Wilder Revelation (The Guardian, #3) By G.K. DeRosa
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Fulfilling her destiny and becoming the Guardian has meant a world of sacrifices for Celeste Wilder, but her most difficult challenge is yet to come. The supernatural forces at play are far more powerful than she ever expected, and she will have to trust her instincts if she hopes to survive. Lilliana Constantin is back from the dead. Alek is free and somehow stronger than ever. A pack of rogue werewolves are wreaking havoc in her small town. And on top of all of this, Celeste faces what is at best an uncertain future with the love of her life.
While battling the forces of evil and saving the human world alongside Stellan and the handsome Constantin brothers has become second nature, Celeste had no idea what accepting her duty as the Guardian would actually cost her. When she faces an unspeakable tragedy, she is pushed to her breaking point. After fighting her most formidable enemies, Celeste is about to discover that sometimes the greatest evil is the one that comes from within. Wilder Revelation (The Guardian, #3)
I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. Another great addition to the Wilder series. Have seriously been waiting for this one for a while, especially since we were left with such a cliff-hanger at the end of book #2. Wilder Revelation was definitely worth the wait. :)
We open with everyone still in the cave in Russia, right after the awakening of Liliana Constantin at the hand of Alek. I won't go into any more details in order not to spoil anything for potential readers, but suffice it to say, you get a lot of action right off the bat. And throughout the course of the book, there are multiple clashes with werewolves, a new addition to the Wilder series. Definitely keep things interesting throughout this entire book. I didn't want to put it down and go to work some days.
Celeste is an amazing female lead who has to balance her Guardian duties with the responsibilities of being a college student. As if being 19 weren't hard enough... She has to fight werewolves, protect witches, and study microeconomics. I like strong female leads who are able to carry their own stories and are not constantly falling all over their male counterparts for help and saving. This is not to say that I don't like Celeste and Roman together - but I really appreciate the fact that Celeste wants to do things on her own as much as she can, whether Roman wants her to or not. Her strength and moral compass make her a great heroine in a world that definitely needs one.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I love the new exploration of the mystical world of vampires, faeries, witches, and, in this book at least, werewolves. It's a fun, exciting read with both suspense and magic on every page. And yet again, we're left on a little bit of a cliff-hanger, but not as steep as book #2. I am so happy that I got the chance to read this book and am, as always, looking forward to seeing what will come next. Thanks again for the opportunity to read these books. They're one of a kind. 9780692650066 This series, this book is the bomb. I'm enjoying this book immensely, it's great. The characters have such a likability about them, such depth, that's only getting better with each book, they also have great friendships between them. Of course a couple of them rub each other the wrong way, but they all have been through a lot together. I think there's a heck of a lot more to come, A LOT MORE!!!
Plenty happened in this book, you can't even imagine, it's insane. When you read it you're going to be like what, what just happened, seriously. I was floored, more than once. So far this whole series, including this book, has been able to throw out its line and immediately, catch and reel me into this, quintessential story line.
So much happens in this book, that I can only imagine what happens, in the next book. There's going to be smoke coming from my kindle. There's so much a foot, with Celeste being the center of attention, as per usual. The gang's left morning the loss of someone, very close to them, yet on the other hand, someone is back they never in a million years thought they'd see again. This return is causing quite a commotion. A trip to Europe peeks Celeste's curiosity and she is determined to find out what's going on, or went on. Roman was spending a lot of time in his hawk form for a while there. Marco loves getting under Romans skin. Then there's me, who can't wait to get my hands, on the next book, it can't be fast enough. An amazing series so far, that keeps surprising me, time and time again.
Author Genevieve DeRosa, is a bit new to me, I am not sure how I came across her, but I'm sure glad I did. She has quickly, become one of my favorite Authors. 9780692650066 I love when you start reading a book with a firm idea in your mind of what's going to happen and then it all gets blown to bits. As much as I've enjoyed the series so far, I thought this would be a predictable third book. Celeste and her Vampire sidekicks would spend the entire book hunting Alek, who was evil without a doubt. That isn't what happened.
Yes, Alek is a part of this book, but he becomes a much more complicated and conflicted villain. There were times when I actually felt kind of bad for him. Kind of. No, he wasn't the big bad evil that I wanted to hate. That title belonged solely to the werewolf who plagues Celeste at every turn.
The Constantine brothers are still their swoon worthy selves, though Celeste and Roman's relationship has become more complicated. I think my favorite character was the sexy, protective Italian guardian that Celeste befriends. I appreciated that the author didn't turn it in to a love triangle situation, as much as our new beau wants it to be. Celeste only has eyes for Roman.
This is a series that has gotten better with each book and I can't wait for more from this author. 9780692650066 Book 3 starts exactly where 2 left off. I was saddened at the loss of two characters, but I can see it was necessary for the turmoil that Celeste must face. I love how the author provided some backstory for several of the characters that provided a lot of insight into how they are and why the events unfolded the way they have. I must say I love the interaction between Celeste and Marco more and more and dare I say it am leaning more toward Team Marco! Shame on me!!! What can I say I love Roman, but Marco has this certain draw to him that I would love to see explored in the next book. Maybe since there are so many guardians in Rome, he can be permanently reassigned to Oak Bluffs! That would really throw a curve ball into the mix. I still hold out hopes that someone at the CW will read these books and bring them to life as only the CW could or maybe Freeform could pick it up since they are doing such a wonderful job with the Mortal Instruments series. I wouldn't complain either way!!!! If you haven't read this series you really should and leave the author some love and she really has done an excellent job with this series. I can't wait for the next book! 9780692650066 Review originally posted on The Book Adventures of Annelise Lestrange :)
I received this copy from Chapter by Chapter in exchange for an honest review. Let's go :D
The Story
(Goodreads blurb)
Fulfilling her destiny and becoming the Guardian has meant a world of sacrifices for Celeste Wilder, but her most difficult challenge is yet to come. The supernatural forces at play are far more powerful than she ever expected, and she will have to trust her instincts if she hopes to survive. Lilliana Constantin is back from the dead. Alek is free and somehow stronger than ever. A pack of rogue werewolves are wreaking havoc in her small town. And on top of all of this, Celeste faces what is at best an uncertain future with the love of her life.
While battling the forces of evil and saving the human world alongside Stellan and the handsome Constantin brothers has become second nature, Celeste had no idea what accepting her duty as the Guardian would actually cost her. When she faces an unspeakable tragedy, she is pushed to her breaking point. After fighting her most formidable enemies, Celeste is about to discover that sometimes the greatest evil is the one that comes from within.
The Analysis
Just remembering that those were my impressions and opinion as a reader:)
I started this series with the wrong foot. The first book made me roll my eyes so much that they hurt like hell when I was finished. I was so tempted to run away and put and end to my own misery, but then I felt guilty. It wouldn’t be fair to just drop the series like that. I’m so glad I persisted! The second book was much better and kept me hooked in a way that I finished it and jumped right at Wilder Revelation. Whereas I still had a strong problem with all the clichés that were involved in this series in general, I take my hat off to DeRosa. She managed to keep me pinned to my iPad like my life depended on knowing how Celeste, Roman, Nico, Brian and Stellan would get out of the mess that is Celeste’s life since she became a Guardian. I also enjoyed the cliffhanger at the end, that kept me satisfied for reading the series and wondering when the next one goes out, haha! Overall, it’s a pleasant read and I regret nothing. It would have been a four stars book if a certain character that I loved wasn’t dead now, but as she is, I took off a star and this leaves us with a nice three stars book:)
The narrative was third person styled with switching point of views, maintaining the pattern of the previous books. We see things mostly from Celeste’s POV, but everyone has a moment, making the story really well tied. DeRosa’s writing also evolved a lot through the books and is way more smoother on this volume, which made me smile ❤ I bet she’ll reach perfection on the next book in the series, haha! (You have to write another with an ending like this, please!)
The plot was complex and full of twists – some predictable, some not. My real problem with this series is the amount of clichés that DeRosa managed to include. Honestly, think about a paranormal/young adult cliché. You can find it on The Guardian series. I even made a list to Jess, from Mud and Stars, on our Twitter chat, (and now she wants to read the series too, haha!) because it bordered the humorous side – and I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the author’s intention from the book’s tone.
The characters were nice enough, excluding cliché aspects. I liked Celeste as a protagonist, she didn’t bothered me at all (a very huge accomplishment for a female YA protagonist) and didn’t do overly stupid things or had deep and unnecessary identity crisis. Most of the time, she was strong and knew exactly what she wanted for herself – but I should let Roman tell you better about this aspect, haha!
And talking about Roman, I loved his relationship with Nico, his younger brother. I believe they have the most health and affective relationship between vampire brothers that I have ever read – I mean, they don’t even bleed themselves in a fight!
I’m not saying that I don’t love problematic relationships between vampire brothers, but I couldn’t be more glad with Roman and Nico. Thanks so much for giving me them, DeRosa! ❤ Nico even made it to My Bookish Boyfriends list, haha!
I won’t comment on the other character or the villains due to spoilers, but know this: they are all clichés of some sort and you will love each one of them.
A strong aspect of the book is how DeRosa mixes all paranormal elements into one world. I really liked how she portrayed all creatures and natures ❤ And the covers on this series are too gorgeous, haha!
Overall, if you enjoy the paranormal world, don’t mind a cliché or two or all of them, like hot brothers that have a lovely and non-destructive relationship and a series in which anything can happen, you really should pick up The Guardian series 9780692650066

Another homerun in The Guardian Series! Wilder Revelation, the third installment, is by far my favorite. The death toll is rising on both sides and no one is safe. The stakes are higher and twists are scarier—even for Celeste.
Wilder Revelation picks up right after the jaw-dropping cliffhanger in the second, Wilder Destiny, with the miraculous resurrection of Lilliana Constantin and no one is prepared for the outcome, least of all Alek. From that moment on excitement continues to build, leaving a path of chaos, destruction, and heartbreak. Of course there’s plenty of sweet (and sometimes steamy!) romance woven through all the monster hunting and mystery with the star-crossed lovers Roman and Celeste. Only now Roman’s not the only one with a dark side.
Unexpected secrets are revealed, hinting not everyone is who they seem and their intentions may not be so noble. Even some of the council members are beginning to appear strange—maybe even suspicious. I’ll certainly be counting the days until the next book comes out in what is turning out to be my new favorite series!
9780692650066 Wilder Revelation The third book in the Guardian Series picks up with a flashback from Lilliana before she was married. She's telling her best friend Dalla how she doesn't want to marry Fabian the sorcerer. He's a nasty cold and cruel man, she could never be happy with him. Then the scene changes to present day and everyone is back in the hidden cellar where book 2 left off with her having just been brought back to life by Alek. There is a fight between Celeste and Dani over The Albsurori Ring in which Dani is killed and Lilliana doesn't seem to recognise anyone. They need to re-think their plan greatly so go home carrying an unconscious Celeste.
Marco and Celeste are summoned to the Guardian council and Dante's behaviour surprises everyone with how rude and nasty he is when enquiring about their recent visit to Warsaw for the Vampire Maks., because of which they decide to lie to him about exactly what they tell him.
Not long after, Celeste starts feeling a dark sensation inside of her when she's fighting that only gets worse. Marco is also laying on the charm thick with her and making it clear that he wants something more, which, of course, doesn't go down well with Roman!
They have a few wolf attacks to deal with and it comes to light that The Alpha Brazen's payment for the job he did for Alek in attacking Astor was immortality. He's building his own immortal wolf army.
Meanwhile, Lilliana and Alek are happily getting to know each other, Lilliana is starting to remember her memories again and Alek has to deal with hearing about what really happened at his birth.
Celeste has a premonition about Brazen attacking the Basket ball game, and they manage to track him down to some containers at the pier but when they get there another wolf, Vinny has a young girl in his clutches. She turns out to be magical and transports them both out of there. They find out that Astrid, the daughter of the Queen of the Fae, is involved with Brazen and helping them when he kidnaps Celestes mother.
They, of course, get her back again and capture Brazen, holding him in an inescapable magical cell.
The only question that remains is when will Celeste find out about Marco's family making an agreement with her grandfather for a marriage? And what will she do about it?
I'd recommend this book to all. 9780692650066 I implore you to open this book, turn the page and dive into the world of Celeste Wilder!
G.K. writes beautifully. The descriptions and the dialogue is spot on. When I read, I am transported into the book as if I am riding on the shoulder of the character.
Celeste struggles with the things Roman did in his past. She loves him and wants to forgive him but she doesn't know exactly how. When she breaks it off with him, I was worried she would run to Marco but she quickly understands Roman is the one.
As Celeste works to try and save Lilliana, Roman and Nico's mom, from the council's rage, she keeps secrets from them and the ones who love her.
Big bad Brazen, the werewolf, has became something more than normal. When Celeste fights him, he heals from each wound she inflicts and she nearly looses her life in the fight if it wasn't for Roman. Once again, he does what he says and protects the woman he loves.
Celeste and the gang battle the werewolves at one of Brain's games. As they fight, Celeste is hurt and Roman once again puts her life before others but she makes him see the people are more important then she is because saving them is her job. With the help of Nico, Marie and Brian, Roman listens to her and puts others first.
Learning about Lilliana and her sons is wonderful. I empathize with Alek and the pain he has went through thinking his mother didn't want him and when he finds out the truth, he is more angry at the man who raised him then his brothers.
When Brazen attacks, looking for leverage to use against Alek in exchange for the ring, Celeste is faced with heartbreak. And nothing will stand in her way of the one thing she wants - revenge.
While Roman and Nico go to Rome to find their mother, Celeste ditches Stellan's orders to take care of herself and work on the darkness taking over her and goes to Rome anyway. She thinks Alek was the one who sent Brazen after her but finds out different when she gets there.
When I think I know what is happening between Roman and Celeste a monkey wrench is thrown into the wheel sending everything spiraling. This book is a wild ride and I am so ready to pick up the next. How will Celeste handle the news of Marco? Will Celeste learn to control the darkness or will it consume her? 9780692650066 After reading—and absolutely loving—the first two books (and the novella, of course) in the Wilder series, I was super excited to get my hands on the next installment. And let’s just say…it did not disappoint.
Wilder: Revelations pretty much jumps right into action, picking up right where book two left off, with a certain someone coming back from the “great beyond” and all the repercussions that go along with it. It then takes the reader on a ride full of twists and turns, intriguing backstories, hinted at plots that make you start to question certain characters, and a new darkness to contend with that just might threaten Celeste’s very being. There are swoon-worthy moments that leave your heart full of the warm and fuzzies and there are moments where your jaw drops and your heart breaks. All in all, this book was just as wonderful as it’s predecessors, and I cannot wait to experience more of Celeste Wilder’s world. Bring on book four!
I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
9780692650066 Wilder Revelation opens with immediate action, picking up right where book two ended, (gigantic cliffhanger) with Lilliana back after a hundred years and whatever Alek had planned switching rails before their eyes. Who could know what trouble a ring could cause?!?!?!!!
Celeste finds herself in more danger and conflicted feelings (and situations) than anyone could have dreamed. No one will ever call this storyline predictable.
You must read this series in order to get the full depth of who is who and what is happening, but even then, don't be sure you know about what is truly good vs evil, and who is on which side.
Even the Guardians are wondering .
Celeste and Roman's relationship has an exceptionally bumpy ride and Marco does become very appealing. Celeste has enough to worry about with increasing darkness arising in herself. As if she wasn't balancing enough in life!
Abound with magic and danger, this is a roller coaster of an emotional ride.
Once you hop on there is no hope of safely jumping off. New characters and unexpected, volatile situations will have you on the edge of your seat waiting to see who survives and what could possibly happen next.
Don't expect a HEA ending...
I did receive this book in exchange for an honest review