Auto Repair for Dummies By Deanna Sclar


It's an extremely complete, well researched and useful book that really made me understand better how cars work and how to take care of it. Useful for learning and practical with so many useful tips and table. Totally recommended to whomever want to understand better cars and go the mechanic with some knowledge already. Auto Repair for Dummies It's a decent book. It's a good overview of auto work both mechanical and body, and I like that she explains how things actually work before telling you how to fix them. However, there's several things in this book that got on my nerves. First, the author is a bit inconsistent on telling you whether or not you should jack up your car yourself and doesn't provide instructions on safely doing so. This is a very important topic in any beginner book on auto repair, and likely endangers her readers more than helping them. Second, this book was published in 2009, but reads like it was potentially published even earlier. For dummies could use a 3rd edition of this book, especially since much has changed since it was written, and some small portions of the book are likely now known to be incorrect (like the myth of getting more fuel from the fuel pump on a cool morning). I think this book is good for those wanting an easy introduction, but I wouldn't recommend it as anyone's sole source of information on the topic because of the aforementioned issues. Auto Repair for Dummies I know basically nothing about cars. Didn't even get my license until I was 26. So I'm trying to learn, finally. I got this and one other book out of the library. Of the two, I liked this one better. Clear explanations, helpful pictures. I was able to check almost all the basic stuff under the hood of my truck, which made me feel really handy! (Also, I figured out that I was very low on coolant, and was able to top it off. Go me.) Never did finish it, for various reasons, but I think I want my own copy. Auto Repair for Dummies I purchased this in my broke college kid days when paying somebody else to fix my ailing POS car just wasn't an option. That being said, this book saved me an inestimable amount of money and worry, with the added bonus of teaching me how cars work. These days, with detailed how-tos for just about anything a Google search away, it spends most of its time collecting dust on the shelf. But when I decided to embark on an open-ended road trip a couple years back, this tome and a somewhat outdated atlas were among the first things I packed. Good thing, too, since it seems that large chunks of our county are still very much off the grid. Auto Repair for Dummies This book was calling my name! It helped to diagnose & repair the PCV hose when the engine was dying at red lights. If you think I meant to say PVC, this book might help you too. Auto Repair for Dummies

I used to be more interested in cars than I am now. I enjoyed reading Auto repair for dummies. My favorite chapter was the one about alternative fuel vehicles.

I liked that the book said what repairs I could do and which once probably should be left to professionals. What else can I say about auto repair for dummies? It was fun reading about all the parts of the car. The book talks about The systems that make up automobiles. I think I know more about cars because of reading auto repair for dummies.

I also liked that the author talked about some of her personal experiences with her cars.

I still like learning about cars but, am more interested in how to repair bicycles or radio control cars than automobiles now though. Auto Repair for Dummies I learned a lot more from this book than the title lead me to believe I would. I used knowledge from this book to change my oil, spark plugs, starter and more. I also learned about the different systems(cooling system, electrical system, fuel system etc.) that make up automobiles and the various parts in each system. There's even a nice troubleshooting section towards the end that can help you pinpoint and solve common issues with your car.

I keep this book nearby for quick references. I highly recommend it to anyone who's just gotten their first car or who feels clueless when looking under their cars hood. Auto Repair for Dummies Great book Auto Repair for Dummies De:
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Auto Repair for Dummies Auto Repair

This book is for anyone to gain knowledge to take better care of their car. I love this book, I learned and improve so much for my car. Thanks dummies and the author. Auto Repair for Dummies

Deanna Sclar À 9 Read

Auto Repair For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119543619) was previously published as Auto Repair For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9780764599026). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.

The top-selling auto repair guide--400,000 copies sold--now extensively reorganized and updated

Forty-eight percent of U.S. households perform at least some automobile maintenance on their own, with women now accounting for one third of this $34 billion automotive do-it-yourself market. For new or would-be do-it-yourself mechanics, this illustrated how-to guide has long been a must and now it's even better. A complete reorganization now puts relevant repair and maintenance information directly after each automotive system overview, making it much easier to find hands-on fix-it instructions. Author Deanna Sclar has updated systems and repair information throughout, eliminating discussions of carburetors and adding coverage of hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles. She's also revised schedules for tune-ups and oil changes, included driving tips that can save on maintenance and repair costs, and added new advice on troubleshooting problems and determining when to call in a professional mechanic. For anyone who wants to save money on car repairs and maintenance, this book is the place to start.

Deanna Sclar (Long Beach, CA), an acclaimed auto repair expert and consumer advocate, has contributed to the Los Angeles Times and has been interviewed on the Today show, NBC Nightly News, and other television programs. Auto Repair for Dummies