Platonic and Archimedean Solids By Daud Sutton
Lovely little book. Not used to thinking in this way, it stretched the limits of my ability to conceptualize the relationships between the forms and the underlying principles. That was what made it so rewarding; I could feel it reprogramming my brain with geometric reasoning as I would read before turning out the lights. Now I am resolved to finally understand proofs. My 15 year old self will soon be vindicated! 9780802713865 A rough, dense read. I had to use web searches to supplement what was described. I may have to read several times to get a full understanding. 9780802713865 The Tetrahedron, The Octahedron, The Cube, The Dodecahedron, The Icosahedron the five perfect or Platonic solids. Goes over the geometry of these and related structures and connections to things like the golden ratio. Old geometry from the Greeks is fascinating stuff. 9780802713865 I knew about the five Platonic solids, but never gave much thought to solids that used more than one regular polygon. I then wondered about the Soccer ball. What was it called? What class of solids? I learned it was called a truncated icosahedron and that it belonged to the Archimedean solids. And there are thirteen of them. This little book is a great intro to P & A solids and other kinds as well. 9780802713865 Who knew that my D&D dice had such an interesting back story. Except for the d10, which is not covered by this book. Screw you, d10. 9780802713865
Whereas Sacred Geometry introduced readers to two-dimensional forms, Platonic & Archimedean Solids presents the world of three dimensions, which was understood as early as neolithic time. Daud Sutton elegantly explores the eighteen forms-from the cube to the octahedron and icosidodecahedron-that are the universal building blocks of three-dimensional space, and shows the fascinating relationships between them. For anyone interested in design, architecture, and mathematics, this will be a delight. Platonic and Archimedean Solids
A beautiful little book! 9780802713865 Platonic and Archimedean Solids (Wooden Books Gift Book) by Daud Sutton (2005) 9780802713865 Cute little book that outlines the properties of three dimensional platonic and archimedean solids with lovely illustrations. 9780802713865 Mmmm shapes
Succinct, well illustrated, and a fantastic primer for my less mathy friends who still wanna delve into math, either for fun or profit. 9780802713865