Introductory Linear Algebra: An Applied First Course By Bernard Kolman
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Bernard Kolman
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The most applied of our basic books in this market, this text has a superb range of problem sets. Calculus is not a prerequisite, although examples and exercises using very basic calculus are included (labeled Calculus Required.) The most technology-friendly text on the market, Introductory Linear Algebra is also the most flexible. By omitting certain sections, instructors can cover the essentials of linear algebra (including eigenvalues and eigenvectors), to show how the computer is used, and to introduce applications of linear algebra in a one-semester course. Introductory Linear Algebra: An Applied First Course
its an auesome book Bernard Kolman Este libro es de gran ayuda porque tiene una gran cantidad de teoremas demostrados. Bernard Kolman so good Bernard Kolman better read this book if you don't understand your teacher...bwahaha :P
Bernard Kolman This book didn't seem too awful. But it pales in comparison to Strang's book. Bernard Kolman