Dream Thieves By Steven Lee Climer

Dark Fantasy/Horror If a man is unable to dream, can insanity be far behind? Edward Grimm is a talented wood carver living in 18th century Germany. He has made a fine living for himself carving carousel horses for royalty, but his heart and soul are dark. Grimm has never been able to dream, and loathes those who can. His anger at God for denying him this simple pleasure fuels jealousy and hate toward his little nephew who tells Grimm all of his fantastic dreams. Driven insane by this venom, Grimm seeks out the assistance of mysterious gypsy wanderers who give him the secret of capturing his nephew's dreams. Through the use of forbidden magic, Grimm seals his nephew in the most exquisite wood grain and places him upon a carousel. There, Grimm waits as his nephew's dreams come to visit and find out why he hasn't called upon them. Dream after dream is captured by Grimm, sealed in wood, and placed upon the carousel for his personal pleasure. If he can't have his own dreams, he shall have those of others. He also covets the daughter of the chieftain, a woman just as dark in the heart as he. Once he makes Elena his wife, all his wishes seem to come true, but his web of hate, jealousy and deceit set into motion the makings of his own demise. Dream Thieves

This is a creepy story, with a slightly surreal atmosphere.

Written almost entirely from Edward's point of view, it lets you get into his mind as he slowly grows more insane.

I found the ending satisfying and appropriate, though I'm going to wonder for quite some time what happens after that! Dream Thieves Slightly terrifying. Imagine being unable to dream, being so determined to dream that you would risk everything. Driven by jealousy and hatred, Edward Grimm heads for a gypsy camp, determined to do what he must to be able to dream.

It’s terrifying that someone would go to that extreme for dreams. Fairly well written, kept me reading wondering what would happen next. Closer to 3.5 stars but rounded up - had too - there’s a horse on the cover! Dream Thieves This was my debut novel and it is one of my proudest achievements still because it was so critically-acclaimed.

* Finalist for Best First Novel of 1997, International Horror Guild Awards * Winner - Best Fantasy 1997, Under the Covers Book Reviews Reader's Awards
If a man is unable to dream, can insanity be far behind? Edward Grimm is a talented wood carver living in 18th century Germany. He has made a fine living for himself carving carousel horses for royalty, but his heart and soul are dark. Grimm has never been able to dream, and loathes those who can.

His anger at God for denying him this simple pleasure fuels jealousy and hate toward his little nephew who tells Grimm all of his fantastic dreams. Driven insane by this venom, Grimm seeks out the assistance of mysterious gypsy wanderers who give him the secret of capturing his nephew's dreams.

Through the use of forbidden magic, Grimm seals his nephew in the most exquisite wood grain and places him upon a carousel. There, Grimm waits as his nephew's dreams come to visit and find out why he hasn't called upon them. Dream after dream is captured by Grimm, sealed in wood, and placed upon the carousel for his personal pleasure. If he can't have his own dreams, he shall have those of others.

He also covets the daughter of the chieftain, a woman just as dark in the heart as he. Once he makes Elena his wife, all his wishes seem to come true, but his web of hate, jealousy and deceit set into motion the makings of his own demise. Dream Thieves


Steven Lee Climer ☆ 4 characters