Letters To A Young Friend: Happy Is The Man Who Is Nothing By J. Krishnamurti
J. Krishnamurti ✓ 5 Read & Download
Between 1948 and the early 1960s, Krishnamurti was easily accessible and many people came to him. On walks, in personal meetings, through letters, the relationships blossomed. He wrote the following letters to a young friend who came to him wounded in body and mind. The letters, written between June 1948 and March 1960, reveal a rare compassion and clarity: the teaching and healing unfold; separation and distance disappear; the words flow; not a word is superfluous; the healing and teaching are simultaneous. Letters To A Young Friend: Happy Is The Man Who Is Nothing
Retire-se ao homem o seu poder, a sua posição ou o seu dinheiro, como fica ele? Exteriormente, ele mostra tudo isso, mas, interiormente, é mesquinho, vazio. Não se pode ter as duas riquezas, a interior e a exterior. A plenitude interior é de longe mais importante que a exterior. Podem roubar-nos a riqueza exterior; causas exteriores podem deitar por terra aquilo que diligentemente fomos construindo; mas as riquezas interiores são incorruptíveis, nada pode atingi-las, porque não foram formadas pela mente.
Quando não amamos a natureza, não somos capazes de amar os humanos.
Não deixes que os problemas se enraízem. Atravessa-os rapidamente, passa por eles como quando se corta manteiga. Não permitas que eles deixem marca, acaba com eles logo que apareçam. Não podes evitar ter problemas, mas acaba com eles imediatamente. English Ελπίζω να πέρασες μια ήσυχη νύχτα, να σε περίμενε μια ωραία ανατολή έξω από το παράθυρο σου και να μπόρεσες να κοιτάξεις γαλήνια τα βραδινά αστέρια πριν πας για ύπνο. English As the other reader found the statement that you should 'take nothing for granted' interesting and feeding the thought, and took with him. I think along with questioning a book, a human being, a feeling, a condition if they can have their charm after being disclosed. I think you should not question- thinking that Krishnamurti speaks to a friend.
Krishnamurti's contemplative insights led me to a conclusion that there was no friend to be taken by the hand if it was letters to a young friend. Knowing that he is a world famous thinker, I would say the insights are similarly existentialist as to any other as if we heard them before, which makes me question the necessity of referencing. What is the haecceity of inner freedom, fear, that we, so keen about it, look for in these books if not what we actually find on a daily basis that we cannot level.
It left very little space for an actual friendship, an actual friendship to flourish.
However, what I personally take from this book is Krishnamurti's take on favouritism: 'when you compare yourself with somebody else, that somebody is more important than you. You as individual with your capacities with your tendencies with your difficulties are not important but the other person is important' (Krishnamurti 80, 2021) English Πολύ σύντομο ανάγνωσμα, αλλά περιεκτικό και ουσιαστικό. Πολύ καλή επιλογή για κάποιον που δεν είναι εξοικειωμένος με το λόγο του Κρισναμούρτι. Στις ομιλίες του είναι πιο στεγνός, δεν ντύνει το λόγο του με συναίσθημα, δεν χαϊδεύει αυτιά, και αυτός είναι ένας από τους λόγους που δυσκολεύονται οι αναγνώστες να τον παρακολουθήσουν. Εδώ η γραφή του έχει μια φιλική προτροπή, νιώθεις να είναι υποστηρικτικά δίπλα σου -παρολο που όπως πάντα σε ��αροτρύνει να κάνεις τη δουλειά μόνος σου. English Ξεκίνησα να διαβάζω και σχεδόν ένιωσα μια πλημμύρα λέξεων να κατακλύζουν το νου μου. Ήταν όλες σημαντικές. Κάθε πρόταση, κάθε φράση, κάθε λέξη είχε σημασία. Μετά από λίγο άρχισα να διαβάζω ρυθμικά, μηχανικά, χωρίς να αναλύω. Πρόσεξα ότι πράγματα τα οποία ήταν σημαντικά για 'μένα, σε αυτή τη φάση της ζωής μου, μου έμεναν. Προβληματίστηκα. Τόσο με τις φράσεις όσο και με την μαγική μου πλέον ικανότητα να διυλίζω τις λέξεις.
Ελπίζω η νεαρή φίλη να κατάφερε να ζήσει τη ζωή της με τις παραπάνω αξίες. Κι αν όχι, ακόμη κι έστω αν προσπάθησε, πάλι νίκη είναι. English
Comprehensive, clear, simple. A small but concentrated dose of Krishnamurti. English Απλό, κατανοητο και περιεκτικό, ένα βιβλίο που σίγουρα δεν αρκεί να διαβάσεις μια φορά στη ζωή σου. English Amazing insights. Straightforward. English