White Girls Blacked (Charlottes Little Teases Book 4) By C.J. Edwards

Charlotte Edwards' best interracial stories in one erotic anthology. Young and innocent white girls discover the horny pleasures of black men!

1. Blackmailed. College students Tessa and Jane get further and further into trouble in Barbados. Unwitting stars of a porno, they are persuaded to perform again. Little do they know that Tessa's Mum, Maggie is in a similar bind at the hands of her Mistress, Marcie.

2. White Sex Slaves. Privileged wife Hannah and her daughter Clare lived a life of luxury as rich Englishwomen in Africa. They were unaware of the constant eyes upon them. Jerome, their Kenyan manservant saw them only as chattels and he had a plan to get his hands on them, as well as making a healthy profit.

3.Blacking my Wife. Suzi the submissive wife had proven herself willing to do anything at her husband’s bidding for their mutual pleasure. She did, however, still have one hang up. Her sheltered countryside upbringing had made her nervous around black people That gave Damion the great idea of how to push her sexual boundaries next. His gorgeous wife was going to be blacked.

4. Taxi for Bethany. Pretty Bethany makes the cabbie an offer he can't refuse, but he wants a lot more than she has on offer!

5. Multiple Penetration. College girls Tessa and Jane have been blackmailed after a wild party in Barbados. At the completely mercy of the Boss and his cronies, they are led into one act of depravity after another. In this episode, they are offered to the club in a sex competition and, unbeknown to the girls, so is Tessa's mum.

6. Pimping the Neighbour's Wife. Penny, their delicious MILF neighbour was exactly where Scott and Jane wanted her. She was available to them whenever they wanted her, which was often. But Jane wanted more. She got off on the power she felt in controlling the other woman sexually and decided to step things up a bit. She was going to put her on the game.

7. Black Baby on Board. Barbadian stallion Erol and his bi-sexual partner Marcie turn up at housewife Maggie's home and continue where they left off. The house gradually fills with all the English roses Erol has impregnated; Maggie, her 19 year old daughter Tessa, her best friend Jane and Maggie's own lifetime friend, the well-bred stockbroker's wife, Anthea. What follows next redefines the definition of debauchery.

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Black heat

Hot on the dot! My husband thanks you. Great mood starter! I couldn't imagine being in the situation but umm Kindle Edition