Anatomies By Susan McCarty

In this daring debut collection, Susan McCarty steers lives according to their bodies. Two young men compare and challenge their physical limitations in the months following respective heart transplants. A woman returns to Iowa from New York and binges on the food and relationships she thought she’d left behind. A gigolo discovers he can no longer have traditional sex, a survivor of the zombie apocalypse gives up food, and a test prep tutor is forced to admit the life of the mind can’t compete with the mysteries between two bodies. In language both captivating and honest, McCarty reveals the ways we use our bodies to confront our hidden selves. Draw from her well of good-intentioned limbs and charming collapses, and you’ll surface in territory clear and familiar as a mirror. Anatomies

If bodies are temples, Susan McCarty is an expert demolitionist. In Anatomies, McCarty breaks these temples down, rips through drywall and flesh, tears sexuality and humanity from their hinges, and leaves behind the barebones, the nervous system, the warm, buzzing electrical impulses buried beneath the exteriors of the temples housing her characters.

Read full review at 9781941143032 McCarty' first collection of short stories is an excellent read and a fine example of the wide range of this write's literary abilities. The character-driven, emotional free form, and diverse thematic material in this book will keep you reading once you start, if only to see what wonders you'll discover on the next page. 9781941143032 I started reading this a while ago... then life happened. Glad to be able to come back to it. 9781941143032 What range! 9781941143032 A really solid, thought-provoking collection of stories centered around how we connect with others through the physical body. Whether that body is sick or well or thin or fat or self-contained or sexually adventurous. McCarty varied her style/format from story to story and that was really my favorite part of this collection.

Thanks again Valerie for pointing out Susan's reading at Prairie Lights to me :) 9781941143032


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