Who Is Esau-Edom? By Charles A. Weisman

Charles A. Weisman ✓ 9 REVIEW

This book traces the life and destiny of Esau and his descendants, the Edomites, to the present day, and their connection with Jewry versus that of Israel in the Bible. Who Is Esau-Edom?

it was written from a christian standpoint, white supremacist mindset, and a lack of biblical understanding of isrelites.

but used very interesting quotes and listed sources to make his points Who Is Esau-Edom? Stunning. The author laid out the current players in the world. White Christian Jacob and and mongrelized Jewish Edom. The scriptures have much more meaning when understanding the characters correctly. He used great examples from scripture, historical anecdotes, and left me hungry for more. The next age to come will be glorious without Esau. Who Is Esau-Edom? Detailed argument against the Semitic claim to being chosen. Who Is Esau-Edom?
