50 Art Movements You Should Know: From Impressionism to Performance Art By Rosalind Ormiston
ik wilde dit boek graag lezen omdat de titel net een clickbait artikel is 50 ART MOVEMENTS YOU SHOULD KNOW, en net als een clickbait artikel is titel leuker dan het artikel zelf.
Het boek heeft weinig diepte en ook niet veel afbeeldingen per stroming (vaak maar 1), al zijn de afbeeldingen die er zijn wel mooi en duidelijk.
Wat wel goed aan dit boek is, is dat er zeker wel een paar boeiende stromingen genoemd worden en dat het een handige samenvatting is voor als je dit moet leren voor kunstgeschiedenis.
Alle belangrijke dingen worden namelijk genoemd en heel handig ook de jaartallen boven aan de bladzijde.
Verder is het voor de kunstliefhebber of kenner echt niet heel boeiend. Art Plenty of context and examples. I don't claim to understand contemporary art, but there definitely is something for everyone in modern art. Art Some interesting art movements and examples.
Wouldn't recommend for college artists links, not enough details but good introductions to some styles if not heard of Art Good intro. Covers the basics. Art i discovered my favorite art movements <3 Art
An interesting into into various art movements mostly from the mid 1800x thru 1980+. There is a single page per movement, a good reference if you want to get a short overview of the style. I liked the painting's prints of course, wish it had a bit more examples for the movements, not just a single picture... Art Rosalind Ormiston's book is an excellent introduction for anyone interested in the rapid evolution of art from 1850 thru 1950. It's a well-designed, well-written book using full color and half-tone reproductions of many breathtaking paintings, portraits, sketches and other artistic creations.
The book reinforces the fact that art like many other creations of human endeavor is constantly changing. If you were to depict the 50 movements the book explores as a series of bell curves, you would see some movements overlapping with their predecessors and successors, some peaking then declining rapidly, others continuing for years. Each movement has a life of its own; it's either reacting to contemporary culture by creating a wholly different style or it's reflecting the changes in contemporary culture or it's extending the life of a particular movement or it's commenting on major events like the world wars, periods of austerity, society's appetite for waste,etc.
The author selected many fine examples of art to illustrate the changes in movements. My favorite choices are Seurat's La Grande Jatte on the front cover, Crane's Neptune's Horses, Dali's Persistence of Memory, Lempicka's Bugatti, Chagall's The Promenade, Popova's Seated Figure, Riley's Movement in Squares and Williams' Hot Rod Race.
This review was written by Shawn Callon author of The Diplomatic Spy. Art A good place to start if you are interested in different art movements and some of the artists involved. Could have done we a few more pictures of the painting but a good introduction, enough to wet the appetite. Art A good primer/reference. Art Attractively bound and designed, 50 Art Movements is fun to flip through for the art aficionado who wants a little more context for the concept of Cubism or the aggressive offerings of the not-so-Young-anymore British Artists. The challenge for Ormiston is to distill 50 full-fledged (or at least semi-fledged) art movements with just one or, at most, two illustrations each. I reviewed this book for The Tangential. Art
The latest volume in this beautifully produced and affordable series introduces readers to the major developments in the history of modern art—from Realism to the New Leipzig School. The story of modern art begins with a revolution—when the realists started rejecting romanticism in favor of depicting life as it really was. Since that movement began in the mid- 19th century, painters have been rebelling, rethinking, deconstructing, and challenging notions of what art is. Filled with stunning reproductions of some of the world’s greatest masterpieces, this reference book offers a chronological journey through artistic revolutions. Each movement is presented in a series of informative presentations—a concise definition and description; full-page and smaller detailed color illustrations; and in-depth profiles of the artists crucial to the style’s development. Covering a wide range of movements both familiar and obscure, this accessible and informative volume is a perfect introduction for readers interested in art’s constantly evolving story. 50 Art Movements You Should Know: From Impressionism to Performance Art