Suncatcher: A Study of Madeleine L'Engle and Her Writing By Carole F. Chase

not for everyone.... it really was a study of Madeleine L'Engle's writing. 9781880913314 Informative re Madeleine's thinking which is surely complex! 9781880913314

The only available reference that provides an overview and interpretation of L'Engle's body of work, Suncatcher also includes excerpts from more than 30 of her books. Suncatcher: A Study of Madeleine L'Engle and Her Writing

I found this a very difficult read. I started it when I got it many years ago, and put it down until last month. Even now, interested in reading more about Madeleine L'Engle's life from the perspective of those admiring her well before her death, this was not an easy book to get into.

I think part of my trouble with this book is the immense push of religion throughout. Yes, I understand that L'Engle was a devout Christian, but I felt that the second half of the book never wanted to let me forget that fact. Indeed, the spirituality without prejudice is one of the things I still love about her writing - but I wanted to find out more, learn more about the woman and her writing. I don't feel that this book delivers on any of its promise.

9781880913314 NO, I really have not at all enjoyed my perusal of Carole F. Chase's 1998 (and revised from an earlier 1997 edition) Suncatcher: A Study of Madeleine L'Engle and Her Writing, as there are some major textual issues and bones of personal reading contention I do have with and regarding the text. For indeed, I really do not at all understand how Carole F. Chase can consider her book to be an actual and in-depth study of Madeleine L'Engle's writing, when Suncatcher: A Study of Madeleine L'Engle and Her Writing simply seems to be a kind of gushing, high-school crush like celebration of Madeleine L'Engle's penmanship and with no true and bona fide literary analysis and criticism whatsoever.

Because and come on, even though I do realise that Chase points out in the introduction for Suncatcher: A Study of Madeleine L'Engle and Her Writing that her writing, that her words are not supposed to be all that critical but more of an appreciation honouring Madeleine L'Engle, well, for a study of L'Engle's writing, we readers do (at least in my humble opinion) need to be able to approach L'Engle not with total and utter admiration but also with a potentially critical eye where and when it is or might be necessary and/or required. And that this really does not even once truly occur in Suncatcher: A Study of Madeleine L'Engle and Her Writing, that Carole F. Chase is mostly throughout her featured text just sporting Madeleine L'Engle quotes to make her appear like some perfect and saintly icon, yes, this really does academically speaking totally annoy and majorly frustrate me to no end (and also makes me really hesitate recommending Suncatcher: A Study of Madeleine L'Engle and Her Writing and in particular to and for anyone needing or wanting an actual critically intellectual study).

And combined with the fact that Suncatcher: A Study of Madeleine L'Engle and Her Writing once again (and like it far too often seems to be the case with tomes about Madeleine L'Engle) focusses almost entirely on L'Engle's religion and philosophy and how these have influenced her novels (and rather ignoring that for Madeleine L'Engle, the joy of storytelling seems to have been first and foremost), well, for me, Suncatcher: A Study of Madeleine L'Engle and Her Writing can only ever rank with two stars and also never truly represent an in any way decent analysis of Madelein L'Engle's oeuvre. 9781880913314 I've been giving this book a lot of thought lately, because I was really and truly disappointed in it. There are several reasons for this:

1. Factual errors. The author frequent misspells character's names, confuses words (e.g. kodiak for zodiac), and gets particulars from the books wrong (e.g. the quote's in Vicky's Grandfather's house). I was reading the revised version, too. These are things that should have been fixed with even the smallest amount of editorial care.

2. There was no criticism. Yes, I know Chase tells you in the beginning that the book isn't critical, that it's more of an appreciation. However, you can delve into some of the ideas that Madeleine L'Engle presents without being mean--giving them an honest exploration is a compliment. Which brings me to my next point...

3. This book was written like a poor term paper. It seemed, quite often, like Chase had a bunch of neat quotes that she wanted to put in the book. So, she'd write a paragraph setting up the quote, a paragraph after to explain the quote, and then move on. It's the kind of writing you see in papers where you don't really have a point to make, you just want to point out, hey, you! Look at this cool thing I found! There needed to be a greater message surrounding the examination of L'Engle's work.

4. The author had a personal relationship with Madeleine, but this is very rarely explored. I'm not looking for juicy gossip, but she presents Madeleine as a saint, rather than a human being, which seems false and contradictory to Madeleine L'Engle's philosophy about human beings.

I read this book because I wanted an analysis of one my favorite authors, but instead I got a sort of fan non-fiction which doesn't do justice to either the books or the author herself. 9781880913314 L'Engle is another of my favorite authors and thus I also enjoy reading about her. She is one of those whose writing for me reveals a renaissance mind and opens new doors at every return visit. 9781880913314 I loved this look at Madeleine L'engle's life. I've always adored her writings, whether it was fiction or nonfiction, but this look at who she was, how her writings played into it, and her spirituality was lovely. The author did an amazing job, and it's obvious to tell she got to know Mrs. L'engle well. I think it's a great book for those of us who wished we knew her. I wrote and underlined throughout this book, and it also brought greater revelation for part of my word of the year as well. 9781880913314


READ Suncatcher: A Study of Madeleine L'Engle and Her Writing