Donnie Darko By Richard Kelly
kinda sad 9788566636994 reading goal 🤩
Mr. Worley you should totally watch this movie it's very scifi!!
Hopefully the point of my presentation got through as well despite the stuttering, this movie is REALLY good 9788566636994 Não tem como definir Donnie Darko com outra palavra a não ser genial. As páginas finais com o livro A Filosofia da Viagem no Tempo me deram muitas explicações que apenas o filme não deu. Amei! 9788566636994 Buy it, it will make you think about the intricacies of Donnie Darko even more then the film. The shooting script was some way so much funnier then the film too.
9788566636994 This is a great companion to the movie. YOu get the script, some behind the scenes stuff and some of the Philosophy of Time Travel.

free download Donnie Darko
The book contains an introduction by Jake Gyllenhaal (nicely and honestly written), an interview with Richard Kelly (awesomely long and very informative and interesting!!!), the script (of course, as good as I remembered it from the movie - though it gave me some more input and understanding than I previously had), pages from The Philosophy of Time Travel, and images and sketches from the film.
It is a real treat for fans of the movie itself, Richard Kelly and movie-making in general! 9788566636994 There are other things that need to be taken into account here. Like the whole spectrum of human emotion. You're just lumping everything into these two categories... and, like, denying everything else.
9788566636994 The interview with Richard Kelly was interesting to read. While I read the script I found myself paying more attention compared to when I watch the film. As a result of this, some questions that I had from watching the film cleared up. I now understand why some events happened the way they did. The Philosophy of Time Travel pictures, towards the end of the book, were interesting and helpful. 9788566636994 This is the first time I read a movie script. It was an incredible experience to remember the movie's scenes as the reading progressed and this served to value the interpretations, the photography, the direction.
This scene, for example, particularly caught my attention (page 5 of the shooting script):
Note that the script itself is very lean, even raw. But anyone who remembers the film knows that the dialogue of the parents - with the intonations, the looks - is simply very good!
Anyway, reading this script was an enriching experience and I will certainly look for others. 9788566636994 DONNIE
I'm sorry, Ms. Farmer, I just don't
get this.
Just place an X in the appropriate
place on the Lifeline.
I just don't get this. Everything
can't be lumped into two categories.
That's too simple.
The Lifeline is divided that way.
Well, life isn't that simple. So
what if Ling Ling kept the cash and
returned the wallet? That has nothing
to do with either fear or love.
Fear and love are the deepest of
human emotions.
Well, yeah... OK, but you're not
listening to me.
There are other things that need to
be taken into account here. Like the
whole spectrum of human emotion.
You're just lumping everything into
these two categories... and, like,
denying everything else.
Você ainda não viu esse filme. Mesmo que seja fã de carteirinha, e já tenha assistido a Donnie Darko mais de uma vez - ou dez, ou quinze, quem está contando? Pois a versão que a DarkSide Books está lançando na Páscoa de 2016 é inédita. Pela primeira vez no Brasil, você poderá entrar de cabeça no universo paralelo de Frank, Donnie e seu criador.
Não se trata de uma adaptação do longa-metragem de 2001, e muito menos de um romance que poderia ter inspirado o cineasta Richard Kelly. DONNIE DARKO, o livro, apresenta na íntegra o roteiro original. A primeira materialização da história, sua chance de conhecer a visão original dessa intrigante obra-prima. Kelly escreveu Donnie Darko muito antes de conseguir ordenar luzes, câmera, ação. E mesmo sem atores, figurinos e efeitos especiais, Donnie já estava lá, angustiado com o fim do mundo anunciado por um arauto vestido de coelho. Donnie Darko