When Food Is Love: Exploring the Relationship Between Eating and Intimacy By Geneen Roth

New York Times'ın en çok satan yazarı Women Food and God Hayat değiştiren bir kitap.—Oprah Bu hareketli ve samimi kitapta, Aç Kalbi Beslemek ve Kompulsif Yemekten Kurtulmak kitabının en çok satan yazarı Geneen Roth, diyet ve duygusal yemenin genellikle yakınlığın yerini nasıl aldığını gösteriyor. Kendi acı verici kişisel deneyimlerinden ve seminerlerinde yardım ettiklerinin samimi hikayelerinden yararlanan Roth, duygusal yemeyi çevreleyen önemli konuları inceliyor: kontrol ihtiyacı, melodrama bağımlılık, yasak olana duyulan arzu, ve yanlış bir hareketin felaket anlamına gelebileceği inancı. Birçok insanın duygusal açlıklarını tatmin etmek için neden fazla yemek yediğini ve neden kilo kaybının sıklıkla yeni bir dizi sorunu ortaya çıkardığını gösteriyor. Ama hoş geldin mesajı, değişimin mümkün olduğudur. Bu kitap, okuyucuların yıkıcı, kendi kendini devam ettiren kalıpları kırmalarına ve bizi insan yapan tüm açlıkları (fiziksel ve duygusal) tatmin etmeyi öğrenmelerine yardımcı olacak. When Food Is Love: Exploring the Relationship Between Eating and Intimacy

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Book arrived very quickly, in excellent condition. When Food Is Love: Exploring the Relationship Between Eating and Intimacy Geneen Roth is an absolute genius. Her writings are the reason I have finally been able to break free from emotional, over eating binges. She deserves all the praise for what she has poured into her books. Thank you Geneen. You are a rare and wonderful mind! When Food Is Love: Exploring the Relationship Between Eating and Intimacy This is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in the complex relationship between compulsive eating and intimacy. It is written in a way that is personal and relatable at the same time. When Food Is Love: Exploring the Relationship Between Eating and Intimacy J'avais l'impression qu'elle me décrivait! Je ne comprends pas ma relation avec la nourriture, je sais qu'elle me détruit mais je n'arrive pas à m'arrêter, je manger pour me punir des fois de mes échecs, je mange parce que j'ai peur, parce que je suis triste, parce que je suis déçue. Rares sont les moments où je me contrôle et plus d'une fois où je balance en air tout mes efforts faits pour perdre du poids. Ce livre m'a énormément touché, l'auteur est si profonde dans sa description de ce que c'est un emotional eater, ses comportements, ses réactions, sa façon de penser et de vivre en général. Elle parle du vécu d'autres personnes de ses workshops. Il n'ya pas de consignes dans ce livre, il est plutôt fait comme un roman, mais c'est impressionnant comment j'ai pu arrêter de me torturer avec la nourriture et de finalement poser un trait sur ce qui est bon pour moi et mauvais uniquement avec ce que l'auteur racontait.Je le recommande à toute personne qui reproche à la nourriture tout ce qui tourne mal dans sa vie, à toute celle qui pense que le fait de perdre du poids pourrait la rendre heureuse When Food Is Love: Exploring the Relationship Between Eating and Intimacy Intuitive eating is nothing new to me. I have read many books on the subject and had a great many successes in weight loss, with eating when I was hungry and stopping when I felt full. But the weight I lost never stayed off. And it was only until I read this amazing book that I realised why. My weight had nothing to do with me not being able to listen to my body. My weight wasn't even about me being a lazy fat ass (cos that's what I found myself calling myself almost every day). I wasn't an anomaly the one person in the world who was just destined to stay 2 stone overweight. My weight and my relationship with food was a necessary crutch I needed in order to make it through my life. Food covered the pain of my childhood. A pain I imagined to be so bad, I thought looking at it would kill me (well I was wrong about that!).This book is not about what to eat. Or when to eat. It''s about looking at your pain and being brave and learning that the food and weight thing is a cover story to a deeper issue. And if you look at what the real issues are, the issues from childhood that we are all trying to run from, not only will your relationship with food get better and your weight will decrease, you will reconcile with parts of yourself you never thought you'd be friends with. This book has changed and saved my life. In so many ways.. I know that while I'm losing weight, it's not about getting to a certain size. I now see my body size as an indicator to determine how I'm dealing with my inner issues. This book made me realise that I get to decide who I want to be. I can't express how amazing it is. When you read this book and if you are willing to do the work on yourself, you will forever change your dependency on food. It will not control you any. You will be free. Every time I feel like I'm going to binge, I know it is a sign of inner pain. And I sit with that pain and I allow myself to feel it. I would have never done that before. And the experience of feeling ALL my emotions is incredibly empowering. Food is covering pain that I gave so much power to. And now I see that while it's uncomfortable, it's not nearly as difficult to deal with as I imagined! When Food Is Love: Exploring the Relationship Between Eating and Intimacy