DR. SEBI DIET: How to Detox the Liver, Lose Weight, Lower High Blood Pressure, and Beat Diabetes Through Dr. Sebi Alkaline Diet By Jennifer Simpson
★ Is your body at its best, or are you dissatisfied? Have you recently had a health scare? Do you feel constantly lethargic or worry that you are unprepared to deal with the real risks of high blood pressure, liver disease, and diabetes? Dr. Sebi felt the same, so he decided to do something about it. ★This book details the simple approach to a healthy plant diet that is the brainchild of Dr. Sebi. He crafted a new approach to thinking about what we eat, why we eat it, and how foods directly impact the chemical makeup of our bodies, beginning at a cellular level. By focusing on natural plants high in vitamins and minerals, Dr. Sebi’s Alkaline Diet empowers your body to detoxify its cells naturally and reduce the internal inflammation, oxidation, and liver stress that contributes to weight gain and the development of disease. What you put into your body determines not only how well it performs now but how long it will continue to last. Make sure your body is making the most of its time! The types of foods you eat and liquids you drink directly impact your overall health and energy levels. Diseases like diabetes can be a direct result of your diet and nutrition. Taking care of your body today determines how long it will continue taking care of you. Besides explaining Dr. Sebi’s ground-breaking approach to a plant-based diet and its foundation in nutritional science, this book contains over 85 easy, delicious recipes. It will teach you how to apply Dr. Sebi’s principles to create hundreds more of your own. These recipes are not only nutritious but straightforward to prepare and a joy to eat, • Fruits • Vegetables • Grains • Nuts and seeds • Natural oils • Herbs • Even teas made from edible flowers and roots! Have you tried a diet that refused to allow you to eat simple foods like pasta or bread? Or one that refused to consider the differences between refined, processed sugar and the natural sugars in succulent fruits like mangos? Forget denying your palette the pleasures of tasty meals or constantly feeling hungry without seeing results. The Alkaline Diet relies on potent natural flavors and spices to produce appealing recipes you will enjoy eating even as they help cleanse and restore your body. Prepare yourself to look forward to mealtime. Dr. Sebi’s Alkaline Diet even encourages snacks between meals to keep your body fueled without resorting to an artificial sugar rush. The simple meal planning strategies in this book will help you take back control of your health without interfering with the daily demands of your busy life. Regain control through thoughtful consideration of how you are powering your body. Shed the weight dragging you down and rediscover how it feels to meet each day energized. ★ Why wait? What is stopping you from turning the corner from disease into health and happiness? See how Dr. Sebi’s discoveries can help you start to thrive and keep your body healthy for years to come. ★ DR. SEBI DIET: How to Detox the Liver, Lose Weight, Lower High Blood Pressure, and Beat Diabetes Through Dr. Sebi Alkaline Diet
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