4.5 stars & 5/10 hearts. This is a somber story, but with a good message for young women then and now. I love the glimpse we get of Holmes’ heart here—the side of him rarely seen—and this, as well as his various failures throughout the story, humanize him.
“I was sorry for her, Watson. I thought of her for the moment as I would have thought of a daughter of my own. I am not often eloquent. I use my head, not my heart. But I really did plead with her with all the warmth of words that I could find in my nature. I pictured to her the awful position of the woman who only wakes to a man's character after she is his wife…. I spared her nothing—the shame, the fear, the agony, the hopelessness of it all. All my hot words could not bring one tinge of colour to those ivory cheeks or one gleam of emotion to those abstracted eyes.”
The other characters are none of them very pretty, but faithful Watson is as heartening as ever. The ending was unexpected and I don’t quite like it—it’s rather horrible—but the rest of the plot is fascinating, and as always, the humour is excellent.
Other Content: violence; plot contains a lustful man with many mistresses and a woman who was his mistress; language; smoking. Recommended age: 18+
A Favourite Quote: “The wages of sin, Watson—the wages of sin!” said he. “Sooner or later it will always come.”
A Favourite Humorous Quote: “Miss Winter's advent rather amazed her, I think, but she waved us into our respective chairs like a reverend abbess receiving two rather leprous mendicants. If your head is inclined to swell, my dear Watson, take a course of Miss Violet de Merville.” Arthur Conan Doyle Sir James Damery comes to see Holmes and Watson about an illustrious client’s problem (the client’s identity is never revealed, though Watson finds out at the end). It would seem that General de Merville’s young daughter Violet has fallen madly in love with the sadistic Austrian Baron Adelbert Gruner, whom both Damery and Holmes are convinced is a murderer. The victim was his late wife, though he was acquitted due to a legal technicality and a witness’s untimely death.
However, Violet has a very strong will, and will not hear a word spoken against the Baron. He has even told her about his chequered past, but always spinning the tales to make himself appear the hapless victim and target of calumny. Holmes also finds out from Damery that the Baron has expensive tastes, is a collector, and a recognised authority on Chinese pottery. Arthur Conan Doyle المغامرون الخمسة كان فيها حبكة واحداث تشد عن القصة ده
بداية غير موفقة لقصص هولمز Arthur Conan Doyle This is a fun read. The mystery is not within the case so much, as Sherlock is given a specific task by the client. He must find a way to separate Violet, the daughter of a general, and her romantic obsession, Baron Gruner. We know Gruner is an awful, sadistic man who takes advantage of women and even murders them allegedly, but Violet doesn't care. Gruner is just too... hot... to care about murder or promiscuity. All Sherlock is tasked to do is figure out how to separate them. The real mystery lies with the nameless illustrious client. Arthur Conan Doyle Excellent.
This was excellent, but not going to review it.
For the moment at least.
It’s public domain. You can find it HERE.
[1927] [30p] [Crime] [Recommendable]
★★★★☆ 1. A Study in Scarlet [3.5]
★★★☆☆ 2. The Sign of Four [2.5]
★★★☆☆ 3. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
★★★★☆ 4. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes [3.5]
★★★★☆ 5. The Hound of the Baskervilles
★★★★☆ 6. The Return of Sherlock Holmes
★★★☆☆ 7. The Valley of Fear
★★★★☆ 8. His Last Bow [3.5]
★★★☆☆ 9. The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes [2.5] <--
★★★☆☆ 10. The Complete Sherlock Holmes
Esto estuvo excelente, pero no voy a reseñarlo.
Al menos por ahora.
Es dominio público, lo pueden encontrar ACA.
[1927] [30p] [Crimen] [Recomendable]
----------------------------------------------- Arthur Conan Doyle
Baron Gruner is brilliant and dangerous. He collects women like butterflies. Some don't survive the experience. Nor do those who stand in his way. But he is vulnerable to deception and daring--if Holmes can still strike back. The Adventure of the Illustrious Client
من اجمل ما كتب ارثر كونان دويل .. رواية تجمع كل المشاعر الحب الكره الحقد الخيانه الخدغة .. والشعور بالنقص والشعور بالذنب والحنق والعصبية والبرود وكل ما هو انساني في اطار رواية قصيرة ببداية قوية ونهاية اقوى Arthur Conan Doyle A good read, well written, and full of mystery.
Arthur Conan Doyle No mystery as such
But great villian Arthur Conan Doyle Noooo! It can't end like this! Did she leave him? Did he recovered from that attack? What about Kitty and her punishment? I NEED ANSWERS!!!! Arthur Conan Doyle Sir James Damery engages Sherlock Holmes' services on behalf of an anonymous, honorable client. The client is concerned for Miss Violet de Merville. She is the attractive daughter of an lifelong friend, who has fallen in love with a charming but treacherous man: Baron Gruner. Miss de Merville will not hear a word against Gruner. So, Holmes must uncover evidence against the Baron to dissuade the lady from marrying him. It is not an easy task. Gruner is both cunning and merciless. Those who opposed him in the past (as the Baron reminds Holmes) have all coincidentally come to harm.
This is a well written and an entertaining read, which suffers a little because of a rushed ending. It enjoys a diverse story with developed character. A definite must read for any fan of Doyle's! Arthur Conan Doyle
Free read The Adventure of the Illustrious Client