네가 감히 1 [Nega Gamhi 1] (How Dare You, #1) By Jamae Kanghee


*pretending this is the Dragons bride since they have the same author*

I'm sorry but this was trash. The plot and premise had so much potential but it just didn't deliver. Now, I dont know if it was because the translation was absolutely shit to the point where the characters names were changing every chapter and I had to focus so much to decipher what was going on or the absolute ridiculousness of everything.

From the very first chapter you can see how ridiculous this all is. You telling me that lucina's half brother robbed the tombs of the most powerful nation and he didn't expect any consequences? Seriously? It honestly would have been a better plot if the Dragon nation was going against Lucina's nation and they were at war with each other and while the King was fighting, he finds lucina and decides to save and marry her because she reminds him of the girl who saved him 10 years ago. Honestly would have liked this so much more and would have made so much more sense.

Then we get to the fact that lucina and haken, or whatever his name is, fall in love with each other in only 20 chapters? Like you've just met and all of a sudden youre kissing each other and confessing your love like what... so odd. The plot is also weird like I don't understand what the purpose is. Like is this only a romance because there was nothing else going on.

When I'm reading fantasy romance, there's always some underlying plot and politics at play because these types of manwhas cannot run on romance alone. They need more substance which is why there normally is always some political thing ongoing which keeps the reader hooked. Here there really wasn't much keeping me hooked and I finished the 39 available chapters just for the sake of finishing them. Its dissapointing because war would tied in so nicely and I get that it's too early to tell that there are no politics at play since there are only 39 chapters available but by this point there should have been at least some inkling of politics.

The only antagonist in the story is the former Queen and even she is not a great villain. Honestly her ploys are so easy to discover and it seems that they aren't only for the sake of pushing the plot forward even if it doesn't make any sense. I don't understand how haken can trust her when he knows that she wants him like it just doesn't make any sense.

Lucina also kinds of acts like a baby and I get that she has a lot of trauma but I thought it would have had the opposite effect on her. She instantly trusts haken and cries a lot of the times. Her past is also not very much talked about. Like what happened to her mother or to the baron, how was she treated so poorly, why was she considered ugly when she isn't and later on is recognised as a sexy beauty like none of this makes sense. Also we didn't get any information on the King of her nation when she was literally meant to marry him. We see no reaction of what happened after Haken destroyed lucina's home or what happened to her step mother and brother. So many things could have been added to make this so much more interesting and it was all honestly wasted.

It had so much potential and its just dissapointing seeing it not being reached. At least the art was nice ig. 네가 감히 1 [Nega Gamhi 1] (How Dare You, #1)

코시모 제국의 재계를 장악한 젊은 은행장 로렌스 디비치
어느 날, 그에게 빚 대신 던져진 혼혈소녀 라희.

“저를 하녀로 받아 주세요.”

그저 담보일 뿐이었다. 하지만…….
소녀는 숙녀가 되고, 얼어붙은 그의 심장에 균열이 일어나기 시작했다.

“계약은 신중했어야지. 애초에 네가 원했던 거야. 그러니 나를 원망하지 마. 내 눈에 보이는 것은 돈이 아니라 너다.”
“당신도 제가 빚을 갚기를 원하잖아요?”
“맞아. 갚기를 원해. 하지만 네 방식대로 말고 내 방식대로 갚아야지. 그것이 옳아.”

그녀를 잡아두기 위해서 그는 어떤 계략도 서슴지 않았다.
감히! 그녀가 벗어나는 것을 허락하지 않는다. 네가 감히 1 [Nega Gamhi 1] (How Dare You, #1)

Jamae Kanghee ✓ 4 Summary