A Short History of the World By Christopher Lascelles

I am not a history buff and would say I am mildly interested in history. This book provides a free, concise, basic, and short history of important events the human world. As the author states early, it should give you an idea of the chronology of events. If you take this 165 or so pager for what it is and don't think you'll come away as a history expert or believe you'll remember every detail, this is a solid resource.In all my education, I think reading this book would have been a better beginning for a foundation. Schooling seemed to jump over the place with times and requiring absolute dates instead of giving a relative perspective of where events stood. For example, while school had taught me what the Persian empire was, I couldn't even give a ballpark guess where it stood on a timeline and how long it lasted. Even with so much information in the text, the book makes history easy to understand. I never thought I would never use 'history' and 'easy' in a single sentence.I read this book in only a few days and found it entertaining mostly because the author doesn't just list events but delves into the motivation and causal relationships between different parts. Even in the historical areas I considered myself to be stronger in, I found I learned just as much as those that were relatively new.I think this book or one like it is an absolute must read for everyone. I was disgusted when I realized how little I knew about world history and it will only take a few hours of time to finish this making the educational value worth its weight in gold. A Short History of the World It seems that most historians feel the need to write like scholars, thereby producing works of tedious lists of names, dates and places, peppered with words you're never heard of and presented using interminable sentences that exhaust the reader and obliterate the meaning. I think they write for each other.Having given up on the Penguin book on this subject as the worst example of this tendency, I was wary of trying again.But this book does the job perfectly. The author tackles what is an intimidating project with simplicity and enthusiasm, and creates a book that is readable, informative and well structured.Absolutely five stars. A Short History of the World 平易な英語で書かれており、また一節も短いので、とても読みやすいです。知らない単語もkindleならすぐに辞書で調べられるのでストレスフリー。世界史の流れがとても掴みやすく書かれています。学生に最初に教える世界史としてはこんな感じが良いのではないか、と感じました。年号、人名、イベントの詰込み暗記よりずっと興味を持って学習できると思います。もちろん、非常に簡潔に記述してあるので、授業では肉付けが必要だとは思いますが。そういった意味では日本の世界史教師にこそ読んでもらいたいかな。 A Short History of the World

There is an increasing realization that our knowledge of world history and how it all fits together is far from perfect. Here, Christopher Lascelles aims to fill the big gaps in our historical knowledge with a book that is easy to follow and assumes little prior knowledge of past events. He doesn't aim to come up with groundbreaking new theories on why things occurred but rather gives a broad overview of the generally accepted version of events so that nonhistorians will feel less ignorant when discussing the past. While this book explores world history from the big bang to the present day, it principally covers key people, events, and empires since the dawn of the first civilizations in and around 3500 BC. Epic in scope but refreshingly concise, A Short History of the World is an excellent place to start to bring your historical knowledge up to scratch. A Short History of the World

Puts a perspective on the time frame of history. A Short History of the World A very readable, chronological account of just what the title says. Not particularly deep or scholarly, and a few conclusions drawn the reader might take issue with, but these don’t get in the way of the information. If you’re looking for a handy and accessible reference of A Short History of the World Obviously needing to be brief, the pace never feels breakneck. Proportionate space given to the pre literate and pre modern world, and the pre western dominance. I can see myself checking back on this book many times. A Short History of the World A very nice book worth buying and reading price is also low I suggest to buy it A Short History of the World The history I was taught in school usually started with the study of One Country, it's current form of government then any battles or political conflicts that were experienced before arriving at the current status. This book starts at the beginning when Countries, colonies or religious groups were formed and the conflicts that they faced (or caused) and how things progressed throughout the globe. Following the Calendar, It explores and explains what was happening globally during each era. For the first time I actually enjoyed and understand about history than I ever thought possible. Well written and explained, very thorough in it'sGlobal view and Very Much Appreciated. A Short History of the World


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