Some helpful advice here, especially about what encourages different types of people (what encourages my kids might not be what encourages me). Overall I found it pigeonholed people too much, saying melancholics will NEVER ____ when I was thinking, Uhhh, my melancholic child does that every day. If I were to use only this book as my guide, I think I'd actually end up limiting my children's interests and abilities based on what I read. (For example, my easily distractible, messy Sanguine HAS developed more of an ability to focus and remember directions over time, and it turns out she LOVES to help clean the house!--but this book insists Sanguines will never be good at it. How potentially discouraging!) This may be more a matter of the style the book was written in than the author's actual beliefs.
Throughout the book seemed to be making personality-based excuses for what seemed to be more heart/disobedience issues. She can't help it; she's choleric! does not serve anyone, including the child; it makes her a victim of her personality, unable to rise above its natural weaknesses. Again, if this were the only book I was going by, I would feel my family was stuck. 9780800757373 I really wanted to like this book more than I actually did. Although I know that the author knows that there are endless blends of personalities that a person/child can have, I couldn't help but to cringe at the feel of the book - for me, it felt a bit too limiting as if children could be put into personality boxes. If someone were to ask me if I could recommend this book, I would tell them to just read the adult version of Personality Plus (a book that I did enjoy) and How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie so you can better understand how to accept, approve, and appreciate your child, encourage their accomplishments, and seek first to understand and love them where they are at. 9780800757373 Great resource
This book serves as a great resource for understanding how to speak to your child. It also brought insight into understanding your own personality traits that impact parenting style. Highly recommend this book to parents. 9780800757373 Чудесна книга! Кратка, без излишна информация, написана на лесен и разбираем език. След кратък въпросник ти помага да разбереш своят тип темперамент, а след това и този на детето си (спрямо качествата, които притежава и начинът по който се държи в съответната възраст). Показва ти какви трудности би имал при възпитаването му и какви грешки би допуснал, ако не разберете личностният му тип и защо се държи така. Описани са и много примери от практиката на авторката или нейни случки с цел още по лесното оприличаване със съответен личностен тип. 9780800757373 It certainly helps when you know your children's personalities. This book describes four common temperaments and how to deal with people that possess those personalities. Knowing your children's temperaments help you to understand them and help us to communicate with them better. 9780800757373
Florence Littauer uses the proven principles from her popular Personality Plus to show parents how to raise their children individually and take cues from each child's inborn temperament and personality.
Readers will immediately be drawn in as Littauer dispels the myth that all children should be treated the same. The bottom line for successful child raising? Identify and understand your child's personality so he or she feels loved, respected, and supported as an individual. Personality Plus for Parents: Understanding What Makes Your Child Tick
A must read for ALL parents. This brought a lot of light to why each child is so different and how to deal with it. 9780800757373 It was just ok. Didn’t really keep my attention and some of it wasn’t relevant. I don’t think I really took away much of anything from it, other than to accept my children as they are, and to play up their strengths, but I don’t need a book to tell me that. 9780800757373 A useful paradigm with helpful advice. Despite being a Christian myself I found the random refrences to religion surprising and out of context.
While a useful mindset it makes no mention of how children who are not nuerotypical fit into these personality types. My children's nuerodivergents certainly impact or lay over these basic personality types. The author doesn't address that at all which misses a valuable opportunity. 9780800757373 Dalam buku versi Indonesia yang saya baca, judulnya Kepribadian Plus untuk Orang Tua, Memahami Mengapa Anak Anda Seperti Itu. Membaca buku ini sebenarnya mengulang kembali buku yang pernah saya baca yaitu Personality Plus, hanya saya ga ingat kapan dan dimana saya membacanya hehe...
Buku ini bagus, membantu kita memahami kepribadian kita sendiri dan orang-orang di sekitar kita. Dalam buku ini dijelaskan empat kepribadian: Sanguinis Populer, Koleris Kuat, Melankolis Sempurna dan Pleghmatis yang Damai. Masing-masing mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan, dan dalam buku ini terdapat cara bagaimana kita bisa bergaul dan memotivasi anak kita sesuai dengan kepribadian yang mereka miliki.
Selamat membaca..
@bpksulbarLibrary 9780800757373 This book is filled with fun and insightful stories of interactions between family members, so that the reader can better understand how to relate to people and have reasonable expectations of others.
The author says, We don’t want cookie-cutter children who all say and do the same things. Instead, we want to see children free to function in their own unique version of their personality. By understanding their personalities, and hopefully our own too, we can more effectively parent them, give them an appreciation for who they are, and support them in the “way to go” they feel fits them best. 9780800757373