You Wouldnt Want To Be A Crusader!: A War Youd Rather Not Fight By Fiona MacDonald


Hilarious illustrations, captions, and sidebars lead the reader into the eleventh century when Christianity and Islam begin their battle in the Holy Land, only to leave the reader wondering if it's a war worth waging. Original. You Wouldnt Want To Be A Crusader!: A War Youd Rather Not Fight

Fiona MacDonald Ñ 1 REVIEW

Inaccurate information. I was pretty disappointed. I think the Crusaders are a bit complex and can't be written off so easily. It was a bad piece of reporting. English As a homeschool family, school is not limited to set hours or days; we have set material we do cover, and it is thorough, but we are always looking for additional material to bring parts of it alive at any time of day on any day of the week. The titles in the English My son used this book to help prepare for a presentation about life in the Medieval Ages. We love all books from this series. The kids like how they are written, I like the timeline pages & the volume of information. English As a homeschooling family, you can pick and choose what you read, especially for history and literature. We avoid secular publishers who have texts in the public schools This is really a sugar coated kids version, not a text the content is touching on aspects of the English This book is a little bit slower going than other You Wouldn't Want to books, but just as informative. It does a good job clarifying difficult vocabulary and the students always get a kick out of the pictures, which ultimately hooks them into reading the book. English

This is a great book for kids at an age that can understand a little about religion and places on the globe. Supported by well known a historian, it does a good job getting the point to an understandable level for the young ones.Recommended for school libraries. English 日本語では十字軍というのですが、Crusaderというのは、キリスト教の聖地奪還のための聖戦、という風に説明するのが普通です。では、よき行いであったかというと実態はそうでもなく……。という感じのことが、とてもわかりやすく説明されています。未だ、英語圏ではCrusaderが良い意味で使われていることがよくあるのですが、キリスト教の悪い面や、他の宗教の人たちからはどう見えるかということをよく考えた本です。 とはいえ、いつものこのシリーズですから、子ども向けの歴史のわかりやすい本で、準備するものはこれとこれと、途中にはこんなことがあって、という非常に具体的なことが書いてあります。 今回の主人公は1096年、フランスのとある騎士です。 English If you or your child needs help figuring out what the crusades are about this book is a great start. It works wonders in a fun way to overview a somewhat complicated period in our history. It is tastefully done. As a Catholic, it was important to me that this book not be English I bought this book because I thought that I could use it in the classroom but unfortunately it was not that type of book.It is of a silly type comic/picture book that is presented in simple format.It gives some explanations about the Crusades but nothing in depth. English