Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution By Michael J. Behe
Michael J. Behe É 2 Free download
If, like me, you loved Behe’s first two books, Darwin’s Black Box and The Edge of Evolution, you’ll love this one as well. If you hated them, well, you may want to stop by the drug store and get some extra antacid medicine before you start reading. If you have Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution I’m giving this book four stars because of one shortcoming that was unavoidable: It doesn’t include the author’s excellent, cogent responses to critical reviews of the book. The reviews were published in the journal Science and by leading evolutionary biologist Richard Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution I would very much like to meet Michael Behe. He writes in the kind of familiar, entertaining way that a friend would talk to you while at a restaurant. Yet he’s able to get across some pretty scientific material that way. Not a dry read. Energetic and engaging. Funny Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution Evolutionary biologists rightly observe how current stable organic systems thrive from moment to moment without any interference from an outside intelligent agent or supernatural interference, and easily conclude that it has always been so. Behe does not blindly accept Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution Update Mar 2, 2019: See my update below, now that I’ve finished the book. (Summary: this is THE BOOK you must read, whether you are a staunch supporter/believer of any type of Darwinian evolution, or of intelligent design. Breath taking, major issues that must be Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution
For the past 150 years, much of thought has been based on faith in Darwin's evolution; this book is a paradigm shift. Humanity has always recognized the intelligent design in life; it was only Darwin's ideas, 150 years ago, that made it possible to think that obvious intelligent design was not intelligent after all. It became accepted to believe that the obvious design was only an illusion created by random selection of the fittest to survive. Now, recent science in microbiology and genetics (unknown to Darwin) has been showing that Darwin's ideas of mutation and selection do not work. Behe says, Darwinian evolution proceeds mainly by damaging or breaking genes, which, counterintuitively, sometimes helps survival. In other words, the mechanism is powerfully devolutionary. It promotes the rapid loss of genetic information [Chap. 1, p. 37] Later, in discussing Darwin's finches, Behe writes, A surprising but compelling conclusion is that Darwin's mechanism has been wildly overrated it is incapable of producing much biological change at all. [Chap.6, p. 155] Behe writes for everyone, not only for scientists. He is easy to read, with touches of humor. But the middle part of the book is full of scientific information (not for the faint hearted :) ) However, this information is the support for his point: that evolution cannot explain the life we see. And yet, science writing continues to cite evolution everywhere albeit with no meaning, and no evidence of its working.In the Appendix, Behe takes the opportunity to describe reactions and results of his first book, written 20 years ago: Darwin's Black Box. There has been a great deal of Behe bashing among scientists for 20 years, but no refutation of his points. Although the point of this book seems to be that recent discoveries re DNA demolish Darwin, the real point of this book is at the end. Behe describes how we recognize the workings of a mind; he describes how the genomic code and the working of DNA evidences a mind. Even if you just read the beginning and the end of the book, and skip all the middle supporting scientific evidence, you will understand the message: Behe calls for recognition that, besides matter and energy, science must recognize mind. This is the beginning of a new world view. Ten stars for important work! Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution Baja calidad en impresión, y con una baja calidad en las hojas ya que son muy delgadas.Adicional a lo anterior, el ejemplar qué me llegó presenta ma chas de agua y humedad.Si te interesa el contenido del libro, recomiendo buscarlo con otra editorial o de manera digital. Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution Biochemist Dr. Behe is the recognized Father of Irreducible Complexity, defined in his 1996 book, Darwin's Black Box (pointing to an Intelligent Design er). This is essentially an insurmountable challenge to Darwinism Macro Evolution (simple to complex life by unguided Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution My sympathy goes to Behe, for taking up the task to explain how impossible it is for Darwinian Evolution to account for biochemistry (the basic spark of life!) and for life itself. I can certainly get a glimpse of the amount of research he does to stay up to date and to be Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution Most people in the West were schooled on Darwinism from high school biology texts showing pictures of Galapagos Finch beaks and the wing coloration of the peppered moth during the industrial revolution. The theory had a certain face validity suggesting that minor variations Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution
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