Book for Kids:The Tale of FNAF Phantom Mangle:A Fan Fiction of Five Nights at Freddy's By Kayode Steve

Summary é PDF, DOC, TXT or eBook ☆ Kayode Steve

There was once a Phantom Mangle who had seven Phantom Kids, and she was just as fond of them as a mother of her children. One day she was going into the woods to fetch some food for them, so she called them all up to her, and said—

‘My dear children, I am going out into the woods. Beware of the Phantom Foxy! If once he gets into the house, he will eat you up, skin, and hair, and all. The rascal often disguises himself, but you will know him by his rough voice and his black feet.’..

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Please this book is not associated with Five Night at Freddy's or its maker. Book for Kids:The Tale of FNAF Phantom Mangle:A Fan Fiction of Five Nights at Freddy's
