Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, authors Official Revised Edition By David R. Hawkins

All human endeavors have the common goal of understanding or influencing human experience. To this end, man has developed numerous descriptive and analytical disciplines: Morality, Philosophy, Psychology, and so on. Regardless of what branch of inquiry one starts from-philosophy, political theory, theology-all avenues of investigation eventually converge at a common meeting point: the quest for an organized understanding of the nature of pure consc iousness. To explain that which is simple can be difficult indeed. Much of this book is devoted to the process of making the simple obvious. If we can understand even one simple thing in depth, we will have greatly expanded our capacity for comprehending the nature of the universe and life itself. Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, authors Official Revised Edition

Download Ô PDF, DOC, TXT, eBook or Kindle ePUB free Ä David R. Hawkins

This book was like a person covered in marshmallow fluff wanting to hug you.

Total fail. I don't know what my brain thought when I saw this and ordered it, but definitely not this. I think some people would categorize this as hippy-dippy, but for me it seemed like a rather disturbing amalgamation from the bits I skimmed. I started with the Preface and went, 'Hmm...'; then moved onto to the Introduction and was like, 'Well, there's that'; and finally, just started reading opening and closing paragraphs of each section, concluding that this was really not a me book. Maybe wayback, like when I was 15.


David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. has established a powerful measure of consciousness .

Substantial conceptualization of human behavior .Fresh view on how your body expounds and reacts to people and objects around us . A intellectual description of aggressive behavior .

A challenging read . But worth the endeavor. Looking forward to reading more from this brilliant man and magnificent writer

Kindle Edition I love delving into the inexplainable and the unseen. My entire life I have been on a search for truth, trying to decipher the good from the bad. This book makes it into the good pile. I'm eagerly waiting to try out kinesiology and see if it works as described in the book.

This book focuses on the deciphering what is true and what is false through applied kinesiology. I must admit it seems absolutely unscientific, the technique itself is very controversial. Through applied kinesiology the author has formulated a ladder of consciousness 0 - 1000. Lower levels of human consciousness register below 200, while levels of consciousness such as unconditional love register around 500. Those who reach enlightenment register between 700 and 1000 - which according to author very few ever reach this level.

Moving beyond the controversial methodology to formulate his theories, there are some ideas that resonated with me. The M pattern - which is described as an attractor pattern for human accomplishment. For example, the 4 minute mile for a long time was considered impossible, however once the goal was reached an attractor pattern was revealed to human consciousness and the 4 minute mile came into the realm of possible - others began to replicate and improve upon this feat.

Linear vs non-linear causality. Linear causality would look something like this A > B > C. Non-linear is more organic. Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs influence the outcome, moreso than an action causing another action. This falls into the realm of The Secret - which many view as quackery. Personally, I think there is truth there but science has not caught up and proved it yet.

I've had a lot of personal experiences where I have focused on and attracted certain outcomes and things to my life. If I used these techniques more often I'd probably be living a better life, but I am sometimes thwarted by my own cynicisms.
If anything, this book provides some good food for thought. Kindle Edition This was an interesting read, it's a terrible book, even a Bad book by several standards, but it was interesting to read as a case study. Having read some of the work of Noam Chomsky, and having become sensitive to what he called institutional blindness, it was interesting recognize it in a fairly typical fashion in, of all places, a self-help book. Which, in retrospect, is not that surprising considering who this kind of literature is marketed to: middle to upper-class Americans and the perspective of the world that they are fed and live in.

I think there is value in self-help books. Eckart Tolle's The Power of Now touched me in different times of my life. Now I can see better the product aspect of that book. Just a gander at the main page of Eckart Tolle's website treats you to a heavenly airbrushed picture of Tolle's face à la guru littered with suggestions for buying all kinds of products - pretty much the opposite of the message of the book. But that's how marketing goes in America. That book panders to that audience in subtle ways. When the great evils of the world are demonstrated it's always the communists who are used as examples while western crimes are tactfully omitted. However, there is something in the core message of that book that rings true, and Tolle concedes that whatever is written is merely a guidepost and nothing in it should not be taken as set in stone. In Power vs Force though, not only is the pandering ramped up considerably, but in contrast to The Power of Now, David R. Hawkins is adamant that he is speaking the one unambiguous truth.

You need to look no further than the back cover, where pandering begins by displaying unsourced quotes by spiritual symbol and farce Mother Theresa, and business tycoon Lee Iacocca in praise of the book, suggesting that they both read it and took the time to comment on it, which I find very doubtful.

Flipping the book over we get its title in imposing black and white - Power vs. Force - and what an unfortunate title it is. Anyone who deigns to call himself a scientist, such as the author, billed as M.D., Ph.D., with a pretension to expound a scientific work, as he does, would be reticent to use terminology that already has an established use in science, such as Power (measured in watts) and Force (measured in newtons), but one step further, to cast them in opposition to each other, is even more confusing and idiotic. However, all this makes sense in light of the knowledge that this is a pseudoscientifical book, not actual science, so it works as foreshadowing.
I don't want to insult your intelligence by describing the method of the book but, to put it simply, the author claims that if you press down on the wrist of the extended arm of someone else while asking them a strictly Yes or No type question, regardless of whether the answerer knows the answer, they will either go weak if it is false, or go strong if it is true, and it is exactly on those vague terms that the book explains it, just matter-of-factly enough that you take this ludicrousness as something self-evident.

It would have been one thing if the author had used this as a study of people's biases to wanting something to be true or false, but what he claims is the opposite: he claims that, independently of the type of person and beliefs, literally any person has knowledge in their consciousness unaware to them extractable by this method. Which would mean that the most ardently patriotic German soldier at the height of the Third Reich would need only to have someone test him for the question Is the Fuhrer a good guy? to have his wrist go weak and be proved of that falsity. The author goes well beyond that though, claiming we can get the truth for everything ever this way. Alright.

Following the explanation of the method, using a combination of other pseudoscientific theories and simpleminded vague extrapolations from the latest physics discoveries it spend quite a few pages portraying this method as having the usual attributes of a Science: demonstrability, repeatability, success in double-blind experimentation. Only to immediately after warn that, like psychics and fortunetellers, it only works if you believe in it or, as they call it, that the experimenters calibrate over 200 on their bogus scale. I won't bore you with how they came upon this scale, so ridiculous that it is. If you really want to waste your time, read the book.

What struck me by this time was that, apparently, these tests and calibrations have been done since the 70s till the present day by different groups, demonstrating an astounding example of mass confirmation bias to rival that of the UFO convention people. Again it reminded me of Chomsky when he was talking about that group of researchers who had convinced themselves they had taught apes human sign language, later shown to be an advanced form of conditioning, not language learning. Yet the researchers were convinced they had succeeded, so strong was their confirmation bias. Funnily enough, later on in Power vs. Force, Hawkins refers to these experiments unabashedly as true, as well as other classically debunked theories such as Kirlian photography showing the soul of objects. Everything is possible, when you want to believe.

He goes on to claim that skepticism and atheism and calibrate under 200, and by his own words, things that calibrate under 200 are negative. So for a book that makes a big point about people's freedom, clearly their right to doubt when searching for the truth is demeaned. Of course, if I was the author, this is exactly what I'd want because it'd be the only way anyone would swallow the compounded silliness of the ideas of this book - strictly if you had no discernment whatsoever.

What follows after the reversal back into pseudoscience forms the bulk of the book: pages and pages of empty ideas about how in every field Power is good and Force is bad. I can describe all this writing with a Chomsky quote: That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything. Basically, it boils down to this: Stalin is Force (or Bad), and Gandhi is Power (or Good), so why not call the book Good vs. Bad, you may ask, and it's a good question, I think it was simply to sound more fancy.

You get my point: the book is silly, it's garbage, but looking through it from Chomsky's perspective was interesting. From his analysis of the media he concluded that The mass media serve as a system for communicating messages and symbols to the general populace. It is their function to amuse, entertain, and inform, and to inculcate individuals with the values, beliefs, and codes of behavior that will integrate them into the institutional structures of the larger society. In a world of concentrated wealth and major conflicts of class interest, to fulfill this role requires systematic propaganda. I see Power vs. Force as the end product of this propaganda. The author's views on many aspects seem almost comically aligned with powerful interests, which is bewildering on such a spiritually slanted kind of book.
Here are some examples:

From Chomsky you learn that the current view of labor unions in America as a bad thing is a relatively recent phenomenon, a product of violent repression and effective propaganda in the past. To Hawkins, a product of this, they are as bad as communism, a mere refuge for petty politicians.
(p. 176) It is easy to forget that the initial appeal of communism was idealistic humanitarianism, as was that of the union movement in the United States, until it became a refuge of petty politicians.

According to Chomsky, there should be a pandering of the media to powerful people, for they are the ones in control in the background. Surreally we have this section which precludes any comment.
(p. 226) When we come to know the powerful men of the world, captains of industry, presidents of banks, Nobel Prize winners, and members of legendary American families, it is striking to see how many are open, warm, sincere, and view success as a responsibility, noblesse oblige. These are truly successful people, notably courteous and considerate to all; whether visiting potentates or talking to servants, they treat everyone as an equal.
And yet a scarce few pages later, in defending some failed paper of his about nutrition:
(p. 233) The paper was largely ignored in the United States because there was still no paradigm to give it credibility. The medical profession has simply been uninterested in nutrition, and organized medicine has traditionally been less than kind to innovators. It is helpful to remember that it is a foible of human nature to stoutly defend an established position despite overwhelming evidence against it.
It is as if Hawkins knows rationally that people are controlled by propaganda, but completely blind that could be a part of that group:
(p. 256) It seems that society institutionalizes certain self-propagating levels of consciousness that become an ingrained characteristic of various social strata.

It's important to remember that the book was published in 1985, so one would expect, given the record so far, that Hawkins would expound views uncontroversial to middle-class people of the time, which he does, denouncing heavy metal and videogames as corruptors of children, though we can see now in 2017 how what great vehicles for art and expression they came to be. I think that, had the book been written today, seeing the financial success of these things and their impact on society, he'd have a different view: whatever view would be the popular view today.

I have to mention Hawkins' calibrations of religions. Apparently, the original teaching of Jesus, Buddha and Lord Krishna (which I wasn't aware was a real person) are 1000, the highest attainable on this plane. The calibrations have faded predictably to lesser levels. Original Judaism calibrated at 985. Pretty good, but just so you know inferior than Christianity. Apparently though, Modern Judaism is only 499, the upward limit on Hawkins' Map of Consciousness ® for the Reason stage, but not enough to get into the Love stage, as if to say: Yeah, Jews are good with worldly stuff like money, but they're a far cry from true spirituality like us Christians.
For Islam, apparently Mohamed s teachings calibrate at 700 proving once again that Jesus is the main dog, and following that there is only mention that fundamentalist movements have dropped that figure to between 90 and 130, well below the threshold level of goodness of 200. This last kind of selection of framing opinions and selective omissions conforms to Chomsky's theory. In this case, to the dogma of American government since the Russians stopped being the scapegoat in the 80s to the present day that the Islamic Middle East is Public Enemy No. 1.

The cherry on top for me is that the so-called Map of Consciousness table mentioned before is indeed labeled with the ® trademark symbol just as I wrote above, revealing in the most simplest way what this book, which apparently calibrates at 700 is - a product, empty of content and full of bullshit. There are many more contradictions and senseless stuff I could talk about, but it would be a waste to spend one more minute in talking about this book.

The person who lent me this book did it because, since I enjoyed 'The Power of Now,' I'd be sure to like this. I'm as flabbergasted at that opinion as I am about all the positive reviews I see about this book on Goodreads. I'm going to return it today and I honestly don't know what to say when he asks What did you think of it?
I think I'll go with: It didn't speak to me. Kindle Edition القوة مقابل الإكراه
العوامل الخفية خلف السلوك البشري
تأليف : د.ديفيد ر. هاوكينز
طبعة : دار الخيال
عدد الصفحات : 335
نوع الكتاب: تنمية ذاتية
ترجمـة : عاصم ن.علي و أرجوان بنت سليمان
مـراجـعة :
ليس القبول شكلاً من أشكال اللامبالاة بل هو انخراط في الحياة دون إخضاعها لأجندة ما
فأسئلتنا هي مجرد انعكاس لدوافعنا وأهدافنا ومستوى وعينا. ومن المفيد قياس أسئلتنا من حين إلى آخر، وليس الأجوبة فحسب
يتناول هاوكينز في كتابه هذا مفهوم تاثير الكنسيولىجيا ( علم الحركة ) التطبيقي وعلاقته بسلم الوعي والذي وضع له سلم ما بين 1 إلى 1000 وحيث إن المستوى 200 يمثل أدنى المراحل في سلم الوعي فكيف يتاثر سلم الوعي من خلال علم الحركة؟! وما تاثير الدرجات الدنيا من سلم الوعي على الأشخاص وهل تجاوز او اكتساب نقاط إضافية لرفع مستوى سلم الوعي بالشئ الذي ممكن إكتسابه ام هو موروث جيني لا مناص من تغييره؟!
القوة مقابل الإكراه العنوان للكتاب أين تكمن تلك القوة وماذا تواجه ولماذا ترتبط بمفهوم الإكراه ؟!
كل ذلك وأكثر تجد إجابته باستفاضة من خلال قراءتك للكتاب.
التقييم :

المقدمة الطويلة للكتاب حيث تتجاوز 48 صفحة حتى تبدأ الكتاب بالفعل وبالرغم من ان صفحات الكتاب تصل الى 335 صفحة الا ان الكتاب ينتهي عند الصفحة 264 والبقية عبارة عن مرفقات وتعريفات للمصطلحات والمراجع التي استخدمها المؤلف.
لم أجد إضافة كبيرة عن كتاب السماح بالرحيل حيث انهم يتقاطعون في اهم محور للكتاب وهو سلم الوعي.
الاطالة في بعض الفقرات دون داعي والاستناد الى بعض المعلومات المكررة في صفحات سابقة.
لا انكر بان الكتاب جيد وعزز مفهوم سلم الوعي وأهميته وكيفية الاستفادة منه بعد قراءته مجدداً .. أمنح ما قضيته من وقت مع الكتاب بـ🌟🌟🌟 .
ملاحظـة : التقييم عبارة عن وجهة نظري الشخصية والتي قد تتشابه او تختلف وذلك وارد في أغلب الأحيان.
#القوة_مقابل_الإكراه #ديفيد_هاوكينز #دار_الخيال
المراجعة على حساب الانستقرام 👇🏻😊

https://www.instagram.com/p/B_2-3VbhX... Kindle Edition

This is the most significant book I have read in a long time. Power Vs. Force explains the connection between individual levels of consciousness and human behavior.

This is important because every decision we make and every action we take is driven by our individual level of consciousness.

Dr. David R. Hawkins uses Applied Kinesiology as a tool for doing consciousness research. Using Applied Kinesiology, he developed a map of consciousness that ranges from 1 to 1000. According to consciousness research, Dr. Hawkins states that anything below 200 level of consciousness is negative, false, weak, Force therefore not life sustaining and anything above 200 is positive, true, Power and life sustaining.

Everything in our environment has an effect on our individual level of consciousness. TV, Books, People, Places, Objects, Food, Thoughts, etc . . .

The overall message of the book is that we have to avoid at all cost the things, people, places, products that fall below the critical level of 200 because they weaken us and they lower own level of consciousness. At the same time we have align ourselves with everything that is positive, true Power and life sustaining.

But how can know what to avoid and what to align with? Well in this book Dr. Hawkins presents a method for knowing that is so reliable its scary! With this method for calibrating the levels of consciousness of anything and anyone you will know the truth about anything you wish to know.

I highly recommend this book. This world needs for more people to develop a higher level of consciousness such as Jesus and Buddha for the benefit of all mankind. Kindle Edition One of the worst books I have ever read. On par with The Secret and perhaps worse because this guy has an MD and claims to have a PhD (his PhD was acquired from a university later shutdown by the State of California for literally being a degree factory).

Here are some random thoughts because the book makes me too angry to even compose a thoughtful review:
He explains the levels of energy in one chapter (never really explaining how he could possibly measure this stuff), then he discusses cultures based on this same scale. There is no correlation. The sections could be in separate books. He basically implies that industrial societies never go to war...or that industries never exploit, etc. The more modern the society the higher the energy level. This must be comedic gold to anyone who has ever had their life destroyed. A fundamental truth of existence is that all people are flawed; some are better at some things than others and some are worse at some things than others and this is not mutually exclusive. He is separating personality traits as if an angry person is just angry all the time or a person who shows compassion is just compassionate all the time, or as if someone who is prideful can't also, in other circumstances, express acceptance or a willingness to act for others.
Energy Level 500 he calls love. But what he appears to be describing isn't love but the human desire for totality/wholeness/integrity/purity/etc. This may be a reasonable thing for an individual to do (though I doubt it, as it can never succeed) but socially and politically, such a quest has led to more death and unhappiness than any other idea/human desire in history. The argument of essence prior to existence underlies every genocidal/democidal regime in history, as well as all the major institutionalized and violent religions. The reason for this - as far as I can figure - is when you prioritize essence (or the whole) over existence (or specific people, places, things) what does it matter if you break a few eggs? What you are attempting to achieve is far more important than any one person's life. And though most people would at least argue that reason leads to the realization of essence over and above existence, he is trying to get us to ignore reason, which is worse. I get that he is advocating this for individuals, but very few people seem to be good at keeping their ideas and beliefs private any more.
To top it all off, he makes a bizarre scientific claim with absolutely no evidence re endorphins (there is no footnote).
Four pages later, he puts himself in the same energy level category as Jesus when he claims he has knowledge of the energy level of Jesus through his own personal experience. The man is not only a snake oil salesman, he is arrogant beyond anything.
I stopped reading around page 100. I NEVER fail to complete a book. But I just can't take this horseshit any longer. Absolutely horrible in every way. Kindle Edition Brilliant book. It starts a bit slow but then after a couple of chapters it really picks up and unveils absolutely fascinating research on different levels of human consciousness. The book is filled with examples, and I could definitely relate to a lot of things being said about the influences of environments and people around us. This is an evergreen piece of material that people will be as fascinated a 100 years from now as I was reading it in today's time. Highly recommended for those who seek to expand their knowledge of human consciousness and really take your life to the next level. Kindle Edition This is an excellent book that speaks of the difference between power and force. Power is quiet and requires no explanation. Force is coercive and creates an automatic counterforce.

This has great applicability for couples, parents and bosses. Standing on the side of truth, justice and all that sustains life is power. This is strength of its own merit. Force represents all that is negative and life destructive.

Whenever you attempt to make someone do something that they don't want to do, you are applying force. We do this through any number of behaviors such as manipulating, blaming, guilting, bribing, complaining, criticizing and coercing. This always creates a counterforce. Whenever you attempt to coerce someone else, you create a measure of resistance. This resistance may not show itself in your presence but it will manifest in the world in some way.

People will undermine your authority, talk behind your back, rally other's support or confront you to your face. You cannot win with force. If you think you have, know that it is only temporary. What goes around comes around. Read the book. Its message is powerful! Kindle Edition 4.75

Đọc xong cuốn này thấy mọi thứ rõ như ban ngày tại sao có những người vẫn mãi không thay đổi, người khác lại quá hay thay đổi, hoặc một vài người hài lòng với sự không thay đổi lẫn thay đổi trong cuộc sống.

Mỗi tâm thức tạo ra một trường năng lượng, vậy nên đôi khi mình cho rằng điều gì đó rất hay thì người khác lại không, và ngược lại. Hiểu điều này rồi thì không còn đặt câu hỏi, không còn oán trách điều này điều kia mà tập trung vào mở rộng nhận thức của bản thân.

Sẽ có làm nhiều nội dung và phân tích sâu hơn về cuốn này.

4.75 đầu tiên của năm nay thì phải, thật là đã. Kindle Edition