World War Two at Sea: The Last Battleships (Images of War) By Philip Kaplan

free download ó eBook, PDF or Kindle ePUB ¶ Philip Kaplan

On page 34 is a picture of SMS Konig, but it isn't the one at Scapa Flow and on page 93 is a picture of USS Mississippi, but it is the pre dreadnought one, not the WW2 one. And while being titled The Last Battleships wasted a chapter on the new capital ships, aircraft carriers. Kindle The books organization is disjointed. It jumps from topic to topic and from one time era to another in no organized manner. Very little actual detail on its title topic World War Two. Was expecting technical detail on the modern battleships. Kindle On two occasions my troopship sailed with the Missouri. It was certainly the dominant presence in our small “fleet”. Kindle Too much statistical data and not enough description. Photos, however, are worth the price of the book. Kindle Book was received as promised and was everything I expectedit IT was a while written and researched piece! Kindle


Great book for price Kindle For the price I was dissapointed in the size of the book. It's less than 1/2 thick although contains many interesting pictures and battleship history. I doubt I would purchase this book knowing what I now know. Kindle A great book for any fan of World War 2 battleships. Great photos and text. Would recommend this book to any naval or just history buff. Kindle Decent Book, thought it could have covered of the Active battleships during WW2 kind of rushed through the Iowas Kindle

The big gun battleship served as a symbol of the ultimate power of the worlds greatest navies beginning late in the nineteenth century and continuing into the Second World War. So historically important was this vessel that the arms race between Britain and Germany to build navies with larger, powerful battleships was among the key sources of tension between those nations in the lead up to the First World War.In this book, veteran battleship crew members describe their unforgettable experiences, including those of a young officer in a British battleship at Jutland; tales of the loss of the German warship Scharnhorst in the arctic off the North Cape; the combat experience inside a sixteen inch gun turret aboard an Iowa class battleship bombarding Iraq during the Gulf War, and the adventures of HMS Warspite in World War One, in the Mediterranean and on her way to the breakers yard in 1947. Included too is the story of the great German battleship Bismarck, which sank the pride of the British fleet, the story of HMS Hood, and that of the USS Missouri on whose deck the final surrender document of the Second World War was signed. The text is combined with a compelling selection of historic images representing the era of the great battleships from the early years through the First and Second World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and the preservation of a handful of these vessels as museum pieces today. World War Two at Sea: The Last Battleships (Images of War)