Why do Women love Bad Boys?: The Dark Secrets Revealed By Kathy Lee
Why Do Women Love Bad Boys? The Dark Secrets Revealed Has it happened to you? A woman rejected you only to go off with a complete jerk, or a woman left you for a terrible person? You may wonder what bad boys have that you do not. It just seems unfair, when you are so nice and bad boys are always winning the girls. This book is a complete exploration of the reasons that women love bad boys. These pages visit every reason that women choose bad boys over nice guys. From genetics to maternal instincts, women are drawn to bad boys and will usually pick bad boys over nice guys. But there is no need to despair. The solution to this problem is included in these pages, too. There are realistic tips for how to become more charming and more irresistible, without changing who you are. You do not need to become a bad boy to get women. You just need to become more confident. Then, you will offer twice as much as any bad boy. You offer niceness and fun, confidence, and bad-boy sexiness. What more could a woman want? Stop letting bad boys steal the show. You are better than any bad boy. Let this book show you how to rise above bad boys and enjoy good luck with women. Why do Women love Bad Boys?: The Dark Secrets Revealed