No Limits (No Shame, #2) By Nora Phoenix

I don’t even know what to say. I thought the first one was insta-love but this one...seriously. The MCs are saying ILY after A WEEK. I don’t get guys to tell me they love me after YEARS together.

Am I going to keep reading the next ones? Probably. Now I need to see how everything is gonna end. I already know, from a spin-off book, that there’s going to be a character in this series who has a condition that makes him fell horny and hard randomly. I mean whaaaaaaat? I need to read this. Nora Phoenix This was a great continuation from No Filter. I was excited to see Josh and Connor together, and they did not disappoint. I wasn’t sure how things would work out with Indy and Noah from the first book on the sidelines, but I’m happy with the way it was handled. I liked that we not only got POV from Josh and Connor, but Noah and Indy where appropriate as well.

There are underlying themes running through these books of taking power back for yourself, accepting responsibility for your actions, and how important open communication is to friendships and relationships. So even though there are lots of sexy times (with some D/s this time) and some action (vigilante justice for the win!), there are just some great character-building moments that made me fall in love with all of these guys. I’m looking forward to the third in the series, and am glad they’re being released fairly quickly so I don’t have to wait long. Nora Phoenix Josh Gordon freut sich für seinen besten Freund Noah. Denn der hat nun sein Glück mit Indy gefunden. Irgendwie findet auch Josh in dieser Beziehung Platz, doch er wünscht sich einen eigenen Partner. Jemand, der auf seine Bedürfnisse eingeht und ihn versteht. Ausgerechnet der Cop Ignatius O'Connor scheint diese Voraussetzungen zu erfüllen. Aber es stellt sich heraus, dass der Polizist eine Verbindung zu Indys düsterer Vergangenheit hat. Und egal was Josh sich auch wünscht - Indy ist ihm wichtig und er würde nichts riskieren um das Leben des jungen Mannes zu gefährden.

Dabei ist O'Connor, der aber von allen nur Connor genannt ist, grundsolide und ehrlich. Und er ist rechtsschaffen. Mit der Verwandtschaft seiner Mutter will er nichts zu tun haben. Dennoch ist es schwierig Indy, Noah und Josh davon zu überzeugen. Aber auch Connor hat Zweifel an einer Beziehung zu Indy. Seine Bedürfnisse hat er noch nicht richtig ausgelotet und er ist auch nicht geoutet. Zudem weiß er um die besondere Beziehung zwischen den drei Männern und er weiß nicht, wie er damit umgehen soll und kann.

Der zweite Teil der No Shame-Reihe, knüpft direkt an die erste Geschichte an. Es gibt keine Bruchstelle und auch das ist ein Grund, wieso man die Reihe unbedingt chronologisch lesen sollte. Connor konnte man im ersten Teil nicht so ganz einschätzen, doch es war ganz deutlich, dass er Interesse an dem scheuen Josh hat. Jedoch kann er eben diese Beziehung zwischen Josh, Indy und Noah nicht wirklich einschätzen und kann mit Noahs Zureden Josh kennenzulernen erstmal nichts anfangen.

Es war interessant zu lesen, wie sich die Beziehung von Indy und Noah weiterentwickelt, denn diese Beziehung ist ständig präsent. Aber Nora Phoenix verliert ihr eigentliches Hauptpaar nicht aus den Augen. Josh und Connor kommen sich näher und lernen ihre Bedürfnisse kennen. Doch man stellt schnell fest, dass der so selbstbewusst wirkende Connor auch ein paar Leichen im Keller liegen hat. Und dass er seinen Weg erst finden muss, auch wenn er eine Karriere als Soldat und Polizist gemacht hat. Doch seine Sexualität, Bedürfnisse und Träume sind dabei auf der Strecke geblieben.

Ich fand es auch ganz spannend und sehr rational, dass Connor und Josh sich Hilfe gesucht haben, um ihre Bedürfnisse besser kennenzulernen und damit auch umzugehen. Connor hat eine sehr dominante Seite, die Josh Bedürfnissen entgegenkommt. Doch Connor muss erst lernen und sucht sich Hilfe, damit es nicht in einer Katastrophe endet.

Neben diesen Aspekten nimmt Indys Vergangenheit weiter viel Raum ein, Noahs hat mit seiner Kriegsverletzung zu kämpfen und auch Joshuas Vergangenheit wird natürlich stärker beleuchtet; auch seine Kellerleichen werden nun ausgegraben und bringen das fragile und noch so unbestimmte Beziehungsgeflecht stark ins Wanken.
Im zweiten Teil kommt viel Spannung auf und man muss sich weiter auf viel Drama und Gewalt, aber auch sehr viel Sex in die verschiedensten Konstellationen einstellen. Manchmal hat man seine WTF-Momente, dann wird es etwas kitschig und am Ende schüttelt man den Kopf. Und trotzdem hat die Reihe etwas an sich, das süchtig macht. Vor allem geht die Autorin doch sehr stark auf ihre Helden und ihre Bedürfnisse ein. Sie versucht Handlungen zu erklären und den Hintergrund auch glaubwürdig zu gestalten.

Wirklich leichte Kost ist es jedoch nicht und wer ein Buch über Traumabewältigung lesen will, der sollte doch eher zur Fachliteratur greifen. Denn das hier ist, was es ist - Fiktion. Nora Phoenix No Limits is the second book in Nora Phoenix's No Shame series, and a far as I'm concerned, this one's just about perfect.

I love a continuing story where the main characters stay involved in the plot. New folks come and go, sure, but the relationships between the guys we fell in love with in the first book keep evolving and become more interesting. It's a fantastic way to do a series.

Also, I gotta say, the ratio between ridiculously hot sex and plot development is ideal. Watching Josh and Connor discover what works for them was fantastic. The connection they make helps them become a happy couple, as well helping them come into their own as strong and healthy men. They're so passionate together, and Nora Phoenix truly captures all of this in No Limits.

And speaking of capturing the essence of the story, I’ve got to give a huge 5 stars to Kenneth Obi for his spectacular narration. He truly brings these men to life, all their emotions and each character's unique personalities... it’s amazing.

I highly recommend this fantastic series, and if you’re an audiobook fan you're going to really enjoy Kenneth Obi's performance. I understand the audiobook version of the third book in this series, No Fear, is due out any day and I cannot wait! Nora Phoenix Second installment of the series and Josh starts his relationship with Connor but these boys don’t do anything by the book. The sharing continues and a BDSM kink is explored. Nora Phoenix


read & download No Limits (No Shame, #2)

Josh is convinced he’ll never find someone who’ll love him the way he is. He’s not exactly a catch with his PTSD, which has transformed him into a homebody most of the times. Sweet, maybe, but also boring as hell. Plus, there’s that submissive tendency he recently discovered and is dying to explore. His complicated relationship with Noah and Indy don’t make it easy, either. When Connor shows interest in him, he can’t believe the sexy cop would look at him twice, let alone make an effort to get to know him. When he does, Josh discovers they have more in common than he’d ever thought possible.
Connor had survived the ordeal that left his best friend and fellow Marine dead, but that survival came at a price. He’s a robot, going through the motions, but barely alive. Until fate intervenes when he meets Josh. The vulnerable man triggers all kinds of protective and dominant urges in Connor, but what would a cute guy like Josh want with an inexperienced, closed-off, bossy steamroller like him?
When Connor discovers his past endangers Indy, all hope for a future between him and Josh seems lost. After all, there’s no way Josh will ever choose Connor over Indy’s safety and Noah’s lifelong friendship. When a crisis hits, can Connor prove he’s strong enough to deal with everything that’s thrown his way?
No Limits is a steamy M/M romance that ends with a HFN, but has a continuing storyline as well. It’s the second book in the No Shame Series, and IS NOT A STAND ALONE NOVEL, so make sure to read the first book (No Filter) first. It contains hot sex, a little BDSM kink for beginners, more hot sex, and a beautiful friendship that transcends labels. Also: trigger warning for mentions of sexual abuse. No Limits (No Shame, #2)

3-3.5 stars

compared to book one this one was way more entertaining and i think that josh and connor have a better connection than indy and noah.

this one i think flowed better, while yes this was very insta love i didn't let that bother me since it worked with the situation.

i do think this ended a tad abruptly, but it will be interesting to see how book three goes, being aarons book (josh's brother). Nora Phoenix 4.5 stars

I was really surprised when Indy turned into a wicked avenger of the East (or West? idk). I loved Connor's r/ship with Josh, but why did Noah have to be sacrificed like that though? That was brutal to watch.

Connor being a closet exhibitionist was a delightful experience, and I'm kinda bummed we won't be able to see this s*** in the next books.

I didn't like Aaron or Kent, so it will take me a while to entertain the thought of reading book 3. But since Indy's problems seem to be the running theme in that book, I will dredge up the interest from somewhere.

Now though, lemme delve into NP's omegaverse... Nora Phoenix 4.5 stars. I am really enjoying the non formulaic, original plot and characters that this book series is offering. For real, these characters don't totally follow the normal romance patterns and it's so f*cking refreshing I could cry. Their lives are messy, their decisions are not perfect, their love is deep in many different ways and they all work toward propping each other up through their various neurosises.

So, yeah, if your romance has to come with clear boundaries and single minded devotion this book might not be for you. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely single minded devotion but these relationships are big enough to hold onto the other relationships that are just as important to them. Honestly, I was a little disappointed when the couples paired up more exclusively from the last book. This change is healthier for all of them right now but it also diminishes the importance of the past relationships slightly. Honestly, it feels less organic of a change and more like the author caving into hetero-normative expectations that judge monogamish relationships that she didn't seem to lean on in the first book. I think she was a lot braver in the first book and I want that back. I hope that once these guys settle into their lives and find alternative ways to deal with their pain they can find a way back to each other in all the ways that connect them.

Again, this is a cliffhanger ending so if that bugs you keep waiting out the series until all four books are published. Nora Phoenix 3.5*

This is far better plotted than book one was but it still doesn't seem to be able to make its mind up about what sort of story it is.

There's elements of BDSM, elements of possible poly relationship, elements of crime thriller and elements of military comfort but it's all jumbled up together.

There's also the odd grammatical errors, this one's stand out being Connor admitting he's gay being a momentum occasion instead of a momentous one. They stand out for me probably more than they would for a casual reader because I was a journalist and sub-editor for almost two decades.

Now, having said all of the above, I found Josh and Connor's relationship development to be well done, the Dom/sub nature making good sense as a method for Josh to deal with his PTSD and it didn't give me any magic dick feelings.

Although, speaking of, the descriptions of Connor's and his inhibitions about it were both hilarious and beautifully emotional at the same time, proving it's not just men with small penises who might have hang ups. It was handled well and worked within the narrative.

Plus, for all the seriousness of a lot of the plot, there was also a good amount of humour in this one to temper the serious elements. It'll be interesting now seeing what happens with Josh's wayward brother and how Indy's criminal threats from his past get resolved.

#ARC received from the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Nora Phoenix Despues que Indy le dijera que parecia que tenia tendencias Sumisas, Josh quedo intrigado, pero no hizo mas que investigar un poco en Internet. Pero ahora con Noah e Indy juntos comienza a sentirse solo, el siempre ha sabido que Noah no era para el, aunque lo ame muchisimo. Asi que cuando Connor aparece en su puerta una tarde para invitarlo en una cita, queda tan abrumado que no sabe que hacer, pero decide dar el salto y abrirse con Connor de manera que nunca lo ha hecho con nadie, ni siquiera con Noah.
Si Connor puede que aceptar su lado sumiso, pueden tener un futuro juntos. Pero cuando el pasado los alcanza y Noah cae enfermo, el mundo de Josh comienza a derrumbarse y solo la fuerza de Connor lo ayudara a salir a flote y a aceptar su nueva vida y como afrontarla.

Este libro es mucho mas emocional que los anteriores, ahora si logramos conocer el pasado de Josh y vemos realmente con lo que se enfrenta Indy. Pero tambien comenzamos a ver a un verdadero Dom en Connor y un verdadero Sub en Josh, lo que hace las escenas erotica mucho mas HOT.
En cuanto a la trama, es bastante facil de seguir, mas o menos sabes lo que esta pasando, aunque hay un par de momentos que salen de la nada y te quedas preguntando De donde salio eso?
En fin, el libro es entretenido, cumple su proposito y es exactamente lo que dice, asi que no encuentras sorpresas. Sin embargo, son libros que tienes que leer en orden, porque toda la trama depende de lo que paso en el anterior, incluso hay capitulos que no son narrados por los protas de este libro sino por los otros (Indy y Noah), asi que tienes que conocer su personalidad para entender lo que esta pasando.
Asi que la historia esta interesante y quiero saber como va a terminar todo, asi que voy a continuar con la serie. Nora Phoenix