I enjoyed this book. It was interesting and I was about to get the free Giveaway copy! 5 stars! Robin Devoe A very enjoyable book. Many of the words were easily defined, others defied my 4 years of high school Latin and 2 years of college French (I tried to guess the definitions before reading). There are more than a few words that I am going to integrate into my everyday conversations.
But I do wish that the pronunciation was given for a few more of the words!
I received this book from a Goodreads giveaway. Robin Devoe This one’s a treat. Not to be overused, but sometimes there’s a gem in here that really shines when you stick it in the right setting. Robin Devoe I enjoyed this dictionary. It is not very useful, as the number of words is limited and there are few pronunciations listed. However, it was just fun to read through slowly and to savor! Some words are archaic, some odd, some beautiful, and some would be nice to add to our vocabularies. Robin Devoe Fun for any word-nerd to browse through. Robin Devoe
A curated list of the 3500 most interesting words in the English language. Dictionary of the Strange, Curious, and Lovely