Gift-Wrapped in Her Wedding Dress (Sydney Brides #1) By Kandy Shepherd


Originally Published at Lair Of A Wordsmith


A story revolving around the festive atmosphere and the spirit of giving and sharing, this book hooks one in from the first. Either it be a little flirting here and there or emotion packed scenes which makes you heart feel heavy, this book is worth the time spent reading it.

The story tells the story of people who have lost a dream each and how differently they are coping with it.

Andie, a self-employed party manager who has loved and lost wants to live each and every moment of life because she knows that any moment could be the last you have with someone or it could be your last moment. Therefore she lives while she is alive. That is definitely the right way to lead life, woman.

And then there is Dominic who has had a harsh childhood. At least from the day he was orphaned. The man was a billionaire in his early twenties. To be frank, I want to know the formula too. His defense mechanism is the hiding of his true self from the entire world and now, is viewed as a man with no heart. A Scrooge. A Miser.

With a particularly lucrative deal on the line, Dominic is advised by his people (Marketing people to be precise) to host a party where his reputation could be repaired somehow. This is where comes in our creative Andie with all her ideas for Dominic’s party.

But nothing is as easy as to be resolved by organising one party. No sir, it is not.

In panic mode, after his ex-wife tries to stir trouble yet again, Dominic announces to his soon-to-be-business-partner that Andie is his soon-to-be-wife and not just a party manager. Now the man has to get the woman on board in the hoax to work out without any wrinkles but Andies is not one to cower but get the enjoyment out of every moment.

Trying to fake emotions is not easy for either because where one is an open book, the other is, for lack of a better description, a closed book. But soon, both realise that no pretense is required because what they feel for each other is real and goes deeper than just hearts. They have a connection of souls.

The hurdle to their happily ever after is what finally breaks all the barriers between them. And it is a “Christmas Tree.”

I loved this emotion packed drama and recommend it to all those who read this genre. English Gift wrapped in her wedding dress is romance story...
Dominic Hunt was advised by his marketing people to arrange a party , to transform his image from scrooge to a philanthropist. He had his issues with Christmas, but still went with the idea of a party in December.
Andie Newman was his fourth party planner, all other were rejected even before they could give their idea for the party.
It was love at first sight, they got into fake engagement for a deal, this faking, and the attraction they shared led them to know what they feel for each other..
A sweet and intresting story... where two strangers , surrounded by majic of Christmas fall in love and lived happily ever after English For me, Christmas has come early this year because this book was a wonderful gift ushering in the season. I have to admit I am a bit skeptical when it comes to Christmas romance novels because after all there is only so much you can spin out of that yearly, albeit indeed special, occasion. But I’m more than glad that I have read this novel – my third by Kandy Shepherd, and certainly not my last – because it was utterly charming and disarming.

The story starts off straight and predictable enough: A rich-to-boot control freak, business tycoon and scrooge hires a sassy and sweet, spunky and intelligent party planner to organize a (Christmas) party and polish his public image. But hold it right there, this book isn’t all that typical. Because the scrooge isn’t a scrooge at all, because there are many things out of his control – not least his own heart – and because I put the word Christmas in brackets for a reason. As the story moves on, I learned why Dominic is so against admitting to charity and celebrating Christmas. I loved the backstory the author has provided for him, full of pain and lessons learned, of hurdles taken and a life shaped, of betrayals and tragedies. It seemed the perfect reason for why Dominic is the way he is – and the perfect chance to set many things straight. It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with Dominic, for he showed more and more depth, is incredibly attractive, and seems like the ideal partner once you discover his true personality. And Andie as the heroine is holding her own against the hero. She knows what she wants, she’s great at her job, and she has her own tragic past to battle. Andie is truly the perfect match for Dominic, and I applaud it that she doesn’t give up easily.

The story itself isn’t the only thing I enjoyed about “Gift-Wrapped in Her Wedding Dress”. As usual, the author’s language flowed effortlessly, modern and clear but with a certain sophisticated edge that separates the great Harlequin romances from the rest. The characterization tiptoed the fine line between typical, authentic and imaginative, and the happy ending was so perfect I may just have sniffled a little while smiling from ear to ear. And let me tell you something: I’d love to read the stories of Andie’s friends from Party Queens! English ***4.5 Stars***

Sydney Brides Series ~ Book One ~ Gift-Wrapped in Her Wedding Dress by Kandy Shepherd

Wow, I loved this story and could do nothing else until I completed the book.

We have the delicious and wealthy billionaire Dominic Hunt who needs an overhaul on his image and reputation. He is wealthy beyond imagination but does all his charity work in silence, secret and even anonymously. He has been given the moniker 'The Billionaire Scrooge.' The problem is that Dominic does not publish all his very generous good deeds so the media has decided that he is hoarding all his money and not sharing with the needy. Nothing could be further from the truth. He backs particular charities that are close to his heart because of the way he grew up. After his parent's were killed when he was eleven he was sent to a mentally ill aunt and he was abused mentally and physically from the age of eleven until he left on his eighteenth birthday. As he had no money and no where to go he ended up on the streets. It's a very dangerous way to grow up. He doesn't want the public to know about his past including his homelessness and abuse so he keeps his secrets about the charities he supports. If people get too nosy as to why he supports the particular charities that he does, they may start digging. They could very well find out about his past upbringing and he wants that shared with no one. So his team decide he should have some type of charity event.

In steps the hard-working and beautiful party planner Andie Newman, the fourth and final person he has scheduled at this time to interview for the party planner for this event. There is definitely sparks flying when they meet each other and it isn't long before they grow fond of one other. Andie had a tragic loss in her past that, as of now, she has not been able to move forward from. Dominic has been through a painful divorce when he discovered his wife's lies and betrayals. He has sworn to never fall in love or marry. As Andie works to plan the party she does her best to tell herself that Dominic is not for her. She knows he never wants to love again or marry and marriage and a family is what she has always desired.

This is a safe book. There is no cheating and, in fact, he didn't appear to be a man-whore, only being intimate in monogamous dating relationships. I'm sure that is still quite a few of those but at least he wasn't a one night stand kind of man. YES!! I was somewhat concerned when the ex-wife was mentioned a few times and was afraid of how she would try and ruin their blossoming relationship but she never materialized and stayed out of all the scenes. She was in the background once but that was all. I was so happy about that because I don't like books where ex-girlfriends or ex-wives interfere with the new relationship and heaven knows they can be so catty! It was also nice for a change to have a story where the couple did not have to split up at 75% to figure out how they felt about each other reuniting in the final few pages.

Just a great read all around! I am looking just as forward to books two and three which I will start tomorrow. English Nepatinka romanai apie milijonierius? Stop. Susipažinkite su ponu Skrudžu, taip jį išvadino spauda. Dominyko įvaizdis nekoks, o naujasis partneris tikras Filantropas, toks pats ir Dominykas, tik jis nemėgsta girtis, tam turi savo tikslų. Kad pagerinti įvaizdį sugalvojamas planas, kurį turi padėti įvykdyti renginių organizatoriai. Štai ir Endė su vėjo (ne)paklustančiam sijonu, kuri žino ką daro savo gyvenime. Jos ir jos komandos laukia tikras iššūkis, įtikti vakarėlių nemėgstančiam klientui, kuris slapta ėmė apgailestauti, jog pateiktos idėjos jam patiko, nes negalėjo jos pasikviesti į pasimatymą (tokia buvo jo gyvenimiška pamoka). Bet yra ir daugiau intrigos. English

GIFT-WRAPPED IN HER WEDDING DRESS by author Kandy Shepherd is a Harlequin Romance Series release for November 2015.

Dominic Hunt hires party planners on advice from his marketing manager to plan a party for him. It was to neutralize his Scrooge reputation. But he fired party planners before they even had a chance to tell him what they had planned. Yet when he faces the third planner, Andie Newman, he is blown away.
Then an emergency in Billionaire Dominic’s business forces Andie to say yes to fake engagement with Dominic. But could Andie keep her heart safe from the sensitive man she finds Dominic to be?

GIFT-WRAPPED IN HER WEDDING DRESS is a sweet romance filled with Christmas magic and miracle of the season. It would leave a reader sighing with pleasure because the romance between Dominic and Andie is so sweet and tender. Author Kandy Shepherd, once again created a spellbinding romance to touch readers hearts everywhere.

Highly recommended for all readers of romance.
English 5⭐

Romantiška istorija apie tarnybinį romaną, turbūt taip galima sakyti. Apie vaikystės traumas, kurias sukuria suaugę ir paskui sunku gyvenime jas pamiršti... Bet viskas laimingai baigiasi, kai surandi žmogų, kuris parodo, kad gali būti ir kitokios šventės, susikurti naujus išgyvenimus ir jausmus. English ☆2.25/5☆

▪Plot 1/5
▪Details 2.5/5
▪Characters 2/5
▪Romance 3/5
▪Logic 3/5
▪Writing style 2.5/5
▪Enjoyment 2/5

Very weak story. It wasn't interesting at all. Not likely going to continue. English Gavau šitą knygą dovanų iš geros draugės vienų Kalėdų proga. Ir nors Kalėdos baigėsi- skaityti vis tiek norėjosi.

Jis niūrus verslininkas. Ji linksma renginių organizatorė. Dominykas milijardierius vadinamas Skrudžu, nors iš tiesų jis visai ne toks kaip visi mano. Abu su skaudžia praeitim ir bando išmokti vėl mylėti ir tikėti meile. Knygos skyriai gan ilgoki, bet šriftas didelis tad skaitosi lengvai. Na, ir ir graži bei laiminga pabaiga kas be ko. English You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. ~ Author Unknown

Magazine editor turned party planner Andie Newman enters the lair of the lion, cut throat billionaire businessman Dominic Hunt, for the chance to coordinate his annual charity ball. Although she is impressed by the impeccable house (and home owner), she glimpses a vulnerable crack in Dominic's facade.

Dominic reluctantly opens his home for a charity ball to overcome his scrooge image. After interviewing several planners with bland ideas, he is taken back by Andie's fresh perspective and lovely legs. Dominic carries emotional baggage from his childhood ... but Andie's optimism inspires him to let go.

Aussie author Kandy Shepherd gives readers a flirty romance laced with holiday cheer. GIFT WRAPPED IN HER WEDDING DRESS is an ultimate escape from the pressure cooker which often accompanies the Christmas season. Shepherd reminds readers to have fun, be kind, and take a chance of love in this sweet romance from Down Under.

I received a print copy of GIFT WRAPPED IN HER WEDDING DRESS from the author for an honest review. English

The billionaire's Christmas proposal…

Billionaire Dominic Hunt's Christmas ball is a chance for hard-working party planner Andie Newman to make her name. She's intent on convincing gorgeous Dominic that decking the halls is the way to transform his brooding reputation, but he has an alternative idea—a festive proposal!

After Dominic unexpectedly helps Andie with her own emergency, she says yes! The engagement is meant to be just for show, but as Dominic and Andie are surrounded by the magic of Christmas, they find their fake feelings are becoming all too real… Gift-Wrapped in Her Wedding Dress (Sydney Brides #1)

characters Î PDF, eBook or Kindle ePUB ✓ Kandy Shepherd