5 Woman of day Prince of night Stars
Some Spoilers
“You find me ugly, don’t you?” Brishen had faced abominations on the battlefield without flinching, leapt into the thick of the fighting against creatures born from the nightmares of lesser demons. Not once had he been tempted to run away in fear. Now, his leg muscles rippled with the urge to flee. He clenched his teeth instead, prayed he wouldn’t start a war with their newest ally and answered honestly. “Hideous,” he said. “A hag of a woman.”-Ildiko and Brishen
Wow this book....my feels....OMG! So a couple years back Radiance reviews were blowing up my news feed, so of course I check out the synopsis and put this book in my maybe list. See I am a hardcore romance reader and when I got the deets on this book I thought it would be more Fantasy and very little romance. But as time went on this book still kept popping into my mind so I decided to go to Youtube and try to find a review of Radiance on there. There I found one of my favorite booktubers, Fangirl Musings, did a review on it and I was totally sold. I went straight to Amazon and bought me a copy. Here is the link if you would like to watch it.
“You don’t think me a handsome man?” She shrugged. “I’ve only seen your hands and eyes. For all I know, you’re hiding the face of a sun spirit in that hood.” Brishen scoffed at the idea. “Hardly.” He’d never lacked female company, and his people thought him well-favored. Certainly nothing as wretched as a sun spirit. He slid the hood back to his shoulders. The woman’s eyes rounded. She inhaled a harsh breath and clasped one hand to her chest. Her mollusk skin went a far more attractive shade of ash. She remained silent and stared at him until he raised a hand in question. “Well?” She exhaled slowly. The space between her eyebrows stitched into a single vertical frown line. “Had you crawled out from under my bed when I was a child, I would have bludgeoned you to death with my father’s mace.”-Brishen and Ildiko
So 13 hours later here I sit wanting to kick my own ass for having waited so long to pick this book up. It was a sweet, totally different and emotional read that has me running straight back to Amazon to get book 2!
“Will you be that for me, Ildiko,” he said. “That beacon in the void?”-Brishen
Ildiko was the human niece of the Gauri King. Brishen was the 2nd born prince of the Kai kingdom and he was not human. They were to be married to form an alliance between the Kai and Gauri. The thing I was most drawn to in this story was the fact that both the hero and heroine think each other ugly. Like scary ugly lol. Brishen was so sexy. I don't care that he had grey skin, solid white eyes with no other color in them, and blades for teeth and nails he was damn sexy! He was so protective and respectful of his wife Ildiko. He may not have thought she was pretty but he was honest with her and was faithful to her. He supported her and treated her well from the very start. I loved how his admiration for her grows to such a strong love. Ildiko was amazing. She was married to a scary looking non human and shipped off to live with his people and she shined. She was all alone, the only human in Kai, with an evil Queen mother- n- law that treated her like crap and tried to kill her. She was mocked, and ostracized, but she never let anyone get the best of her. She stood up for herself to the queen, stood proud among all the stares, and was brave when it was called for. She was also supportive and caring to her husband. She did her best to be a good wife to Brishen.
“You are also a princess of the blood through marriage, a member of the royal family. My wife. Every Kai in that room owes you their allegiance and respect. I will cut out any tongue that would try and besmirch you, Ildiko.” He pressed his lips to her palm. The tiniest crack appeared in her serene composure. Her mouth twitched with the hint of a smile. “Or bury an axe blade in their heads?” His guilt over his inability to rescue her from his own family eased a little at her humor. “I’m adept with spear and sword as well. Just name who you want me to skewer for you.”-Brishen and Ildiko
Ildiko and Brishen had a slow burn love. They started with friendship and respect and fell madly in love with each other. I thought the sex in this book was passionate and sweet and I was glad they waited until they fell in love before having a sexual relationship. Brishen and Ildiko had such a great and strong relationship it was palpable. Something that made me laugh was Brishen thought Ildiko's eyes looked like parasites rolling around in her skull so she would cross her eyes just to freak him out. The secondary characters in this book were great too. I really liked Brishen's cousin Anhuset and I also really liked Brishen and Ildiko's neighbor and friend Serovek. I think there is a love connection there and I can't wait to see if I'm right. I want to say that I truly hated Brishen's mom. She was a nasty bitch and I laughed at the end when she got hers. I held off on reading Radiance because I thought it would be heavy Fantasy and low romance I was wrong. This book is a light Fantasy and it's main focus is this sweet couple falling in love. I'm on to book 2.....
“It’ll be hard not to tease your folk sometimes.” Brishen couldn’t imagine how she might go about such a thing. He had no idea if the Kai and the Gauri even knew the same jokes or found the same things funny. “What do you mean?” He almost leapt out of his skin when Ildiko stared at him as both of her eyes drifted slowly down and over until they seemed to meet together, separated only by the elegant bridge of her nose. “Lover of thorns and holy gods!” he yelped and clapped one hand across her eyes to shut out the sight. “Stop that,” he ordered. Ildiko laughed and pushed his hand away. She laughed even harder when she caught sight of his expression. “Wait,” she gasped on a giggle. “I can do better. Want to see me make one eye cross and have the other stay still?” Brishen reared back. “No!” He grimaced. “Nightmarish. I’ll thank you to keep that particular talent to yourself, wife.” -Ildiko and Brishen Romance, Science Fiction Fantasy, Short Stories 5 stars
Oh my goodness… I am obsessed with this book! There is nothing better than reading a new to you author and having zero expectations and loving it this much! I am not the biggest fantasy reader, but this book was perfect. So much romantic greatness.
Brishen is a Kai prince and Ildiko is royalty of the Gauri, and they are to be wed. The problem- they’re not just from a different place, they’re a whole different breed of people. Ildiko is human, and Brishen isn’t. It’s a political alliance, but these two become the best of friends. I love how they find each other so unattractive at first, but they adore each other nonetheless. With time, their inner beauty shines and they fall helplessly in love with one another. Sigh.
Radiance is the ultimate friends to lovers romance. I had the biggest smile on my face through so much of this book. I can’t wait to read more of Grace Draven and I highly recommend this to all lovers of romance!
Audio book source: Audible
Romance, Science Fiction Fantasy, Short Stories Apparently 2020 chelsea likes fantasy?????? Wild. But anyway THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN AND I LIKED IT A WHOLE HECK OF A LOT. If you enjoy fantasy and want to read a fast and fun romance with so! much! mutual respect between the main couple, you gotta check this one out. Romance, Science Fiction Fantasy, Short Stories Reread 2022. Listened to the audio and enjoyed it. My old goofy review is still down below from 2015
Story Rating: 5 stars
Narrator: Gabrielle Baker
Narration Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Fantasty Romance
Length: 8 hours and 53 minutes
MY BLOG Melissa Martin's Reading List
So Ildiko and Brishen are set up to be married so they can do all of that political crap from the ages that supposedly seals a deal with kingdoms. But.... Ildiko is a beautiful human and Brishen is a handsome Kai and both races think the other is ugly as sin. That would suck monkey butt!
The Kai are scary to look at because they have nacreous eyes, which are without a pupil or iris. They just glow at you. You know, you could really freak people out good at Halloween in the dark with those eyes. I would be jumping out at people left and right.. anyway... they also have sharp teeth and when they smile at you it looks like your about to be devoured by something from hell. And long nails and grey skin.
But Ildiko and Brishen meet right before their marriage in the garden and they didn't even know it until Ildiko gets ready to go inside and Brishen hears her name being called. Brishen enjoyed their conversation so much that he wants to talk to Ildiko before the wedding so she knows it's him. They share a moment in the garden and they didn't feel so horrified around each other and they were honest.. yep.. I know it's a foreign word, but they were honest and told the truth about how they feel being around each others kind. They told each other how hideous they thought the other was and did that throughout the book until a turning point.
A hard pounding on the door warned them their private meeting was over. Brishen presented his arm to Ildiko. Ready to get shackled, madam?
She rested her hand in the crook of his elbow. Try not to smile too widely, Your Highness. You'll scare the children in the crowd>
Their eating habits are different too and I just loved these parts!
Brishen, there will be a riot if you spit it out.
He clamped his lips tightly closed and swallowed. There wasn't enough wine or ale in the world to kill the revolting smear coating his tongue, but he drained his goblet and Ildiko's before signaling a servant for more. The Kai continued to watch him, and he glared at every one of them until they picked up their own utensils and braved their potatoes.
The cheese plate almost did him in, and he had to ask Ildiko twice if the ones speckled a greenish-blue weren't actually bits and pieces of fermented corpses. Her explanation of how the cheese was made had him wishing they'd served fermented corpse instead.
None of the King or Queens of each family are happy but it's the way it is, I must say Brishen's mom is a bitch beyond all bitches. I will let you read the book about her!
On the way back to their home they get attacked by some of these other peeps because they didn't like the two making the union. No, I don't remember their names, it start with a B, bastards in my opinion. Either way, some of the Kai were killed and a whole bunch of bastards. They did a little ceremony with the Kai warriors that I thought was really cool. Read the book. Oh and Brishen is pretty good with an axe :)
Along, the way they had to spend the night and Ildiko and Brishen got to learn even more about each other by talking. I really liked how they got to know each other slowing before the um..other stuff. And their banter together is the best. See below ↓
She drew a circle on his chin with her fingertip. Your skin color reminds me of a dead eel I once saw on the beach.
Brishen arched an eyebrow. Flattering, I'm sure. I thought yours looked like a mollusk we boil to make amaranthine dye.
Ildiko loved Brishen's home and the Kai were getting to know her and kind to her. Amhuset is Brishen's cousin, his lieutenant and second in command. She's a bad ass warrior. Ildiko had to get used to their schedules and sleep mostly during the day as it hurt the Kai's eyes and stay up all night. Party at the castle... well they did have one when they invited some humans they liked across the way in another castle.
Unfortunately, Brishen and Ildiko have to be looking over their backs all of the time as these two people who were once never really thought about, are now targets to evil ones that want them killed. But... on the good side.. they finally found that after so long getting to know each other.. they weren't so hideous, they had feelings.. feelings.. and then...
They realized they loved each other and the sex was awesome! Lord have mercy! Well.. they couldn't kiss proper or he would have sliced her face into little pieces but they figured some stuff out :)
Then one day they are out and about coming back from town and all hell breaks loose and they get attacked again, only this time the Bastards are using arrows that have some kind of poison that paralyzes you. Some bad things happen, their human friend comes to their aide and when they find Brishen, this is Ildiko's command!
Ildiko stared at Brishen, at the shallow rise and fall of his chest as he breathed gurgling breaths. He stank of blood and agony. The wind lifted a strand of his hair, and she caught it between two fingers. It stuck to her skin, matted with gore. Sheh didn't care who hired animals to unleash their savagery.
Kill them, she said in a flat voice. Kill them all.
Then if Brishen's damn mother didn't come and visit him after he was better, not all the way as he was mutilated. I'm not saying how or what or what she did but OMG I want them to end her! I got so freaking mad!!!!!
I really loved this book and I am looking forward to the next one! I hope it comes out soon! Romance, Science Fiction Fantasy, Short Stories
Well let me just get comfortable over here in my island – population three – who doesn’t think this book is AHAMZING. Come, come, grab a moss-covered rock to sit on and try not to worry about how dark and lonely it is while I tell you my thoughts.
But first, how in the hell do you pronounce her name? I never settled on one way and it was pretty annoying.
The premise of the book is nothing new: royalty of different nations must wed to bring an alliance to each of their nations and eventually they fall in love. Even with the differences in cultures (because, well, one is human and the other is not – which I thought would be way cooler than it was) this story isn’t new, exciting, or different. The girl was too perfect: beautiful but humble, selfless, loyal, funny, empathetic, trusting, and generally just good. The guy was too perfect: handsome, kind, honest, tender, funny, loyal, understanding, and selfless. The evil mother-in-law that the girl is of course brave enough to not be cowed by. The instant connection between the main characters. The humor that only served to play into the perfectness that is our couple.
I’ll stop now but you get the point.
They’re both spare heirs and refreshingly (see how perfect they are) they aren’t embittered by their roles and how they must marry outside of their choices. Now, in fairness, I really did like that about them both. It really was refreshing if not for everything else illustrating how bubble gum happy things were.
So, one of the biggest selling points I saw over and over in other reviews was how refreshingly honest their humor was since neither race found the other to be attractive. They show this by insulting each other with brutal honesty right in the very beginning and then peppering the story with this cute little aspect of their relationship. Well, I found it boring. I wasn’t drawn in and in love with either character. I kept waiting. And waiting. And – well you understand. For someone who found his new bride hideous he was profoundly affectionate from the start. Touching her all the time and lamenting about her amazing character and resiliency. But seriously, I mean touching all. the. time. He would play with her hair, he would touch her face, he would talk about wanting to be with his wife (from the get go!), and how he derived comfort from her sleeping with him (platonically). It wasn’t quite insta-love but it was absolutely insta-connection. Also, how extraordinarily convenient that human and kai anatomy be the same, amiright? Which reminds me .
Everything was too easy. She assimilated to her new culture with no regrets or depression or anything remotely negative. There was no soul searching, there was no drama, there was just – bubble gum happy easy-all-the-things. Even with the “bad” stuff that happened I was like, that’s it? I mean sure, and so quickly at that, but he didn’t suffer any kind of negative psychological effects from it. There was never a time when either character dug deep into emotional issues.
If you’re just wanting a filler book that takes up space this isn’t a bad one to choose I suppose.
I’m just wanting more I guess.
I would almost consider this contemporary romance for how predictable it was.
Overall I don’t think this is the worst book I’ve ever read (hence rating it as meh, its ok) but I wouldn’t suggest going into it thinking you’re going to find some anti-trope book that breaks the mold.
Romance, Science Fiction Fantasy, Short Stories

finally trying fantasy romance
Romance, Science Fiction Fantasy, Short Stories ”Had you crawled out from under my bed when I was a child, I would have bludgeoned you to death with my father’s mace.”
I must admit, this was really something different! *lol* I mean the book blurb already suggested that this wasn’t going to be your ordinary love story but wow, this one was really something else. XD The concept of arranged marriages between different countries is nothing new, in this case however it aren’t just dissimilar kingdoms but also different species our two protagonists have to deal with. Ildiko is human and Brishen is Kai and I’m pretty sure they couldn’t be any more different even if they tried.
”Thank you for not lying about what you thought of my appearance. You might have a face to turn my hair white, but your honesty is handsome”
Yet, despite all their obvious differences they bond through their humour and the first time they meet had me laughing really hard. Those two are nothing but honest with each other and I loved this so much! They might have totally different cultures, habits and appearances but they are both kind and merry souls. XD Their relationship starts with mutual understanding and at first it’s nothing more than friendship. It was something I really appreciated because they like what’s inside of each other and therefore try to ignore their outside appearances. Well, at least at first.
”Theirs was an agreement based on the beginnings of friendship, respect and an intuitive understanding of each other that still left him slack-jawed with amazement.”
I really couldn’t have said it any better. Ildiko and Brishen don’t have insta-love, they have insta-friendship and I don’t know about you, but for me this was a great approach. They respect each other and their cultures and they try their best to learn what it means to be human or Kai. Still, I’ve to admit that Ildiko has all my respect for putting up with the tradition of eating scarpatine. *shudders* I probably would have screamed and jumped on a chair. *LOL* Also I’m sure I couldn’t have eaten it ... not even if my life would have depended on it. XD
”Loneliness is an empty void. We look for that friend in the light.”
Aaaanyway enough of disgusting Kai dishes, let’s get to the main plot. Truth be told, there isn’t a lot of plot happening but I guess that’s mostly due to the fact that this is supposed to be a love story. At least the first book seems to be. After the ending I’m pretty sure that we’ll get a lot more action in “Eidolon”. ;-) With the first book Grace Draven prepared us for the world Ildiko and Brishen live in and I’m convinced that everything we learned in “Radiance” will be important once we start with book two.
”I will not shame you with my fear, Brishen,” she whispered against his neck.
He sighed into her hair. “But I might shame you with mine, wife.”
Kai politics seem to be pretty brutal and I don’t even want to know about the consequences the ending will have... Also I’m convinced that there was a lot more to what happened in the last third of the book. At the moment I can only speculate but I hope that I’ll get answers when I read “Eidolon”. Plus I want more of Anhuset and Serovek! *lol* I really liked those two and they were great side characters I definitely want to know more about! ;-)
”My beautiful husband,” she said. “I see radiance.”
All told “Radiance” was a nice change to all the serious books I usually tend to read. XD The books approach was something refreshing and new and I found myself enjoying the slow-burn love story between our two protagonists Ildiko and Brishen. The concept of insta-friendship is the kind of trope I’d love to see more in books and now that their relationship is solid I’m ready to go for the plot! Let’s see what “Eidolon” will throw our way. ;-P
Okay, but WTH was this ending?!! O_o
“Radiance” was a really nice and sweet romance and even though the fantasy aspect was rather in the background I still enjoyed this A LOT!
I don’t understand anything that happened at the end though and urgh I guess I might just have to read the second book?! *lol* Well done, Grace Draven! ;-P
Full RTC soon-ish! Stay tuned! =)
We all know those kinds of stories:
- A girl from a royal family.
- A prince and the spare heir to a throne.
- Two strangers.
- An arranged marriage.
- And they both think the other is ugly af? *lol*
Wait, WHAT?!
Yes, you read right!
Their beauty ideals couldn’t be more different, but apparently they still fall in love.
Sounds like a great love story and I’m here for it! ;-P
P.S: This was recommended to me about a thousand times, let’s hope it’s as good as everybody says it is. XD Romance, Science Fiction Fantasy, Short Stories wow y'all were right about this,
maybe friends to lovers is superior Romance, Science Fiction Fantasy, Short Stories Dear book, please marry me. Much like the characters in this story, I don't even mind that you have a super ugly cover. I love you anyway.
Love, Jilly.
This book is the best thing ever. It's like Beauty and the Beast if they were both beasts. Beast and the Beast. Oh man. We need that movie. Someone call Disney!
The story begins with our couple on their wedding day. They are two different species and are being married off to set an alliance in place between their kingdoms. He is grey (not sure how many shades. let's say 49 or so), has giant razor-sharp teeth and claws, and alien eyes that are all one color. Here is what she says about his appearance:
Had you crawled out from under my bed when I was a child, I would have bludgeoned you to death with my father's mace.
She looks like a normal girl to us. Red hair, white skin. Basic. But, to him, SHE is hideous. Her teeth remind him of horse's teeth. Her eyes, having whites and pupils, freak him the hell out. He sees her eyes and sees this:
But, they are both good-natured, and funny, so they immediately like each other's personality. They decide to be friends and you will love them as friends. They are adorable! They tease each other:
She drew a circle on his chin with her fingertip. Your skin color reminds me of a dead eel I once saw on the beach.
Wolf, she said softly.
Horse, he replied just as quietly.
There is danger all around them. Not everyone is happy about this alliance between their kingdoms. Also, his mother is kind of a bitch and may or may not try to kill her new daughter-in-law just for the hell of it.
Her: your mother is....
Him: A soulless creature with a thirst for murder.
At first, I thought, Hey, who's mother in law isn't a soulless creature with a thirst for murder? But, this lady made the rest of the other mother in law's have to hang their heads in shame. They need to up their game if they want to live up to the precedent she is setting.
As the book goes on, these two ugly creatures fall in love, and it's a romantic tale of finding the inner beauty of your one true love.
I guess you can say that this hideously ugly book cover is just like the story. Horrible, even to the point of embarrassing-looking on the outside, but amazing and beautiful within.
Yada yada yada.... inner beauty...
Even more true. Romance, Science Fiction Fantasy, Short Stories You find me ugly, don't you?
Hideous. A hag of a woman. And you? You don't think me a handsome man?
Had you crawled out from under my bed when I was a child, I would have bludgeoned you to death with my father's mace.
*falls over laughing*
The above takes place between our two main characters, Brishen Khaskem, a Kai prince with gray skin, solid yellow eyes, razor claws for fingernails, and teeth meant for tearing flesh, and Ildiko, a human woman who happens to be the niece of a king.
They're destined to marry, and for that, everyone pities them. The two races find each other physically repulsive, and as you can tell, that extends to our MCs.
While their appearances couldn't be more different, their souls share a kinship. They're both witty, intelligent, and quick to laugh. Which basically means that their interactions are frigging hysterical.
They first meet just before their wedding, and recognizing this kinship in each other, form an alliance based on mutual respect and honesty.
Their marriage is one that will secure an alliance between their kingdoms, and while both were pushed into it, neither one resents it.
What follows can only be described as one hell of a love story, set against the backdrop of a world balanced on the brink of war. As there is no physical attraction between them (at first *waggles brows*), Brishen and Ilkido form a fast friendship. This love story is a slow burn, a realistic joining together of two souls with more meaningful things to draw them to each other.
Like compatibility.
I just blew your mind, didn't I? Trust me, this book blew mine. It was so incredibly refreshing to actually buy into a relationship for once, an ACTUAL relationship, and not just people lusting after each other for no frigging reason aside from the OMG, ABS/OMG, BOOBS that dominates most romance novels.
My only complaint is that I wish there were more to this. I wish Draven delved deeper into this world. I wish there were more descriptions of journeys, surroundings, and cities.
But honestly, that tells you just how much I enjoyed being in this world. And how sad I was to leave it.
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Grace Draven ë 0 Free read
The Prince of no value
Brishen Khaskem, prince of the Kai, has lived content as the nonessential spare heir to a throne secured many times over. A trade and political alliance between the human kingdom of Gaur and the Kai kingdom of Bast-Haradis requires that he marry a Gauri woman to seal the treaty. Always a dutiful son, Brishen agrees to the marriage and discovers his bride is as ugly as he expected and more beautiful than he could have imagined.
The noblewoman of no importance
Ildiko, niece of the Gauri king, has always known her only worth to the royal family lay in a strategic marriage. Resigned to her fate, she is horrified to learn that her intended groom isn’t just a foreign aristocrat but the younger prince of a people neither familiar nor human. Bound to her new husband, Ildiko will leave behind all she’s known to embrace a man shrouded in darkness but with a soul forged by light.
Two people brought together by the trappings of duty and politics will discover they are destined for each other, even as the powers of a hostile kingdom scheme to tear them apart. Radiance (Wraith Kings, #1)