Where the Bigglebob Grows By Charles J. Ferguson

Charles J. Ferguson å 3 review

The old witch, Alice Bigtoes of the Bigglebobs, is tired of everyone telling her how ugly she is. So she has devised a plan of revenge—to wipe away all the children’s smiles on Halloween. She has just the right recipe to accomplish the task but she is missing one ingredient: a child’s frown. In her search for that ingredient she encounters young Alex McDoon who helps her to find another ingredient that leads to a change of heart. Where the Bigglebob Grows

Such a cute, fun Halloween Story for kids - and everyone really! A twist on seeing things in a different light - and having a better attitude - along with HALLOWEEN FUN!!! Where the Bigglebob Grows Excellent Halloween story especially for kids. (Of course, I’m biased since I wrote it.) Where the Bigglebob Grows
