Deadly Divas \u0026 Dollas By Rocmond Jones

Would you take a million dollars from someone if you can't have no peace at the end of the day?
Cassandra, Samantha, Aleisha and Shonda are four sexy Mommas being played like pawns on a chessboard by Bruce, a wealthy and powerful inmate serving life in prison. Young, pretty and true to life street hustlers, these four females played the game, knowing Bruce would die in prison with his money.
Little did they know that once Bruce died it would get real in the field. When a couple of them (hustlers) gets killed in the streets of Plainfield, New Jersey. They find out the hard way that all money ain't good money.
These Divas from the hood already knows just how it can gets down in the streets from watching family and friends go through it. But now they are forced to get their nails dirty to get out of this deadly game alive. Will it be more than either woman can handle or will it be a checkmate? Deadly Divas \u0026 Dollas

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