A Heartwarming Romance Collection By Wanda E. Brunstetter

As a long time reader of Wanda Brunstetter's books I found this book fun and inspirational to read.
It is a collection of three novella length contemporary stories of hers that are older.
Sweet romance stories will draw you in and make you want to read other books by this author.

Pub Date 01 Jul 2020
I was given a complimentary copy of this . Thank you.
All opinions expressed are my own. 9781643525358 A Heartwarming Romance Collection by Wanda E. Brunstetter contains three sweet Christian romances set in Washington. They are well-written with characters who have strong Christian values. They are quick and easy to read. The characters are realistic with their strong points and their flaws. It was interesting learning about ventriloquism and clowns as well as chalk art. I liked how the characters used their gifts as a ministry to share their love of Christ. We get to see how our characters overcome obstacles to find love and deepen their faith as well. Bullying, overcoming the past, and insecurities are themes present in the stories. I was a little disappointed that the third story did not contain the theme of the first two. I was hoping we would get Donna Hartley’s story (a chalk artist). I just did not feel that The Neighborly Thing fit in with the other two tales. I had not read these early works by Wanda Brunstetter, so I found it a nice treat. This author always provides sweet, refreshing stories. They remind us to focus on what is truly important in our lives and to rely on Him. A Heartwarming Romance Collection are three inspiring Christian tales with a cute canine, a passionate puppeteer, a crazy clown, doll drama, an anxious adolescent, and curious Christians. 9781643525358 i love Wanda brunstetter books. I love her writing. Her books tend to calm me down in a world that doesn''t make sende. And i love the powerful friendships she has in her books. And this book has all the things listed above . So thank you again for a great book. Thank you to netgalley for letting me read this e arc in exchange for an honest review 9781643525358 A Heartwarming Romance Collection by Wanda E. Brunstetter is a very nice collection of three short stories based on individuals from Washington State. I've never read any of Ms. Brunstetter's novels, so this was a first time read for this reader and it was three stories that I found entertaining and fun to read. I enjoyed the characters, as well as the Christian theme that was central to all three stories. A well-written compilation of stories that gave you that comfy and cozy feel while reading.

Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for providing this enjoyable novel in exchange for my fair and honest review. Opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are completely my own. 9781643525358 This is three of Wanda E. Brunstetter early romance novels. I loved most of Wanda E. Brunstetter books, but I found these stories basic. I did not love them, but I did not hate them. I just found them ok. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Barbour Books) or author (Wanda E. Brunstetter) via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, and I want to send a big Thank you to them for that. 9781643525358


I loved each of these stories and the messages that were woven in with each of these stories.
I thought the clown story was the best one of all because I learned so much about what goes into the making of a clown. I just wished that other people could understand them as I have through this story.
The author shows us that God is there always and if we ask Him He will help us.
Each person in one of these stories has needed Him and I liked that the characters came out for the better.
Wanda is an amazing writer that can pull you into her stories from the get go. Her stories are wonderful no matter what she writes and these stories are no exception. I enjoyed each and every one of them.
My thanks to Barbour publishing and Netgalley for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review for this book. All opinions are my own. 9781643525358 I haven’t read any of Brunstetter’s novels before, so I was happy to start with some of her first published books.

The books were Christian-themed, just as a heads up in case that’s not your thing. I liked all three of the novellas. I could tell they were some of her first books since they were pretty basic, but they were enjoyable nonetheless. My favorite was Talking for Two. I enjoyed learning more about ventriloquism. I felt for Tabby due to her stuttering, and was happy that ventriloquism, and Seth, helped her self-confidence improve.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the e-copy in exchange for this honest review. 9781643525358 Rating: 5 Stars!!
Another Phenomenal Romance Book Collection by Wanda!!

All 3 stories were so fun and enjoyable to read where each story with uniqully told about each character who was battling a medical condition and Religious Issues.

The Characters were fun and interesting to read about. Tabby was my favorite in Talking for Two, Lois and Joe were my favorites in Clowning Around and i couldnt pick just one favorite in The Neighborly Thing since i seemed to like all the characters.

The Setting in all 3 stories was so intriguing to read about especially when the scenery was described.

Overall another good Contemporay Romance Book!! Can't wait to read more by Wanda in the future!! 9781643525358 Enjoy some romance for the heart
In A Heartwarming Romance Collection. 3 Romances from a New York Times Best-selling Author award-winning author and one of the founders of Amish fiction, Wanda E. Brunstetter, presents three of her first novels from 2002 and 2003, published by Barbour Publishing, Inc.
In Talking for Two Tabitha Johnson uses her floppy-eared dog puppet Roscoe with the children in the Caring Christian Day Care. Here her stutter does not matter. Seth Beyer sells puppets and they cross paths in a ventriloquist workshop the first time. Seth's impression about Tabitha is not great. Will he destroy her little self-confidence or what will happen when he discovers her secret?
Lois Johnson is Tabitha's sister and the main character of Clowning Around. She wants to have a similar ministry as they have, but she is also still dealing with the hurt when Michael Yehley postponed their wedding after she became a Christian. Joy Richey uses his skills as a clown to earn money, but also as a tool to spread the Gospel. Will his profession as a clown be a help or a hindrance in his growing relationship with Lois?
Sinda Shull buys herself a house for her business and as a place to live in The Neighborly Thing. Tara, Glen Olsen's daughter plays detective - snoop in the neighborhood and is not impressed with Sinda as their new neighbor. Is Sinda really the criminal that Tara is convinced of or is there something else going on?
Wanda E. Brunstetter presents three easy-to-read stories that contain well developed and believable characters. I highly recommend this book as an relaxing read for readers who are looking forward to a happy ending, but also want to be inspired in improving their own relationship with God. It is important to note that the first two stories belong together whereas the third story is apart.
The complimentary copy of this book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley free of charge. I was under no obligation to offer a positive review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#AHeartwarmingRomanceCollection #NetGalley 9781643525358 Talking For Two by Wanda E Brunstetter is a delightful contemporary Christian novel that warmed my soul. It is the third book in the Washington series and also part of A Heart Warming Romance Collection.
The tone is light-hearted and highly amusing at times. The book revolves around the theme of voice – a characters stutters unless she is operating a ventriloquist dummy. We all need to find our voices, if we cannot do it in our strength we can lean on God and do it in His.
Trust is a major theme. We need to trust God because He will never let us down. We need to believe the words He speaks over us and not the words we hear in our heads that put us down.
We witness a character with little self-esteem. Her earthly parents have broken her spirit. In contrast, God will always build us up as He calls us beloved.
I really enjoyed Talking For Two. It is positively charming.
Clowning Around by Wanda E Brunstetter is a wonderful, warm contemporary Christian novel that will have you chuckling throughout. It follows on from Talking For Two.
We met Lois in the previous book but now she knows God, she is a new creation. Her heart of stone is gone as she walks her life in tandem with His.
A character hides their emotions behind humour to protect themselves from hurt. The past is having a huge effect on the present and it needs to be faced. We must be real. The world does not need to see an imitation of ourselves.
The novel is totally delightfully and very funny. I literally laughed out loud. It was wonderful.
The Neighborly Thing by Wanda Brunstetter is a charming contemporary Christian novel. It is the second book in the Washington series.
Over the whole novel there is an atmosphere of love and care. One of the characters repairs dolls for a living. This reminds the reader that when we are broken and hurting, God tenderly bends down and heals us if we let him.
Some people who go to church misrepresent God. They are like the Pharisees who liked to be seen to be being religious but the behaviour in private was a different matter. Going to church will not make you a Christian. It is a relationship with God that is important.
The past has been painful. Others have not always been truthful about situations. The truth needs to come to light, hurts faced and forgiveness given.
God is the God of second chances and new beginnings. He loves to transform our old lives into something new.
I really adored The Neighborly Thing. It made me smile and filled me with hope as the love and care radiated outwards.
I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


READ A Heartwarming Romance Collection

Brunstetter’s First Published Novels Brought Back to Print
 Enjoy a collectible volume of three early novels by New York Times bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter. Meet three couples from Washington state who are who are surprised by love.
Clowning Around
Always a fun-loving prankster even when not personifying Slow-Joe the Clown, Joe Richey tries to win the heart of always steady and serious Lois Johnson.
The Neighborly Thing
Glen Olsen is rather fascinated by his new neighbor, Sinda Shull, who keeps herself shut away, working at a home business. But Glen’s daughter is trying to prove that Sinda is up to no good.
Talking for Two
Despite stuttering, Tabby enrolls in a class on ventriloquism, but guidance from handsome professional Seth Byers could destroy the little self-confidence she has.
  A Heartwarming Romance Collection