Network Marketing: Is it for you? By V.C. Chandrasekharan

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About the Network Is it foryou? Are you unhappy and disgruntled with your current job? Do youwant comfort, time, satisfaction, financial independence and mostimportantly, to earn by working from home? Then network marketingis the right profession for you.Today,network marketing is takingthe world by storm.It offers a low-cost entry in the business worldwith enormous returns, as individuals begin to operate their ownnetwork marketing business professionally. This book explains thedifferent aspects of the network marketing business and it attemptsto bring out the concealed facts which help develop a zeal amongindividuals to entrepreneurs.It also discusses the excellentbenefits of network marketing as compared to conventional businessopportunities.It will be beneficial for networkers aspiring to earnmore.And who feel passionately about doing activities such as,prospecting,recruiting,presenting and duplicating.This book willalso be helpful in developing marketing and interpersonal skills.Itpresents several rich,rigorous and achievable ideas. So what areyou waiting for? Join the world of network marketing and be yourown boss. About The V.C.Chandrasekharan is an industrialist who served rubberand engineering industries for over four decades.He worked inmanufacturing, buying,marketing and R&D operations ingovernment and private sectors in senior capacities.He has authoredvarious technical books which have been published by reputedpublishers like William Andrew Inc.USA and RAPRA,UK.He left theindustry and was directly involved in direct marketing, the parentof network marketing in leading multinational companies like TimeLife Books and AMC Multi-cooking Systems successfully for severalyears.Later he became a network professional in leading networkmarketing companies such as Gold Quest,Herbalife,Orange Consultantsand Amway.He has done a lot of research and literature survey innetwork marketing.Most of his friends and relatives are in thenetwork Network Marketing: Is it for you?
