Nutrition: Health, Weight Loss and Wellness: Your Guide to: Healthy Living and Healthy Eating By Nicholas Bjorn

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Live Healthy Inside and Out!

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You've seen it more than enough and heard it over and over again. Weight loss being one of the most talked-about subjects has definitely set a high bar. Many have embarked on weight loss programs, and diet meal plans and have succeeded. But some failed constantly, making that first few steps forward and ended up taking few more steps back. We know the feeling, and yes, help is on the way!

Nutrition: Your Guide to Weight Loss and Healthy Living gives you answers to questions about nutrition, weight loss and diet, helping you understand your body and the food that you eat.

Weight loss is not just about having the perfect body, but it is rather the consumption of food with nutritional value.

Below is a preview of what you’ll be learning from this book:

“People have resorted to various measures like crash diets and short duration heavy gym activity. We need to realize that while such measures can give results quickly, they usually are short lived. These results can also backfire badly. Instead, a healthy and balanced diet should be adopted with light exercises so that the body is not strained and remains fit.”

“People are tempted to replace one nutrient source completely with the other but dependence on only one source can actually hinder the weight loss journey. All the three nutritional components are required in balance. Over consumption of any one nutrient can hold up weight loss and harm the body further.”

Here’s more:

In this book is an outline of Foods for Weight Loss and Habits for Weight Loss that is sure to provide you positive results. You will also learn about the danger of Junk Foods and how to eliminate them completely in your diet. A little information about Post Pregnancy Weight Gain and last but not the least, Physical Activity is discussed in this book as well.

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Nutrition: Health, Weight Loss and Wellness: Your Guide to: Healthy Living and Healthy Eating

Nutrition: Health, Weight Loss and Wellness: Your Guide … — N. Bjorn (Introduction + 10 titled chapters + Conclusion) Nov. 26, 2019

Typical book on nutrition. Didn’t really learn anything new. There was a click-bait at the beginning of the chapters (Free books! Free books!) Lots of % in this book that didn’t do a lot for me.

But maybe there is some redeeming qualities here. There are short bursts that break down how bad carbohydrates affect the body. Also, the book discusses in quick details what certain minerals do to our body (sodium, I’m looking at you.)

But like all books, there is some misleading facts in it. Eggs are good for protein; milk is good for bones. Both are no-no’s in the book. But again, nutrition is mostly about moderation/balance of foods and exercise. Generally, the best foods are naturals: fresh veggies and fruits. And lots of water. (Here, I re-learned the wonders of water and weight loss in more detailed form.)

Most important chapters:
Chapter 3: However, this book is big on taking supplements (breaks into 10 reasons why.) Then again, I learned some things I didn’t know about what happens when a person takes too much of any one vitamin. [Here, I will need to look at my daily vitamins to see if I am taking too much.]
Chapter 4 covers food for weight loss, which is always one that I read through carefully.
Chapter 5: Junk Food.
Chapter 6: Habit for Weight Loss. Believes in smaller meals throughout the day and don’t forget breakfast. Sleep for at least 7 hours. Here’s a quote straight from the book: “Don’t sleep quickly after a meal … sit on your knees at least 15 minutes and don’t go to sleep for the next one hour or so.” <— Interesting. I’ve never heard that before. I might try that tonight.
Chapter 7: Food Addiction: Corporate advertising and how it affects our eating habits. Includes a list of the 10 most additive foods. [Aside: I do and have to chew gum and suck on hard candies, as recommended by both my dentist and pharmacist. I take a medication that leaves my throat very dry as a side affect. And yes, I do drink copious amounts of water! However, I do not chew any gum that contains sorbitol as I have a food allergens to it. Wrigleys is the only gum I know that does contain sorbitol. Remember: some things are not bad for all people!]
Chapter 8: Post Pregnancy Weight Gain: May be helpful for some, not me; my weight gain didn’t start until menopause.
Chapter 9: Physical Activity
Chapter 10: How to Get the Most Nutrients Out of Your Food (breaks into 10 reasons.) + 4 Ways to Improve Nutrient Intake
Click-Bait: [Free Books Sent Weekly!]

There were a few typos as happens with independent publishers.

Three stars. Nutrition: Health, Weight Loss and Wellness: Your Guide to: Healthy Living and Healthy Eating This book made me realized the importance of grouping foods as to how our body does need it and to a certain point as how we utilized it accordingly to our state of health. The content of this book are the basics that every individual should know and yet we often times take for granted our body and health so its better to start now by gaining the proper knowledge on how we can lose our weight accordingly and live healthy. Bjorn did a great job explaining the benefits of good nutrition and he had evidently conveyed its essence by its well written structured paragraphs that any readers would simply understand. This book has a lot of knowledge content and very informative with regards on taking care of our health. I recommend it to anyone out there who need to start taking care of their health through proper nutrition and healthy living. Nutrition: Health, Weight Loss and Wellness: Your Guide to: Healthy Living and Healthy Eating
