The Harbinger II: The Return By Jonathan Cahn

In 2012 Jonathan Cahn caused a worldwide sensation with the release of his first book and massive best seller, The Harbinger. It has been hailed as “stunning,” “prophetic,” “mind-blowing,” and “astonishing.” Cahn followed it with his best sellers The Mystery of the Shemitah,The Book of Mysteries, The Paradigm, and The Oracle. But he has always held off on writing a sequel to The Harbinger, believing it was not yet the time. But now is the time. With the release of The Harbinger II, Cahn will reveal what could not be revealed up until now, including the mysteries that couldn’t be put into The Harbinger—the mysteries and prophetic harbingers that have manifested since the book came out—and the mysteries of what is yet to come. The Harbinger II will take the mystery to new dimensions and heights of revelation.

Questions have been asked since The Harbinger first came out, and they will finally be answered.

Has the revelation continued?
Has the mystery progressed to a more critical stage?
Have more harbingers now manifested on American soil?
Is America closer now than ever before to judgment?
Could this explain what has been happening in recent days?
And what lies in store for the future?
The Harbinger II will open up the mysteries of the Watchmen, the Half Moon, the Day of Tammuz, the Parchment in the Ruins, the Tree, the Inscription, the Image, the Eastern Gate, and much, much more. It will ultimately lead to mysteries concerning the future, which include the Window, the Island, the Other Mystery Ground, and the Prophecy.

As with The Harbinger, the revelations of The Harbinger II are completely real and manifesting in the events of our times. And as with the first book, the mysteries are revealed through a narrative. So, The Harbinger II will bring the return of Nouriel, Ana Goren, and the mysterious figure known as “the prophet.” The prophet will now take up the revelation where he left off and open mysteries as stunning and mind-blowing as in the first book.

The mysteries will be opened up, as in the prophet’s first appearance, through the giving of ancient seals, but also in dreams and through a little girl as mysterious as the prophet. In The Harbinger II you will be taken on an epic journey from the shores of New England, to the steps of the Supreme Court, to the towering heights of a Manhattan skyscraper, to a boat on the Hudson River, even to the White House and the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. One thing is for certain: when you finish reading The Harbinger II, you will never see the world the same again. The Harbinger II: The Return

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An Excellent Sequel
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's The Harbinger II is an excellent sequel. If you are not familiar with The Harbinger, I suggest you read it before beginning this book. I read the original back when it was released in September of 2011, and reread it before reading the follow-up. Once again, the author speaks through both main characters: Nouriel and the Prophet. The first half of the book is a little repetitive, but the last half with the new harbingers is eye-opening. The book reminds us that before judgment falls, God sends a warning to those who will take the warning and be saved. Cahn is one of God's modern watchmen on the wall. It is my prayer that America will hear the warning, and return to our Christian roots before it is too late. The Harbinger II: The Return This book has some interesting concepts and things that make you think. I do agree that our world is in chaos and it might have started around 9/11.

The writing itself does not really flow and feels stilted.

I have not read the previous book so really wonder why the author is sharing this information through other character names. The Harbinger II: The Return The Harbinger II Bodes Bodacious…

The most compelling aspect of The Harbinger II: The Return by Jonathan Cahn for me as a novelist is how the tale of modern day Old Testament prophecy is configured by the author.

I liken this structure of the novel to my own Rapture Series III work-in-progress that seeks to complete the New Testament Book of Revelation through similar means employed by Cahn in his rather remarkable analogy between divine judgment of Ancient Israel and the rise of America, its ongoing collapse and the promise America holds for triumphant return to supernatural power.

Although the historical detail in the The Harbinger II is Ancient Israel-centric in its parallel to the origins and current condition of New York City, Boston and Washington D.C., the ZEITGEIST captured in the novel is of kindred spirit to that which pervades my own Rapture III, whether it’s the comparison between global COVID-19 lockdown and The Passover decreed by Moses in Ancient Egypt or the biblical 9/11 connection to the formation, destruction and revival of America itself.

Ultimately, Cahn’s Messianic Jewish conclusion of the novel is compelling for its statement of apocalyptic mysticism, which underscores the relevance of the book for me specifically because I, too, find myself empowered to write about the most dynamic and visceral collapse of civilization through the filter of the literature and wisdom traditions that foretell of our demise and resurrection.

I highly recommend The Harbinger II for these reasons, plus the fact that the history upon which Cahn writes about is unfolding all around us even as these words are written and read. The Harbinger II: The Return A Must Read for Everyone!

I highly recommend this book to everyone. This will open your eyes to what is really going on! It all started twenty years ago. The Harbinger II: The Return If you live in America, this book is VITAL to read

Remember all those times you read your Bible and thought ‘wow if I was X I would have never been that stubborn and would have listened to God and his prophets!’. Well now God is giving us the chance to make a better decision.

Church, we must wake up and see what God is saying to us!!! It is urgent!! The Harbinger II: The Return

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn continues the prophet saga that connects Israel's history and future with America. His knowledge of history gives a credible argument. And his knowledge of Scripture ties everything together. Sometimes too neatly. But no doubt he has given us much to think about. The Harbinger II: The Return Rabbi Cahn is a scholar of the scriptures and a gifted writer. His sequel to his best-selling first book, The Harbinger does not disappoint. He has focused on the events of 911 and delved deeply into new knowledge, lessons, and symbolic events. Approaching this book as a biblical and historical scholar, Rabbi Cahn unearths many truths and events. This book is a tribute to this scholar's ability to research and write.

His main characters from The Harbinger, Nouriel and the mysterious Prophet return and are joined by Ana Goren. The book is fluid and the interplay between the characters is strong and heartfelt. After explaining the reason for the return of the prophet and the prophetic visions, we learn of many revelations about the symbolic and real truths that were realized on 911. They are stunning and troubling at times. Among the best chapters are: The Gate (chapter 4), The Towers (chapter 5), The Wall (chapter 6), The Birds of Prey (chapter 13), The Hidden (chapter 21), The Image (chapter 22), Tophet (chapter 25), The Plague (chapter 29), and .
Next, come the manifestations which lay the groundwork for what will come next - the judgement of God. The arrogant boast, We remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger, uttered first by Israel and later by the USA is revealed to be a terrible slant of God. The author clearly states that this country has ignored the warnings of God and will soon pay for its arrogance.

The author spends the last two chapters reminding believers that God always has revealed coming calamity through prophetic acts and events. Like a watchman of old, Rabbi Cahn he warns us of coming disaster and a spiritual re-awakening. The country must re-apply itself for the purposes of God and His kingdom. The author ends by urging all to be ready for 'the Day of Judgement approaches.

This was a well-documented book and in spite of its redundancy, it informed and intrigued me. The Harbinger II: The Return There is so much to say about this book. First and foremost, I had several family members who read the first Harbinger when it came out in 2012, and I quickly dismissed it. I thought that it was just another person trying to predict the end times and pretend that the Bible is about America.

Fast forward to 2020, and after some very strong inclinations to me personally from God, that have seemed to be fulfilled as of recent concerning the demise of America, and a very influential read of Of Plymouth Plantation, I was sent the link to the event of The Return On September 26th. Within the first few minutes of the trailer Chan was putting into words my exact journey since November of 2019. Because of this I decided I should read The Harbinger II. 

One of the things that I initially didn't like about the first Harbinger was its style, branding, and marketing. It came across very much like a Davinci Code. I now realize that this is intentional to appeal to a broad audience because the most important part of the book is a very clear and compelling presentation of the gospel. It makes sense why he would want to appeal to those that would not normally read a theological commentary of modern history.

And that is precisely what this book is, it is appraising the events of our world with a view that God's providence stands behind it all and that God is speaking to us. This is of the greatest significance, because indeed many Christians have fallen, either intentionally or unintentionally into a Deism. Cahn is clearly very rooted in the scriptures, and committed to the gospel, but he is doing what most do not dare to do. He is speaking to interpret the times from a theological perspective, and he does so very convincingly.

On a merely historical level, the facts stated are fascinating. For instance, I had no idea that president Lincoln called for a day of humiliation and repentance during the Civil War. I didn’t know Ronald Ragan called the US back to the vision of being a city of the hill. The list could go on and on. The facts alone are worth the read.

Now some would struggle with some of the connections made. Are they all legit? Or is he over interpreting dates and numbers? Probably to some extent. However, I couldn’t agree more with the general conclusion: America is under judgment by God and is being warned and called to repent.

This is what I do not hear many Christians at all being aware of or acknowledging. There is so little prayer and repentance happening, which is why I’m even more convinced of what is presented in the book. Because Chan believes what he is writing enough to call the world to a day of repentance and fasting. A day that cannot be a coincidence, that is 400 years from feb departure of the Mayflower to America, 40 days before the election, and also falls in the Jewish calendar day of atonement and repentance. Coincidence? Many will think so, but I’m convinced that God is working through Chan and the events he presents here.

I’m currently living in an academic world where this book will be written off just as I wrote off his first book. But perhaps that’s part of the problem. Because it is not academic it will be seen as not authoritative by many. This is just another reason why the church in America easily misses what the Spirit has to say to the church. The Harbinger II: The Return Cahn is a master at correlating Old Testament passages to American events. He writes, “America was founded after the pattern of ancient Israel.” (221) America is falling the same way Israel did, he says. More judgment will come unless we repent.

Cahn proves his ideas with some stunning correlations between America and Israel. Most of them revolve around 9/11. New York has great significance in the role it plays, from the initial relationship to the current virus judgment. I am disappointed more of the information was not documented (I had to look up much to make sure Cahn was accurate). I am also a bit leery of all the correlations Cahn projects. As a student of science and statistics, I know one can find an amazing number of correlations with a specific date if one looks hard enough.

Nonetheless, this book is an important one in discussing the current state of America and the possibilities for its immediate future.

Sometimes I feel Cahn goes beyond the facts and makes broad assumptions. One concerns Winthrop and the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Winthrop declared a covenant with God when establishing that colony. Cahn broadens this one colony establishment to the entire American civilization. (108) He writes, “...we do know that America's founders made a covenant with God, based on Israel's covenant with God.” (108) Winthrop's covenant statement is broadened to all the founders without supporting evidence. There were several previous colonies founded, beginning with Jamestown in 1607. I do not think one can expand one man's words about the founding of one colony to the future of the entire nation. I know we want to believe America was founded as a “Christian” nation but one colony does not a nation make.

Cahn later appeals to George Washington's inaugural address, writing, “America's first government committed and consecrated the nation's future to God.” (231) Washington's actual words were, “...that Almighty Being...whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States, a Government...” (See 1 below) Washington asked God to consecrate, or bless, the U. S. To me, that is not the same as dedicating the nation to God. (232) And Cahn says where Washington made his dedication of the nation is St. Paul's Chapel. (232) Not True. Washington's inaugural speech was at Federal Hall (26 Wall Street) not St. Paul's (209 Broadway). Granted, Washington went to services there after his speech but did not give his speech there.

This brings up a thought provoking question. Because Winthrop made a covenant statement, does that mean every American is involved? Because one group of people projected the image of a god on the Empire State Building, does that mean the entire city of New York is under God's judgment?

Sometimes Cahn doesn't give the whole story. The recent change in the abortion law in New York is a case in point. Cahn writes, “...the law legalized the killing of children up to the point of birth.” (191) He fails to notice the conditions required: danger to the mother's life or health or the lack of viability of the child outside the womb. I would rather such declarations by Cahn be more accurate.

And another issue. Cahn says the peek of the seven day average for the infection rate in New York was April 9 and April 10, exactly 50 years to the day New York expanded the abortion law. (229) Actually, the seven day rolling average peeked on April 8 at 5305, April 10 and April 11 rolling figures are 5205 and 5040, according to NYC Health website. (See 2 below) Cahn's source is a newspaper article, not the official state data source. This may be a small issue but Cahn makes a big deal of the “exact date.” It's not. While I verified many of the correlations, it does make me wonder about the others I did not take the time to check.

While I disagree with some of Cahn's information and conclusions, there is still enough amazing information in this book that a skeptic like me would recommend it. It is an important wake up call to the country to repent. Will the future hold more judgment or restoration?

While this is the second book in a series, there is no need to read first one as the basic harbingers revealed in that book are reviewed in this one. It should also be noted that this book is fiction.

I received a complimentary advanced reading copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

1 ( Accessed 8/29/2020)
2 (, accessed 8/29/2020.) The Harbinger II: The Return Wow... What a bunch a baloney. I've only read a quarter of it, but I had enough, so my review is based on that.

It's like a Dan Brown (DaVinci Code) novel for Christians. Finds small insignificant historical details that happened on 9/11 (before 2001) then makes a quantum leap from there and concludes everything significant in US history happened on 9/11. It's not hard to find interesting details in US history on any date (just try to look a random date in history) and then artificially inflate the significance of that event by excluding other more significant events that don't match your favorite date. It's actually a fun exercise to try, assuming you don't take yourself too seriously and start writing a numerology book about it.

But worse than that, Cahn takes biblical prophecy pertaining strictly to Israel and applies it to the US with no credible justification to do so - l guess one can find a justification if one holds a very narrow view of space and time, centered around the 21st century, centered around America and around New York in particular. I guess it's believable for people who never traveled outside of US and who never seriously studied ancient and medieval history.

But yes, unfortunately I've heard all of that before, and I was half expecting it, so the part that really got to me was when he started to take biblical prophecy meant for Israel in FIGURATIVE language (sky of bronze for drought, eagles for swiftness) and applied it to America LITERALLY (copper particles in the 9/11 smoke, airborne attack)... So that's when I closed the book. Maybe the story gets a lot more interesting later and I'm missing out, but I doubt it.

To be clear, I do believe in the Bible. And I believe lessons from Israel's history are useful for us today. And I believe this moment in American history does require a spiritual reformation and repentance. But I don't believe the Bible has a secret code for America that nobody was able to figure out until after it happened. Period.

It gets one extra star from me though for not claiming 9/11 was an inside job or that moon landings were fake. Lol, the bar is low, I know. And for the fact the he has the decency to (thinly) veil all of this into a fiction story - just like Dan Brown I mentioned earlier - where the characters are fictional, but all the facts are supposedly real, so readers are expected to take it as non-fiction. I personally know people who do. And that's the part that really bugs me. The Harbinger II: The Return
