美味しんぼ(8) (ビッグコミックス) (Japanese Edition) By Tetsu Kariya

This one had several longer stories, which were just as strong and well-paced as the shorter ones. My favorites were the ayu tempura (what a good “twist!” That the hometown river makes such a difference) and the one where the Chinese ambassador masqueraded as a cook (albeit with a strange diversion into a stereotype involving a henpecked Chinese husband?). Also enjoyed learning about butter peanuts! Why is that not a thing here?! 美味しんぼ(8) (ビッグコミックス) (Japanese Edition)

ある日、東西新聞社主・大原を外務大臣・星村が訪ねてきた。来日する中国の副首席を美食倶楽部で接待するために、協力して欲しいというのだ。大原から命令された山岡は、唐山陶人に美食倶楽部の主催・海原雄山を説得してもらう。だが、雄山は「政治家が接待に使う場所ではない」と、これを一蹴。困った山岡は「中国人の問題は中国人へ」と周懐徳へ相談するが…。 美味しんぼ(8) (ビッグコミックス) (Japanese Edition)

Review 美味しんぼ(8) (ビッグコミックス) (Japanese Edition)
