Amore AUTHOR Alexa Nichols By Alexa Nichols

What good is fame if you’re slowly, unavoidably, and undeniably losing your mind?

Alicia is an up and coming model and internet sensation with an insane work ethic. What her fans don’t know, however, is that her always on personality is fueled by not only addiction but loss and tragedy on almost every level.

The more famous she becomes, it seems, the more she loses.

Her husband was first.

Her best friends followed.

And then her newborn daughter was ripped from her arms.

No one knows that Alicia is unraveling. No one but one girl; one girl who will do everything she can to be Alicia’s salvation.

Even if being Alicia’s salvation comes at a catastrophic cost… Amore AUTHOR Alexa Nichols

Read ½ PDF, eBook or Kindle ePUB Å Alexa Nichols

I originally pre-ordered “Amore: A Love Story” back in January, with the intention of reading it and writing this review soon after. Needless to say, I’m a bit late, and I apologize for that. But I find that I’m kicking myself for not having read this sooner. This love story by Alexa Nichols is much more than it appears on the surface. It’s both complex in it’s story-telling, and rife with erotic pleasures to excite you as you read.

Full review: Kindle Edition I was so confused listening to this audio but it all fell into place nicely. Great twist at the end there. Brilliant narration. Kindle Edition This book has it all. It will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. As we follow Alicia through her poor decisions and traumatic experiences, we watch Alicia grow stronger and find her way. There is so much to love about this story, yet the twist will throw you through a loop. I wish it was longer.

Michelle Jones is amazing with her narration of this story. Alicia is so complex and Ms. Jones brings out her every struggle. Be prepared to feel all the emotions and struggles as you listen to Ms. Jones narration. Kindle Edition
