Ready to Paint in 30 Minutes: Flowers By Ann Mortimer

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It brought me to another level!!! Totally recommend it for self-taught beginner! Ready to Paint in 30 Minutes: Flowers

A brand-new series aimed at helping novice painters hone their skills in thirty-minute periods.

Ready to Paint in 30 Minutes: Flowers guides the reader through crucial watercolor techniques for representing flowers, such as layering, blending, negative painting, and capturing the unique shapes and markings of flowers. The studies of these skills should only take half an hour each, so can be fit into a busy day.

Each of the 35 30-minute lesson builds up skills that will later come in useful when creating three beautiful, full paintings depicting flowers in different contexts—in a landscape, in a vase, or on a trellis. However, the projects themselves also form unique, standalone paintings in a 6 x 4 sketchpad format, of which the artist can be proud as they build up their skillset in watercolor.

The variety of flowers and details to paint is just as great: from poppies to pansies, seed heads to stamens.

All the artist needs is basic equipment and a thirty-minute time slot in which to create a miniature masterpiece.
Ready to Paint in 30 Minutes: Flowers