Dating For Men: How To Perfect Your Pick Up Game: Dating Advice For Men Chapter 5 How To Make Her Chase You (Relationship Anxiety, Relationship Addiction, ... Dating Boundaries, Get Her Back Book 7) By Christopher Harris

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How to perfect your pick up Dating advice for men Chapter 5 How to make her chase you is the fifth in a five part series designed to help you perfect your dating game and introduce the perfect woman into your life. The fifth book focuses on how to make a woman chase you consistently and a more in depth look at how women bluff to test your strength which is a big key factor to keep her love and sexual attraction high for you.

Inside you’ll learn the differences between dating just enough vs too much in the early stages of a relationship. An important factor in any relationship is that you give each other freedom to do as you please, it’s important that neither of you feel trapped and that you feel free to do what you want without pleasing the other. A healthy loving relationship is about two complete people sharing their completeness with each other, it’s not about someone completing you.

This book really focuses on the behaviour you need to adapt to, to become the dominant male to always have her chasing you. If a woman is chasing after you she’s not going to want to get rid of you is she? Women have to chase you because they prefer it that way, if a man starts to pursue a woman it displays weakness, neediness and that he’s insecure and unworthy. Most relationships end this way, where a guy loses his way and demonstrates to a woman that he just doesn’t get it and she’ll end up agreeing with him that he isn’t worthy. You’ll learn how to keep her sexually attracted by staying centred, complete and happy as a man by continuing to be the man you always was and not being a pleaser doing what she wants you to do.

Amongst the many other turn offs you’re going to examine, one of the biggest mistakes most men make is when they say ‘I love you’ too soon and too often. So we really centre in on when it’s the right time and when it’s okay to say it, plus other ways of saying it.

Finally you’ll learn that women want your attention always and the importance of not coming unglued. Most needy and insecure men, when a woman demands that he spends more time with her and stops doing what he loves or what he feels has to do as a man, he’ll do whatever pleases her. You’re going to learn that this is a trait of a pleaser and although if you do, do things to please her, she’ll still be angry and upset inside because you didn’t do the things you needed to as a man because you’d rather make her happy than yourself. A woman needs to feel your strength always, she needs to feel your masculinity and that you walk to the beat of your own drum.

This book completes the series but remember you need to read these books 15-20 times or at least to the point where you know this stuff like the back of your hand and are able to apply all the principles on auto-pilot if you’re going to be successful long term.

The subjects inside
•Less dating is more
•Give each other freedom
•How to make women chase you
•How to keep her sexually attracted
•How to make a woman want to be exclusive with you
•Women always bluff to test your strength
•When to say ‘I love you’
•Women constantly want your attention Dating For Men: How To Perfect Your Pick Up Game: Dating Advice For Men Chapter 5 How To Make Her Chase You (Relationship Anxiety, Relationship Addiction, ... Dating Boundaries, Get Her Back Book 7)
