Tomas Rivera : The Complete Works By Tomás Rivera


Tomás Rivera quite possibly has been the most influential voice in Chicano literature. The widely respected and too soon deceased Rivera, who helped launch the literary movement which is still gathering strength today, has left us a legacy of prose, poetry and essay that will make his influence felt throughout the next century. Besides his masterpiece, ... y no se lo tragó la tierra/...And the Earth Did Not Devour Him, included here is the sum total of his published works, in English and Spanish, as well as many that never made prints in his lifetime. Tomas Rivera : The Complete Works

characters Tomas Rivera : The Complete Works

One of my favorite writers, and this collection includes one of my favorite novels of all time: ... y no se lo trago la tierra / ...and the earth did not devour him.

Tomas was born in Crystal City, Texas to migrant farm workers, and his writing explores the nomadic lifestyle of seasonal produce pickers. It's a bizarrely magical existence, made fantastical by the traditions of curanderismo and Mex/Am folklore

Part coming of age, part social justice, part exploration of identity loss, and brimming with murders and ghosts and devils, this spare pastoral clips along in fragments and clips, and is, to my mind, the platonic ideal of the outsider novel. Hardcover