Zen Gardens and Temples of Kyoto: A Guide to Kyotos Most Important Sites By By John Dougill

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This Japan travel guide presents a journey into the true heart of the Kyoto experienceone which brings you deep into the world of Kyotos ancient Zen Buddhist culture.

This is the first comprehensive guide to Kyotos most important Zen garden and temple sites. Kyotos Zen heritage represents one of mankinds greatest achievementsrecognized by the large number which have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Millions of visitors travel to Kyoto yearly in search of their secrets, and here for the first time is a comprehensive overview of every major site.

Over 50 Japanese temples and gardensincluding all World Heritage Sitesare captured in sensitive photos by acclaimed Kyoto based photographer John Einarsen. A detailed introduction to each temple by local expert John Dougill includes information about special opportunities for visitors to the templessuch as early morning meditation sessions, temple food offerings and special green tea sets provided to enhance the contemplative experiencealong with other insider information that no other guide provides.

The foreword by Takafumi Kawakami, the deputy head priest of the respected Shunkoin Temple in Kyoto, serves to place the book in the context of eastern and western Buddhist thought and practice. His widely viewed TED Talk How mindfulness can help you to live in the present has been viewed by over 100,000 people. Zen Gardens and Temples of Kyoto: A Guide to Kyotos Most Important Sites

Das beste Buch über Geschichte etc. der Zen Klöster. Ein Muß für jeden Kyoto Liebhaber. Beachten: Es ist nur über die ZEN Klöster. Weder über Shingon Tempel noch über Jodo Shinshu noch über andere Richtungen des Buddhismus. Vielleicht ist es für den Neuling erstmal schwer zu verstehen, aber Buddhismus in Japan ist nicht mit Zen gleichzusetzen, das ist nur eine Richtung von vielen, Dennoch sind hier die wichtigen und durchweg großartigen Rinzai Haupttempel alle drin, und deshalb deckt das Buch eine ganze Reihe großartiger Sehenswürdigkeiten ab. Die Qualität ist herausragend, kein reiner Bildband, sondern durchaus mit fundiertem und der aktuellen Recherchelage entsprechender Beschreibung und Geschichte. Ich würde mir wünschen, daß der Autor genau so ein Werk über all die anderen Tempelgruppen schreibt ich würde es ihm aus der Hand reißen. English Même si on visite Kyoto que qqs jours , ce livre est une vraie encyclopédie des temples. Je m'étais procuré tous les guides classiques (Michelin, Lonely Planet, Larousse , National Geo etc etc et finalement celui ci est devenu mon livre de chevet. Bine écrit et conçu. English I have most books available on Japanese gardens. This one is an excellent summary of those in and around Kyoto. English Nice pictures and a good introduction to Kyoto. However this is far from a practical guidebook. English The coverage of gardens is, to my thinking (and experience) limited mainly to the most popular gardens. I would have like to see from temples in the mountains surrounding Kyoto, and the smaller gardens that are sometime in courtyard like spaces within temples. The format could have been bigger so photos could have been bigger. All told, however, a satisfying survey. English

A wonderful book. While some of the information about prices, etc is worth double checking before you visit, this is my favorite Kyoto guide. There are places in here I never would have found otherwise (which also meant most other tourists also missed them). A great read all on its own as well. English
