Unlock The Hidden Leader: Become The Leader You Were Destined To Be By Gifford Thomas
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For 20 years, John sat in his chair, struggling to find meaning and purpose in his job. Sadly, the company work environment became toxic to the core resulting in new employees quitting within six months of joining, and the people who gave their blood, sweat and tears to the organization felt uncertain, uninspired, and unenthusiastic about their work and the company's future.
John felt dejected and unmotivated. He eventually left the company to follow his heart to pursue something that provided some sense of fulfillment for his life but, more importantly, to add value to the people he was entrusted to serve. This story is so familiar, organizations with no purpose, no vision, no values, and absolutely no communication holding on by a shoestring of existence quite comfortable with being average instead of being extraordinary.
When you are a leader, you have the influence to lead people to greatness or lead them to despair. This book will help you find the inspiration within so you can plant seeds of hope in the hearts of your team, learn how to use communication to lead and inspire change successfully and, most notably, awaken a sense of expectation inside of you and the people you lead. Leadership has precious little to do with authority, management acumen, or even being in charge. Your position on the org chart doesn’t make you a leader. Your title doesn’t make you a leader. Leadership has nothing to do with your social status, your bank account, or where you reside. It’s all about one life inspiring and motivating another to become the very best version of themselves. Each chapter in this book will help you find the inspiration within to become the leader you were destined to develop into. As John Quincy Adams puts it, “if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” Unlock The Hidden Leader: Become The Leader You Were Destined To Be