The Man in the Red Coat: Julian Barnes By Julian Barnes

This book is most unusual and extraordinarily beautifull. It is superbly bound and illustrated. Western historical romance I am not sure what to make of this book. The title implies that the book will be based on “The Man in the Red Coat” i.e. Samuel Pozzi but the overall drift of the book is a series of thoughts and anecdotes about the period in which Pozzi lived and its personalities.If you are an aficionado of the Belle Époque period and if you are a fan of writers of the era such as Huysmans then you will probably enjoy this book than I did. (Funnily enough, our last book club book was Submission by Houellebecq in which the main character was an academic who had written a thesis about Huysmans. I suspect, however, that there is a reason why Huysmans is not exactly a household name today.)I like following up serendipitous trails of information myself so I could understand how Barnes became engaged with the painting and started following up the history of its subject but I had the impression that after following the trail for a while, he came to a dead end and had to pad out the book with information about Pozzi’s friends and acquaintances. Barnes even lists at the end of the book all the things we cannot know, ending “All these matters could, of course, be solved in a novel”.Barnes is obviously very knowledgeable but to me the numerous, sometimes quite lengthy quotes from other works and documents, and the constant reference to minor poets and authors whom I have never heard of, and have no interest in, became a bit wearisome. Montesquiou and Polignac seem to have been pulled into the story in a rather artificial way.Like other reviewers here, I found the invented adverbs quite irritating (Frenchly). Once was enough.I found the book like a chat between fellow academics, jumping from idea to idea and anecdote to anecdote. A lot of the “chat” is very interesting – the descriptions of medical operations and developments at that time, the duels and the reasons for them, the dandy life, the Dreyfus affair, Sarah Bernhardt, Pozzi’s children but I did not feel that I got a real sense of the man. He was charming, urbane, a womaniser, a brilliant doctor etc but he didn’t really come alive for me in this book. Western historical romance Guter Überbllick über das Leben in Frankreich vor 200 Jahren. Western historical romance Barnes is undoubtedly one of our greatest writers, they tend towards the effete, are cultured, sophisticated and such licentiousness seems to be the norm, along with gossip the difficulty for me has been that the sheer volume & variety of information, no matter how interesting the individual units, becomes difficult to negotiate. I’m persevering because so far there has been much to enjoy & I’m sure it has to offer. But I feel rather like a swimmer in a clear blue sea who finds themselves out of their depth, struggling through ever increasing shoals of exotic creatures. Western historical romance Julian Barnes proving his well earned place at the Anglo French literary high table. A wonderful trip into the Belle Epoch. Western historical romance


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Das Buch selbst finde ich fantastisch. Leider war das von zugesendete Exemplar sehr deutlich beschädigt. Nachdem es lesbar ist, werde ich es aus ökologischen Gründen nicht austauschen, würde aber schon meinen, dass die Lieferung eines mängelfreies Exemplar erwartet Western historical romance As always and ever Julian Barnes is a master of research and description of people, situations and art. Sometimes he can't stop showing (off?) how knowledgeable he is and his citing of French quotes is a bit over the top for my opinion, but he is and always was one of my Western historical romance Julian Barnes has written many truly wonderful books (my favourites: Flaubert’s Parrot, The Sense of an Ending). The Man in the Red Coat competes with the best: using the tools of a detective and researcher, Francophile Barnes brings the Belle Epoque to the reader, as Western historical romance Was gibt es Schöneres als sich in anderer Leute Leben hineinzuversetzen, wenn man selber ein reduziertes Lockdown Leben führen muss. Eine wunderbare Lektüre, die den Anschein eines Romans gibt, tatsächlich aber ein sauber recherchiertes Sachbuch ist. Wieder einmal wird Western historical romance Het boek is bedoeld als bio van societydokter Pozzi maar door de vele zijsprongen is het vooral een prachtige beschrijving van de wereld en de tijd waarin hij zich bewoog, met tal van bekende en minder bekende nevenpersonages. Die worden daarbij ook nog geïllustreerd met Western historical romance