The Curious Man: The Life and Works of Dr. Hans Nieper By Hans A. Nieper

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Dr. Hans Nieper discovered that the defense systems of plants and animals can provide alternative medical therapies to toxic, sometimes disfiguring methods such as chemotherapy or radiation. In this book, he tells how he persevered, against the efforts of the U.S. government and pharmaceutical companies, to make them available. The Curious Man: The Life and Works of Dr. Hans Nieper

Dr. Nieper was a brilliantly intellectual man practicing and researching out of Hamburg Germany. When I was 15 my parents flew from Wisconsin to seek treatment for my dad's MS from Dr. Nieper. Little did we know how actually famously well-known this man was! He was definitely a pioneer in his own right, and a scientist that I wish more doctors and premed students would take the time to read. I gave the book 3 stars simply because many parts of it were way over my head. If you study alternative healthcare and have the inclination to connect numerous science fields together, you will find this book as an introduction to his numerous other research studies. Hans A. Nieper