Fluff Dragon By Platte F. Clark

I believe it's rare when a sequel is actually better than the original book but this one definitely is! What had ruined the first book in my opinion was the fact that Princess the unicorn was so sour & grouchy. She has gotten on my nerves so much!! But this story is a classic adventure story and it is so random that it is loads of fun. Yet the plot follows a logical path as well and there are many large events happening. Just a pleasure to read as it was so much fun. I really hadn't wanted to stop reading for the night when it got late but well you have to go to sleep you know...but otherwise I would have kept reading until I had reached the end.

So Max continues his adventure in here with his ultra rare, one-of-a-kind magic book. Plus he meets many new people as well, including a cute fluff dragon and two cute fire kittens. There are some big surprises along the way as well. But I must say the idea about the fluff dragons are totally unique! And so clever as well. Plus the ideas about them are worked throughout the storyline. These are not the scary burn your village dragons but small cute furry ones that sort of resemble sheep. And these poor little fellows are often abused by others in power. Max needs to save them.

One thing I really liked about Max in here is he gives people second chances. Plus he doesn't judge people by how they look. What is inside matters more to him. And even though he is just a kid in school, he realizes that sometimes people are a way because they don't know any better and he tries to get them to change. They are unhappy as well. If more people would do this maybe the world wouldn't be such a bad place... But it takes lots of bravery to try and change an enemy into a friend.

But best of all it is a fast moving fantasy adventure story set in a world very similar to Lord of the Rings with elves, dwarves, wizards and mages, a wizard tower, a great evil shadow creature, unicorns & dragons, armies plus a great quest to save the world. For Max needs to save the dragons. If he doesn't the world will freeze to death! But others want to profit off of dragons. And will Max ever get back home? Some humor as well.

I will definitely read the third book in this trilogy. Hardcover 3.75 stars

A better story by far, in my opinion, from the first novel. For one, Moki the fire kitten. So sweet, loveable, loyal, and cute. Second, Puff the fluff dragon. Two adorable creatures with personality!

This is the sequel to The Bad Unicorn. We are with Max, Dirk, Sarah, and companions as they try to prevent the future in the first book. There is action, jealousy, betrayal, humor, and redemption of some characters.

Intrigued to finish off the trilogy following the end of this instalment. Hardcover Max Spencer (aka only person in the multiverse who can read the super powerful magical tome known as the Codex), his best friend Dirk (aka gamer extrodinaire), new-ish friend Sarah (aka girl who can put trolls in head locks and beat up bullies), and Dwight (the dwarf who’s scared of enclosed spaces) are back in the Magrus after their adventures in Bad Unicorn. They’ve been entrusted with the mission of stopping Rezemoor Dreadbringer from killing off all the dragons and pretty much destroying the world in the process. Good ol’ Rez also just happens to be the big, bad magical dude who has tons of minions trying to find Max and the Codex so he can exploit both for his own nefarious ends. It should be easy, right? Avoid Dreadbringer and all his cronies and stop his henchmen. But there’s just one little catch. Max can’t get the Codex to work since they travelled back from the future, and it needs to go back to its origins to get reset. And of course, it just happened to be written in the place that Rezemoor happens to call his personal HQ. So Max and gang are on a seemingly impossible mission, and along the way they run into all sorts of little hiccups, like almost starting a war with the dwarves, or getting drowned by a sea monster, or ending up in a dungeon. Of course, they also make some cool new friends, like a fluff dragon named Puff and a fire kitten named Moki. And of course Princess the Unicorn is back to add to the excitement. It’s one fun, crazy ride from start to finish when you travel with Max and company.

So those of you out there who have issues with making commitments to sequels and series, you’ll be glad to know you can pretty much read this book without having read Bad Unicorn and for the most part not be lost. Of course, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice by missing out on the hilarity of Bad Unicorn, but that’s your choice. I enjoyed both. I still think the first was a touch more funny, but this one is plenty entertaining. Most of that is thanks to Dirk’s philosophy that everything in a magical world works just like in video games, and the introduction of the fire kittens, especially Moki. Looking forward to the next book in the series.

Notes on content: No language issues. No sexual content. Most of the potentially violent parts of the book are diminished thanks to humorous alternatives to traditional vanquishing methods. For example, a necromancer is vanquished by singing.
Hardcover I'm so excited to have completed the sequel the Bad Unicorn, one of my favorite reads of 2017. I loved Bad Unicorn so much I read it twice in 2017! 5 stars!

In Bad Unicorn we learn about the two different worlds. The Magrus (The Magical world) and the Techrus (the Human world). Our main character is Max Spencer a human, who just so happens to be in possession of the very strange book, called the Codex of Infinite Knowability. He has always had it.

There is a powerful sorcerer in the Magrus who wants the descendant of Maximilian Sporazo and the Codex for nefarious plans of world domination (is there any other plans for villains?) So Razormoor Dreadbringer sends a bratty Unicorn Princess and her servant wizard to find the book and the owner.

Max accidentally uses the book to transport himself and his friends Sarah, Dirk and Dwight to the future. While they are there, they have to save the world. Oh yeah, and help save the dragons.

Fluff Dragon is the continuation of that story. Max and his friends are sent into the past to save the dragons and stop Dreadbringer from destroying everything. What Max and his friends don't expect is that they are sent back to the past or present, but in the Magrus instead of the Techrus. In the magical world Max learns he no longer can wield the Codex. Somehow it broke during the time travel process and he has to fix it before again...the world comes to an end!

I loved all the new characters we meet in this book. Moki, Puff the fluff dragon, even Tiny! They are all so wonderful!

I don't want to give away this part of the story, so I'll just say, the writing was just as amusing and cute as the last book. My 12 year old continued to get a kick out of the story line and characters. I loved all the gaming references and my son screamed when he figured out a Star Wars reference before I even read it. What a NERD! I didn't even know what scene from Star Wars that it came from (lame mom over here) and he had to explain it to me. The adventure Max and gang had in the Magrus was just enough danger to make the book exciting and funny enough to keep us both guessing what was going to happen next. I absolutely am loving this trilogy.

Bad Ogre is the third and final book in the trilogy and it's the shortest book of them all. I'm going to be sad once this series ends. Hardcover Fluff Dragon picks up almost directly after the events of Bad Unicorn. Max, Dirk, Dwight, and Sarah defeated Robo-Princess (ex-unicorn and committed anthropophage), but it was a rather hollow victory since she'd already eaten humanity and left Earth a wasteland of killer robots. Fortunately, Orbiskar the Dragon-King was in need of assistance. As it turns out, while Robo-Princess was gleefully chowing down on humans, dragons were also being hunted into extinction and it was only after things had gone too far that Orbiskar discovered that the party responsible was none other than the self-same head of the wizards who had sent Princess to get Max from Earth (and the only copy of the Codex of Infinite Knowability) and thus set off her apocalyptic dinner party. ANYWAY, Max and Co. have been flung back in time to the present but they're in Magrus and faced with the daunting quest of stopping the dragon hunts (which everybody else thinks are a really good idea, for obvious reasons). Of course, having come back in time, Princess is still alive and on the prowl, and now that they're in Magrus, they're wide open to attacks by other parties eager to get their hands on the Codex and Max (the only one who can read the codex) from necromancers to the evil toupee makers guild to a rainbro to the fearsome zombie duck itself. Fortunately, they've got new allies including an inside-out dragon named Puff, a post-living wizard mentor, a pair of fire-kittens, and a knight-errant prince with fabulous hair.

Mr. Clark doesn't miss a beat with Fluff Dragon and whereas the first book was a sort of fantasy version of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the second book is like a comedy version of one of those anime shows about fantasy games turning real. Let there be no mistake, this is Dirk's book; Max is still the main protagonist (and becomes more of a leader this time around), but Dirk's every word and deed in this book is comedy gold as he somehow accurately gauges every situation and character they run across using video game logic (thanks in part to a unspeakably dangerous potion that he quaffs early on). I don't remember his character being half as amusing in the first book (maybe flawed memory on my part), but from the second they step into Magrus, Dirk reads every situation like he's got a cheat guide, and it's hilarious. As with the first book, the scope and ingenuity of Mr. Clark's imagination (and twisted sense of humor) are a delight to behold and although this is targeted at the middle grade audience, as a 30-something I will proudly add it to my shelf and encourage others to do the same. Hardcover

Free read Fluff Dragon

I had trouble getting into this one, admittedly. I just wasn't feeling it to start with. That said, I did read the last third in one sitting last night so it's definitely enjoyable!! It's interesting what I end up remembering and the parts that I forget. Definitely recommended and I can't wait to read the next one!

-------first read/reviewed April 21-22, 2014---------
I re-read Bad Unicorn before reading this one and I'm very glad that I did. They fit so well back-to-back and it was wonderful to read the continuing adventures. I love all the new characters (Puff, Moki, even more of the Zombie Duck) and there's distinct character development and growth as they go, which is great to see.

I like that this novel is much more linear because the flipping back and forth got a tad bit confusing in the first novel (although it was definitely better on the second read).

I almost think this one's better than the first book. There's not as much necessary world-building (although there still is some, of course), so the author is able to focus on fleshing out and allowing the characters to grow and the plot to develop. It's a nice thing for a sequel to almost hold my interest more than the first story.

As with novels and series that I really like, my descriptions and analysis usually boils down to me saying, READ IT. It's awesome! Hardcover Fluff Dragon is book 2 in the Bad Unicorn series. I really enjoyed this one, and my family is happy because they've all read it and had to keep quiet, but now we can all discuss! Lots of adventure, humor, and an ethical hero. My kind of story! Hardcover In this book, Clark spins the fantasy genre on its head once again, filling the pages with fluff dragons, rainbros, fire kittens, and evil toupee makers (yes, you read that right). Old characters return, new characters abound, and situations involving other strong verbs ensue. A must read. Hardcover The Codex of Infinite Knowability is broken and will no longer respond to Max's need! All he and his best friend Dirk, love interest friend Sarah, and shop owner Dwight want is to go back home. Instead they must cross the Magrus, break into Rezormoor Dreadbringer's Wizard's tower and reset the book, no problem, right!?

I knew this was a sequel but I was drawn to the title Fluff Dragon and wanted to learn what that was without wading through the first book. That may be why I had so much trouble with this book or it may be that it simply is not to my taste. I had trouble right from the prologue - it felt like it was trying too hard. When Max got onto the scene it read better and felt more pulled together but still felt overwrought. If you don't like ridiculous with your funny then this probably is not to your taste either. Though I can imagine a child giggling uncontrollably at the image of a dagger throw so wild it hit an orc in the butt!

My main problem with the book was that it was all over the place. I loved specific plot elements and characters like Tiny the giant and the rat solution while saving the knights was kind of stupid. Dirk was one of the main characters that really grew on me; he is especially outrageous but that plays an active part in the story as he is the unexpected solution to many a problem. I also loved Moki, the fire kitten that always seemed to be game, he made me giggle several times! Another problem I had was that as a traveling story (where characters travel from point A to point B) it was a little boring...

The dwarf part was entertaining though and for the middle of the book was most excellent. This is normally the worst in a middle grade book as writers don't typically develop enough plot to meet in the middle. The solutions to problems are rather ridiculous if not entertaining. One one hand I love that children are learning that fighting is not the only solution to enemies and disagreements and on the other I think asking royalty to please forgive the raving egomaniac episodes would not be so easily agreed to, no matter the debts involved... and to tell a child they would be is a falsehood.

The ending was a mass of battles. I do like how Max whipped around those prime spells - and it tied up all the loose threads about the allies... For a middle book and not having read the first book this was pretty good! And the idea of the fluff dragon is quite cute and I like that there was no way to turn him back (consequences!)

BOTTOM LINE: Crazy, ridiculous fantasy adventure fun (if you like that type of humor). Hardcover This book was HILARIOUS! I loved it! Hardcover

This second book in the hilarious Bad Unicorn trilogy features killer unicorns, good dragons, rogue fire kittens, and a boy who just might be a wizard.

After defeating a killer unicorn and saving a universe, all Max and his friends want to do is go home. Instead, Max discovers that the Codex of Infinite Knowability has stopped working. He can’t use it to get home until he reboots it. The problem is that in order to reboot the book, he’s going to have to carry it into the heart of Rezormoor Dreadbringer’s Wizard’s Tower. Since Dreadbringer has been hunting Max and the book across time and space, getting in may be easy, but getting out will be another story.

Max will just have to find a way to sneak into the tower, avoid the guards, escape Dreadbringer’s clutches, and figure out exactly where inside the tower the Codex was created. No problem…right?! Fluff Dragon
