Морето на чудовищата (Пърси Джаксън и боговете на Олимп, #2) By Rick Riordan

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Пърси Джаксън не е обикновено момче. Той е син на бог и всякакви чудовища го преследват, за да го убият. Но това не е единственият му проблем. Най-неочаквано Пърси открива, че има брат – най-грозният, най-тромавият, най-страхливият дангалак в цялото училище. Двамата, заедно с Анабет, ще трябва да преодолеят куп неприятности и страхотии, да прекосят Морето на чудовищата, да попаднат на Острова на сирените, да се избавят от магиите на Цирцея и още много, много, преди да откраднат Златното руно...

Ще се справят ли, или този път коварството на Кронос ще надделее? Морето на чудовищата (Пърси Джаксън и боговете на Олимп, #2)

Tyson 4Ever.

Some time after the events of The Lighting Thief, Camp Half Blood protection spells starts waning to the point of almost breaking apart completely, leaving its borders wide open and unprotected from monster attacks. Upon the impending destruction of the only haven left for demigods, Percy, Annabeth, Tyson and Clarisse embark on a desperate quest to find the Golden Fleece, the only sacred relic capable of healing Thalia’s Tree and restore its defensive powers. On a separate plane, Grover missing and possibly subject of a fatal destiny. His time running short, or maybe already too late.

This was a fantastic sequel. Percy and Annabeth great as always, Clarisse still hateful but scoring some redeeming points, but of all the characters the ever innocent and selfless Tyson was the one that truly captured my heart. Amazing character development. A bit slowly paced compared to the first installment, but still fully action packed. Some epic memorable moments and incredible battles against mythological figures like giants, Hydra, Scylla, Charybdis, Circe and Polyphemus, among others. Luke was also there. And you gotta love the Hippocampi! The ending was spectacular, hilarious, crazy, and terrible. And an absolutely mind blowing cliffhanger to seal the deal.

*** The movie (2013) was a somewhat better adaptation, at least compared to the disappointing first. Fairly faithful to the book, and averagely entertaining. Thank god Head replaced Brosnan as Chiron! Lerman and Daddario a bit more seasoned and convincing this time. Ambience, pacing and ending good enough, I guess. Nevertheless, despite some things done right, the sequel was yet again overall not convincing and failed to hit all the right spots, and by far. Acceptable enough to be watched, yet not enjoyable enough to be worth it. I love the series, but regarding the movies, I can live without, and I’m not surprised this was the last one to be filmed.

[2006] [279p] [Fantasy] [YA] [Highly Recommendable]

★★★★☆ 1. The Lightning Thief
★★★★☆ 2. The Sea of Monsters [4.5]
★★★★★ 3. The Titan's Curse
★★★★☆ 4. The Battle of the Labyrinth
★★★★☆ 5. The Last Olympian [4.5]


Tyson x100Pre.

Algún tiempo después de los eventos de El Ladron del Rayo, las protecciones mágicas del Campamento Mestizo empiezan a menguar hasta el punto de casi romperse completamente, dejando abierta sus fronteras y totalmente desprotegida para ataques de monstruos. Ante la inminente destrucción del único refugio para los semidioses, Percy, Annabeth, Tyson y Clarisse se embarcan en una desesperada misión para hallar Vellocino de Oro, la única reliquia sagrada capaz de curar el Arbol de Thalia y restaurar sus poderes defensivos. En otro plano separado, Grover ausente y posiblemente sujeto a un fatal destino. Su tiempo acabándose rápidamente, o tal vez ya es demasiado tarde.

Esta fue una secuela fantástica. Percy y Annabeth geniales como siempre, Clarisse todavía odiosa pero anotando algunos puntos de redención, pero de todos los personajes el siempre inocente y gentil Tyson fue el que verdaderamente capturó mi corazón. Asombroso desarrollo de personajes. Un poco más lenta comparada con la primera entrega, pero aun así completamente cargada de acción. Algunos memorables y épicos momentos y sorprendentes batallas contra figuras mitológicas como gigantes, Hidra, Escila, Caribdis, Circe y Polifemo, entre otros. Luke también estuvo ahí. ¡Y hay que amar esos Hipocampos! El final espectacular, hilarante, loco, y terrible. Y un gancho final que absolutamente vuela la mente para cerrar el trato.

*** La película (2013) es una algo mejor adaptación, al menos comparada con la decepcionante primera. Decentemente fiel al libro, y entretenidamente promedio. ¡Gracias a dios que Head reemplazó a Brosnan como Quirón! Lerman y Daddario un poco más experimentados y convincentes esta vez. Ambiente, ritmo y final suficientemente buenos, supongo. Sin embargo, a pesar de algunas cosas hechas bien, la secuela otra vez en conjunto no convence y falla en pegar en todos los puntos importantes, y por lejos. Suficientemente aceptable para ser vista, pero no lo suficientemente disfrutable para que valga la pena. Amo la serie, pero con respecto a las películas podría vivir sin ellas, y no me sorprende que esta fuera la última en ser filmada.

[2006] [279p] [Fantasía] [Joven Adulto] [Altamente Recomendable]
----------------------------------------------- Childrens, Science Fiction Fantasy Ahh so good! Rick does it again! Childrens, Science Fiction Fantasy I enjoyed this so much! Though I will admit that I didn't enjoy it as much as book one. Percy is such a fun narrator and I'm excited to continue following his journey. Childrens, Science Fiction Fantasy (A-) 80% | Very Good
Notes: High on high-seas hijinks, it's a trial tonal trade-in, shifting style more juvenile, less legend, lore and landmark-laden. Childrens, Science Fiction Fantasy (A-) 80% | Very Good
Notes: It finds emotion and character in shame and open wounds; set beyond humanity’s shores, adrift in primeval bedlam. Childrens, Science Fiction Fantasy


Another 5* from Celyn.

I read this book to her out of order, having read book 1 then book 3 before it. I hate it when people do that, but the books are pretty stand-alone and we picked the wrong one when leaving the house in a hurry.

Actually I can now better appreciate the cross-book story and it's quite clever, so that's good.

This volume continues the mix of Greek myth, modern America, and teenagers. Percy battles through various monsters in bloodless battles where the beasties turn to mist on their deaths and reform years later. We're introduced to his half-brother, a cyclops, and a quest is launched to thwart the dastardly plan to destroy Camp Half-Blood. Various famed nasties are encountered including (& here I'm not going to google the correct spelling) Lastrigonian giants, Stymphalian birds, Charybdis and Scylla, Circe, and Polyphemus. Hermes pops up too.

It's all rowdy and fairly random fun raiding not only Greek myth but other periods of history to give us a Civil War gunboat and some famous pirates to boot.

The twist is actually a clever one, neatly mirroring the villan's supposed victory with the heroes'.

Solid YA entertainment.

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.. Childrens, Science Fiction Fantasy ✅ Reread (July 2024)

It's been yearsss and the cliffhanger still hits 🤌🤌

Original review-

Sea of Monsters is the most underrated book of the PJO series. I realise there are many iconic moments from this one. This is the book when you really start to ship Percabeth. The slow burn *chef's kiss*. The way Percy held Annabeth when they encountered the sirens🥺This book gives you a really good cliffhanger which just makes you want to pick up the next book immediately. The scene with Nobody = awesome.

Also I just want to make it clear I will fight for Tyson. He's precious. It was really satisfying to see how both Percy and Annabeth developed their relationship with him. Also let's not forget badass Clarisse. I really admire her character and we get to see more of her softer side later in the series.

Can't wait to read the Titan's Curse😩 Childrens, Science Fiction Fantasy I need to take Tyson, wrap a blanket around him, give him a stuffed Rainbow and protect him from everything. Childrens, Science Fiction Fantasy ”We did all the standard numbers: ‘Down by the Aegean´, ´I Am My Own Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandpa´, ´This Land is Mino’s Land´. The bonfire was enchanted, so the louder you sang, the higher it rose, changing colour and heat with the mood of the crowd.”

Sounds like a really nice night at Camp Halfblood, right? I mean who wouldn’t want to sing “This Land is Mino’s Land”? (On a side-note: Uncle Rick if you read this, can I please have the lyrics for those songs? *lol* I’d love to read them!!!) Unfortunately not everything is as it seems, and Percy isn’t only plagued by strange dreams of his best friend wearing a bridal gown (Hey there Grover, you’re looking good! ;-P) but also by a few ancient monsters that apparently feel a need to attack his home.

But worry not! We all know that for every problem there is a solution and of course Annabeth already figured it out. I guess to have a daughter of Athena at your side really comes in handy sometimes. ;-) Especially if you’re a very practical and down-to-earth person like Percy.

”I’ll give you a hint. What do you get when you skin a ram?”

See, very practical indeed. *lol* Otherwise he probably would have never figured out that you don’t only get messy but also get a “Golden Fleece” as well. (Of course only if your sheep actually happens to be a golden sheep, but that’s another story for another day. ;-P) Anyway, moving on. Camp Halfblood is in trouble and the only thing that’s able to help them to restore their protective barrier is the Golden Fleece. So our favourite demi-gods do what they do best: They go on a dangerous quest! XD

”I thought about it. It did seem a little weird, but, I mean, doughnut shops weren’t really high on my list of sinister forces.”

I totally agree with you Percy, but what about the dangers of the sea? Sirens, hydras, a sinister sorceress, a woman with six dog heads or a sea monster that swallows entire ships? What about guinea pigs? Guess they all count as sinister forces. (Yes, even the guinea pigs! *lol*) Well, I’m pretty sure by now you all realized that Percy’s quest is rather adventurous and I admit it, even perilous. Our favourite hero wouldn’t be our favourite hero if he wouldn’t be able to circumnavigate all those lethal dangers though, (pun, totally intended! XD) and in the end …

Well, what did you expect? Did you really think I’d spoil you? *lol*
Nope, I won’t. You’ll have to find out for yourself. ;-P
I’ll only tell you as much: It was a fun ride once again and after that mean cliff-hanger I can’t wait to get a hold of the next book! =)

”Families are messy. Immortal families are eternally messy. Sometimes the best we can do is to remind each other that we’re related, for better or worse … and try to keep the maiming and killing to a minimum.” Childrens, Science Fiction Fantasy A guy in Greek armor drew his sword and charged, but slipped in a puddle of pina colada.

Really, who can not love a book with lines like that? I actually had the urge take this book in my hand with a strong grip and whirl it towards my head for waiting so long to read this series. I just kept putting it off for some reason or other. Luckily I came to my senses.

For the most part things have been pretty quiet this school year and Percy even makes a new friend named Tyson, a giant of a kid. Well, this is the Percy Jackson series and things don't stay quiet for long. Monsters come in and attack the gym during a game of dodgeball and chaos ensues, and Percy learns that something terribly wrong has happened. The tree that signifies Thalia's sacrifice has been poisoned and Camp Half-Blood is no longer safe.

Riordan has made quite a world here, but that's not the only thing you need to get a good story. Characters are SO important and he doesn't forget that. All of them are typically well drawn out. After finishing this one I feel like I know Percy and Annabeth a little better than I did before. We get to see some new characters, Tyson being my favorite and new powers and awesome mythological information. What really impresses me is that it can be funny, witty, informational, believable, smart, suspenseful at the same time without the reader losing the sense of adventure and how much heart all the characters have. What's so cool is that the action never seems to slow down, the action star in me is thoroughly satisfied. The ending is setup well for the next book, and just shows how tricky our villain is. I actually wish I could write a longer very concise and intelligent review about this book (maybe I couldn't accomplish that) but I don't want to give anything away, and really the book can stand on it's own without my help.

Most people have read them all by now so this message is for you stragglers who waited so long like myself: GO AND READ IT! I doubt you'll regret it.

Added later: Guess what? They decided to go ahead and make a movie based off the second book. The trailer looks promising guys! Childrens, Science Fiction Fantasy