious about what it means to be real, and whether these more expensive toys are more real than him. But the Skin Horse insists:

“Real isn’t how you are made … When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.”

The velveteen rabbit is very much in awe of this idea. He wants to know if it would hurt, or take very long to happen, but doubts whether it would happen to him for a long time.

“When you are real, you don’t mind being hurt,” said the wise Skin Horse.

One night, when Nana is bustling around tidying the nursery, she cannot find the boy’s favourite toy, a china dog, for him to take to bed with him. So she gives him the velveteen rabbit to sleep with, instead. The velveteen rabbit loves this time when he can snuggle down with the little boy, and grows to feel special. The little boy tells him about the tunnels that the real rabbits live in, and makes tunnels for him under the bedclothes.

The velveteen rabbit is very happy. He has become the little boy’s favourite toy.

“Spring came, and wherever the boy went, the rabbit went too.” He did not notice that his coat was getting shabby and worn away in places. Then the big moment came. Nana was sent out to look for the rabbit, who had accidentally been left outside after a picnic, and she was cross at all the fuss being made for a toy. But the little boy insisted the velveteen rabbit was not just a toy: “He’s REAL”.

When the rabbit heard this he was so proud, and felt so much love himself for the little boy, that he felt his heart would burst.

Time passed. In the summer, he came across some wild rabbits. He was fascinated by them, but realised that they could do much more than he could. They could run, and jump, and hop, and even dance! The velveteen rabbit tried to cover up the fact that he had no hind legs, but eventually the wild rabbits realised that he could not hop as they did, and he didn’t smell right at all. They decided that he was not a real rabbit, and ran away. The velveteen rabbit was so very sad. After all, he knew he was real!

The velveteen rabbit becomes older and even shabbier, but he is happy, because the boy still loves him. That is, until one day the boy

This is a magical, wondrous story. What is it that makes something real in our minds? For an adult, many things are intangible, yet they are powerfully real. So it is for children. A velveteen rabbit is an object which can be touched, and seen, and played with. It is real in a physical sense. But also, it behaves as if it is real. The toy rabbit can breathe, he can cry, and he has emotions. He can become real in a different sense, when he is loved enough. But the story has a third level of reality in the story, .

“The mechanical toys, like the model train, were very stuck-up and boasted that they were real. But the Rabbit could not claim to be a model of anything, for he didn’t know that real rabbits existed…”

This is a particularly nice picture edition of the story, from 2002. It is simply but elegantly told, and beautifully illustrated with naturalistic soft watercolours, by the award-winning duo, Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher. Steve Johnson is the illustrator, and Lou Fancher has adapted Margery Williams Bianco’s story for very young children, including much of her original text.

There have been many adaptations of this favourite book, both in print, and on film and stage. It remains her most popular work. Margery Williams Bianco’s writing is unique, combining the innocence, playfulness and imaginative ability of children, with her trademark undercurrents of sentimentality and sadness. Invariably her books end on an inspirational uplifting note. Perhaps it is this which made her so immediately successful.

Although for the remaining two decades of her life, she wrote many more books and short stories for children, all with similar themes, there are undercurrents of sadness. The stories are poignant, and a little melancholy, with themes of loss and death present in all her children’s books. Most of them display her preoccupation with toys coming to life and the ability of inanimate objects and animals to express human emotions and feelings. Margery Bianco Williams always maintained that we grow and learn greater humanity through pain and adversity. The Velveteen Rabbit also has this at its core. Yet it is perfectly balanced.

All such stories acquire a sort of magic through the child’s own experience, and their subsequent nostalgia. There is sadness in The Velveteen Rabbit, but in the end the reader ends feeling optimistic and uplifted. Kindle Edition A terrific book, even as an adult, but it gave me quite a scare as a little kid. See, I actually managed to get scarlet fever in the first grade, and because of The Velveteen Rabbit, I was terrified that someone was going to come in and force me to burn all of my toys like the kid in the book had to when he was sick. Thankfully, though, medicine advanced beyond toy burning in between the publishing of this book and 1982, so my G.I. Joes were safe. Kindle Edition

Nursery magic is very strange and wonderful, and only those playthings that are old and wise and experienced like the Skin Horse understand all about it.

Like the Skin Horse, Margery Williams understood how toys—and people—become real through the wisdom and experience of love. This reissue of a favorite classic, with the original story and illustrations as they first appeared in 1922, will work its magic for all who read it. The Velveteen Rabbit


4.5 stars. When I found out that the classic children's story The Velveteen Rabbit was old enough to be free online at (complete with the original illustrations!) AND that it has a Christmas connection - the story begins with the rabbit tucked into the boy's Christmas stocking - I couldn't resist. It's a heartfelt story about unselfish love and how that makes us more real. Perhaps a little sentimental (okay, it's definitely sentimental) but it touched me.

Here's a link: It only takes about 20 minutes or so to read.

December buddy read with the Retro Reads group. Kindle Edition I bought the beautiful 100th edition of the book. I also bought a very cheap hardback of the original book at my used bookstore. I’ve taken off the dust jacket to make something for my scrapbook. These are lovely books.

Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾 Kindle Edition

دیشب این قسمت فرندز رو می دیدم، که جزء قسمت های مورد علاقه مه. کنجکاو شدم ببینم این خرگوش مخملی چیه که کتاب مورد علاقۀ چندلر بوده. گشتم و کتاب انگلیسی رو پیدا کردم. امروز هم فارسیش رو پیدا کردم و خوندم.

تا اواسط داستان، خیلی عالی پیش می رفت.
تا جایی که خرگوش مخملی در طول بیماری کنار پسرک می مونه، ولی درست به خاطر همین ایثارش می خوان بسوزوننش، چون کنار پسرک مونده و آلوده به ویروس شده.
اما بعد داستان به شکل عجیبی افت می کنه و یه دفعه شبیه داستان های هانس کریستین اندرسن میشه. از جایی که از اشک خرگوش یه گل در میاد و از گل یه پری بیرون میاد و...
انگار نویسنده توی دقیقۀ نود خواسته فضای تیره و تاریک داستان رو تغییر بده، و راه دیگه ای نداشته جز این که یه عنصر نامتجانس بیرونی (پری) رو وارد داستان کنه.

از اینجا می تونید داستانو بخونید: Kindle Edition How Toys Become Real = The Velveteen Rabbit, Margery Williams Bianco, Donna Green (Illustrator)
The Velveteen Rabbit is a British children's book written by Margery Williams and illustrated by William Nicholson. The book was first published in 1922. It chronicles the story of a stuffed rabbit's desire to become real through the love of his owner. A stuffed rabbit sewn from velveteen is given as a Christmas present to a small boy. The boy plays with his other new presents and forgets the velveteen rabbit for a time. These presents are modern and mechanical, and they snub the old-fashioned velveteen rabbit. The wisest and oldest toy in the nursery, the Skin Horse, who was owned by the boy's uncle, tells the rabbit about toys magically becoming real due to love from children. The rabbit is awed by this idea; however, his chances of achieving this wish are slight. ...

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز یازدهم ماه سپتامبر سال 2016 میلادی
عنوان: خرگوش مخملی؛ نویسنده: مارجری ویلیامز؛ تصویرگر: ویلیام نیکلسون؛ مترجم: رضی هیرمندی؛ تهران: انتشارات چکه، هندونه، ‏‫1394؛ در 48 ص، مصور؛ رنگی؛ شابک: 9786003770126؛ برای گروه سنی: ب، ج.؛ موضع: داستان حیوانات، خرگوشها برای کودکان از نویسندگان بریتانیایی - 20 م
این کتاب را آلا پاک عقیده نیز ترجمه کرده است
فهرست مطالب: فصل اول: صبح کریسمس؛ فصل دوم: فصل بهار؛ فصل سوم: تابستان؛ فصل چهارم: پسرکوچولو مریض میشود؛ فصل پنجم: زمان پر استرس؛ فصل ششم: پری کوچولو

یک خرگوش مخملی، به عنوان هدیه ی کریسمس به یک پسر کوچک اهدا میشود. پسر با هدایای دیگر خود بازی میکند و خرگوش مخملی را برای مدتی فراموش میکند. این هدیه ها مکانیکی هستند و خرگوش مخملی قدیمی را خراب میکنند. خردمندترین و قدیمیترین اسباب بازی در مهد کودک، اسکین که متعلق به دایی پسر بوده، به خرگوش میگوید اسباب بازیهای جادویی به دلیل عشق به بچه ها واقعی میشوند. خرگوش با این ایده منتظر است. با این حال، شانس او برای رسیدن به این آرزو اندک است. نقل از متن: «روزی روزگاری یک خرگوش مخملی بود که آن اول‌ها واقعاً معرکه بود. چاق و تپل بود، همان‌طور که هر خرگوشی باید باشد. کتش خال‌های سفید و قهوه‌ ای داشت، سبیل‌هایش از نخ طبیعی بود و گوش‌هایش با ساتن صورتی آستر شده بود. او صبح روز کریسمس با شاخه‌ ی کوچکی از درخت راج میان پنجه‌ هایش، توی جوراب ساق بلند پسر فرورفته بود. چه منظره‌ ی دل‌انگیزی بود! توی جوراب چیزهای دیگری هم بود؛ آجیل، پرتقال و یک موتور اسباب‌بازی و همین‌ طور بادام شکلاتی و یک موش کوکی، اما این وسط خرگوش از همه بهتر بود...» پایان نقل. ا. شربیانی Kindle Edition What a delightful book! 🐰 Kindle Edition