101 Ways to Get a Life By Patricia Farrell
Have you ever dreamed how great your life will be when you finally finish school, . . . when you get married, . . .when you have kids, . . .when you get that promotion, . . . when you buy a bigger house, . . . when your kids are on their own, . . . when you retire? Do you find yourself thinking that you ll be happy when you attain this or are free from that? Is happiness always lurking somewhere over the horizon? If it seems that way, then this will be the most exciting book you have ever read. Here s why:
You don t have to wait until tomorrow! You can be HAPPY RIGHT NOW. . . no matter what s happening!
101 Ways to GET A LIFE contains a compendium of one-hundred-one values, presented in delightful bitesize snippets of wisdom that are easily digestible and have an immediate positive impact. You will marvel at the ease with which you can choose to live in peace and joy by incorporating these palatable morsels into your thinking. It s as easy as Change your thinking, change your life. Enjoy many personal stories sharing the author s journey from struggle and confusion to creation and clarity.
In 101 Ways to GET A LIFE, you will learn to recognize and prioritize your own values and beliefs leading to your fulfillment. You will discover how and why your life matters. You will know that you make a difference in everything that you do and with everyone that you meet. You will recognize your own personal passion that leads you to your path, your life s purpose, and to finding your own happiness . . . whatever that means to you. The choice is then yours to determine the actions every day that lead you to your immediate and your ultimate happiness. Happiness is yours for the choosing.
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