The Way of Perfection: Study Edition [includes Full Text of St. Teresa of Avila's Work, Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD] By

As was her Lord and King, so is Teresa such a sign. Kurt Gödel the mathematician understood completeness. Teresa comes to completeness and perfection through a path of contradiction. It is the only true path, at once divergent and convergent. We can only allow ourselves to be led through it. We cannot understand it in this life. 978-0935216707 Enjoyed reading St. Teresa's recommendations for her nuns and found ways to apply her guidance to my own life. The Study Edition summarizes and explains St. Teresa's writings at the end of each chapter. Great book for anyone interested in learning how prayer, humility and detachment can lead you to a closer relationship with God and true happiness. 978-0935216707 This is a fantastic collection of St. Teresa's writings and instructions to her nuns on how to live the consecrated life actively. She gives instructions, advice, and cautions with her dry and witty humor, it is an absolute joy to read! The study notes at the end of each chapter are very helpful in understanding the many levels of counseling that are not immediately recognizable to the average reader such as I. My recommendation is to read the lively book in its entirety once and then stop and do the study exercises when you read it a second time. I was too impatient to stop after every chapter for the study notes, I wanted to get the flavour of her writings first before picking it apart for so many diffrent aspects she alludes to in her writings. I wouldn't recommend it as bedtime reading, but it is a fantastic choice for daily spiritual reading. 978-0935216707 A must have book, love having it on Kindle. Lost track of how many times I've read this over the decades. 978-0935216707 This book is a must have for budding contemplatives 978-0935216707

A Study Edition, with Introduction, Commentary, Discussion Questions, and Glossary Prepared by Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D.

St. Teresa of Avila is an unsurpassed teacher of Christian prayer and spirituality, and in The Way of Perfection she is at her best. Now, with the help of this study edition, everyone can enjoy the benefits of her wisdom.

In The Way of Perfection, St. Teresa gives practical counsels and advice on prayer, destined originally for the few nuns who embraced the reformed Carmelite life she established. As a handbook for spiritual formation, it presented them with the basic Christian spirituality undergirding their Constitutions and Rule.

Over the centuries, the book's appeal has reached far beyond the walls of Carmelite monasteries, and The Way of Perfection has become a spiritual classic. More and today, Teresa's instructions speak to all those interested in prayer, providing them with basic guidelines for praying and showing how to avoid potential pitfalls. But as the readership and interest grow, so does the need for some help in working with this sixteenth century text.

The principles and teachings in Teresa's book, first presented within the limited horizons of her own situation, clearly lend themselves to broader applications, and can work well in all walks of life. This study edition with its introduction, commentary, notes, discussion questions, and glossary provides what is needed to assist contemporary readers in making these applications and delving deeply into the text's spiritual riches. The Way of Perfection: Study Edition [includes Full Text of St. Teresa of Avila's Work, Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD]

A beautiful way to learn to pray and grow in virtue! A few difficult concepts, but overall very accessible 😊 978-0935216707 St Teresa of Avila is an acknowledged master of the spiritual life. Not only did she reform the Carmelite Order, she was the first female Doctor of the Catholic Church when elevated to that status in the year 1970.

As a Carmelite, though not a Friar, I have read her spiritual classic,The Way of Perfection, several times. However I have now found that I have gained so many insights into this work from reading Father Kieran Kavanaugh's Study Edition that my understanding of this classic has been brought into the 21st century.

I would thoroughly recommend it to any thoughtful reader, especially if encountering Teresa for perhaps the first time. One should read her Life before reading this tome however. 978-0935216707 Although St. Teresa of Avila wrote her experiences for her sisters, we can still gain much understanding of prayer from her. St. Teresa's book was an inspiration for me in my prayer life. I personally am touched by the presence of God by quiet prayer than verbal prayer. 978-0935216707 A wonderful book to guide us through st.teresa believes 978-0935216707 What ells can we say about the Great St.Teresa. 978-0935216707

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