Microsoft 365 in easy steps: Covers Microsoft Office essentials By Michael Price
Microsoft 365 in easy steps: Covers Microsoft Office essentials
Michael Price Ð 2 Review
This is a very quick we’ll organized walk through of the capabilities of Office 365. If you have never sent an email in Outlook, this book will work for you. If you need better tips for how to be more efficient in Outlook, this book will also work for you.
The art and graphics can be slightly overwhelming. The margins are full of clarifying tips and the pictures are step by step with arrows. In the entire book, there was only one that confused me.
I have a working knowledge of most of the content here, but I picked up a handful or tips and I would recommend it to someone looking to fine tune their Office skills, understand how all the programs of Office365 work together, or start from the beginning. 1840789352