Fallen Heroes: Sixteen Master Villain Archetypes By Tami D. Cowden

The villain is the hero of his own story - and is every bit as important as the heroic characters. This book contains the lectures and exercises from Tami Cowden's popular online class on villain archetypes. The workshop identifies and examines the motivations of the 16 literary villain archetypes, and shows what happens when heroes and heroines turn to the dark side. Here's what participants have said about the workshop: -I really enjoyed this class. Seeing these archetypes spelled out like this really gives perspective instinct does not. -Not only did this give me some really good tips on villain archetypes, but seeing the thought process behind creating a character for the archetypes helped me with your hero/heroine archetypes as well. -WONDERFUL class, again!!! It was quite a thrill figuring out which archetype matched up with the villianess of my WIP: ) . I have your exclamation about motivation stuck to my wall, just as a reminder. --I did get a chance to apply this to my characters. I put a lot more thought into my characters' motivations and I think I will have a stronger book for it. The workshop really helped me make a more consistant characters and to work through how my characters act. -I'm having trouble getting a handle on my villain in my next book, and these archetypes are really helping me. -The exercises were enlightening as well as a fun way to get into the heads of these characters. - You have given me good ideas for use in my current WIP and I'm certain I'll be using some of the others archetypes in future works. Fallen Heroes: Sixteen Master Villain Archetypes


I decided to get this book because I liked Cowden's The Complete Writer's Guide to Heroes & Heroines so much. While I appreciate the book as a whole, I did not find it to be as comprehensive as her first one. The examples were okay but she did not delve as in-depth into the archetypes as she did for the heroes and heroines.

I still found the book to be helpful for my writing though. Tami D. Cowden An excellent complement to Cowden's other book, A Writer's Guide to Heroes and Heroines. Well organized with many references and a touch of humor. Tami D. Cowden A great reference book! Tami D. Cowden A short read just to brush up on your archetypes. Tami D. Cowden

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Do not spend your money on this book.

Instead, how about visiting the author's website? Because the information she gives you there is just regurgitated over and over in the book. But with different synonyms.

How about an example? Don't mind if I do.

RESOLUTE - She stays the course. Minor setbacks with not dissuade her. [She] may win some battles, but she is determined to see the war through to the end.

Ok, well, first of all, I think the author MEANT to say She may lose some battles as the sentence doesn't make sense otherwise.

Second of all, those are three sentences that all mean the exact goddamn thing.
Stays the course = not being dissuaded
Not being dissuaded = not giving up after a few lost battles.

The whole book is like that. So do what I wasn't smart enough to do, and don't waste your money. Tami D. Cowden Fantastic

Far more helpful than Jung's archetypes. These helped me to tweak my villains into more realistic people. A great read Tami D. Cowden As a follow-up companion book to The Complete Writer's Guide to Heroes and Heroines book, this is really good.

Between the two, you have an excellent set of references for quickly sketching out characters and developing them for any story.

Further, the last section of the book goes into ways to further develop descriptions and personalities.

I find this one a must-have for the Writer's Shelf and to help ease any creative blocks. Tami D. Cowden *3.7 Tami D. Cowden This is one of my Must-Have writing reference books along with The Complete Writers Guide to Heros & Heroines 16 Master Archetypes. Every author, whether aspiring or published knows that the two pillars of a good book are character and story structure. It is the Villian who is most often neglected as the characters for a new story are developed. With these two references from Cowden et al, an author can efficiently and effectively nail the individuals' values, virtues and flaws as well as the aspects of their relationships with the other primary characters. They are the gold standard for character development in a nutshell. Tami D. Cowden